Japan was successful in getting a key(主要的) UN(联合国) panel(专门小组) to approve(通过) a timetable(时间表) for a global(全球的) nuclear test(核试验) ban(禁令) and move towards a treaty(协议) banning the production of missile(导弹) materials.
The resolution(决定), co-sponsored(联合发起) by Australia, was adopted(被采用的) by a vote(投票) of 144-1 with 12 abstentions(弃权) on Wednesday (local time)(当地时间) by the General Assembly's disarmament committee(裁军委员会), which includes(包括) all UN members, thereby(因此) ensuring(确保) final formal passage(正式通过) by the assembly later this year.
The sole(唯一的) "no" vote(否决票) was from India.