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gcc 4 puppy && install puppy on vmware


gcc 4 puppy && install puppy on vmware


1/  install gcc for puppy







 This is the main guy. Puppy version 4.3 live-CD, with kernel, heaps of drivers and applications.

 SFS files are "application combo packs". This one provides everything you need to turn Puppy into a complete C/C++/Vala/Genie compiling environment.


the full mode intall is simply

just mount the sfs file , auto mount while db click on it


and cp all file to  "/"

cp -a /mnt/*devx_400.sfs/* /


more info : http://puppy.cnbits.com/node/161




2/install puppy on vmware


tip : puppy is not support SCSI , so we should create a IDE disk . this is important while VMware default disk type is SCSI .



more detail info :





3/ install vmtool


for mouse free ,not include hgfs



Getting VMware Tools installed took some figuring out and searching in various forums. Specific thanks to the posts by Chronis and jonglee25 in the Puppy Linux forum.

Therefore please find a -- brief -- howto below.
Hope that it may help others.


1. Get the VMWare Tools CD image available by going to the VM Menu and choosing Install VMware Tools
2. mount the CD image with "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom"
3. extract tarball to home directory with "tar -xzf /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-1.0.1-29996.tar.gz", unmount the cdrom with "umount /mnt/cdrom"
4. enter the directory with "cd vmware-tools-distrib/"
5. make some relevant directories:
mkdir /etc/rc0.d
mkdir /etc/rc1.d
mkdir /etc/rc2.d
mkdir /etc/rc3.d
mkdir /etc/rc4.d
mkdir /etc/rc5.d
mkdir /etc/rc6.d
mkdir /etc/init.d
mkdir /etc/pam.d

6. execute the install script with "./vmware-install.pl"
accept default [/usr/bin]
accept default [/etc]
accept default [/etc/init.d]
accept default [/usr/sbin]
accept default [/usr/lib/vmware-tools]
accept creation of directories [yes]
accept default [/usr/share/doc/vmware-tools]
accept creation of directories [yes]
accept running configuration script now [yes]

answer "no" when asked if there is a C compiler installed, unless you have already installed the C compiler program and required files.
Answering no produces a warning that the vmhgfs module, for sharing folders on the virtual machine, will not be installed. Press [Enter] to continue. It also produces a warning that the vmxnet module, for fast network interface, will not be installed. Press [Enter] to continue. Network operations all still function.

answer "/usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules" when asked for the location of the directory which contains your XOrg modules.

choose your screen resolution and the script is finished.

7. run "xwin" or reboot the system to enjoy your new mouse freedom, it is safe to delete /root/vmware-tools-distrib with "rm -rf /root/vmware-tools-distrib"

The configuration of the tools can be changed at any time with "vmware-config-tools.pl" at any prompt. The toolbox can be invoked with "vmware-toolbox" at any prompt. If the XOrg screen resolution is changed while XOrg is running it may require restarting X to effect the change.





4/ root password




while connet ftpd server ,we may need this account .

the ftpd need started manually ,

