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html table float,html - Table layout and float left and bootstrap grid - Stack Overflow


I have researched for this question, but did't get the satisfying answer. I am using bootstrap's grid layout.

Please look at the Fiddle here and resize the output window - while resizing you may have noticed that when widow size large enough to add col-sm- classes, my table layout breaks.

What I want is height of both column should be same when they are next to each other (height of largest element), and when they are top/bottom to each other, they should take their own height (which is working now).


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.architect-table {

display: table;

width: 100%;


.row {

display: table-row;


.cell {

display: table-cell;

min-height: 44px;

border: 1px solid black;


However I know, if I remove float: left style, everything will work fine. But I can't as I want a bootstrap's grid layout. Any help would be appreciated.
