You are given an integer nn.
Let's define s(n)s(n) as the string "BAN" concatenated nn times. For example, s(1)s(1) = "BAN", s(3)s(3) = "BANBANBAN". Note that the length of the string s(n)s(n) is equal to 3n3n.
Consider s(n)s(n). You can perform the following operation on s(n)s(n) any number of times (possibly zero):
You want the string "BAN" to not appear in s(n)s(n) as a subsequence. What's the smallest number of operations you have to do to achieve this? Also, find one such shortest sequence of operations.
A string aa is a subsequence of a string bb if aa can be obtained from bb by deletion of several (possibly, zero or all) characters.
The input consists of multiple test cases. The first line contains a single integer tt (1≤t≤100)(1≤t≤100) — the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows.
The only line of each test case contains a single integer nn (1≤n≤100)(1≤n≤100).
For each test case, in the first line output mm (0≤m≤1050≤m≤105) — the minimum number of operations required. It's guaranteed that the objective is always achievable in at most 105105 operations under the constraints of the problem.
Then, output mm lines. The kk-th of these lines should contain two integers ikik, jkjk (1≤ik,jk≤3n,ik≠jk)(1≤ik,jk≤3n,ik≠jk) denoting that you want to swap characters at indices ikik and jkjk at the kk-th operation.
After all mm operations, "BAN" must not appear in s(n)s(n) as a subsequence.
If there are multiple possible answers, output any.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define endl '\n'
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
const int maxn = 1e3 + 10;
const int INF = 0x3fffffff;
int n;
int main()
cout << fixed;
int t;
cin >> t;
cin >> n;
if(n == 1)
cout << "1\n1 2\n";
int cnt = n / 2 + (n & 1);
cout << cnt << endl;
int l = 1, r = n * 3;
for (int i = 1; i <= n / 2; i++)
if(i != 1)
cout << " ";
cout << l << " " << r;
l += 3;
r -= 3;
if (n & 1)
cout << " " << l << " " << r;
cout << endl;
return 0;