jetgroovy 1.1 预览版本出来了
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Hello All,
a preview of the new version of JetGroovy plugin is available at
A summary of new features:
-Improved resolve and completion in GSP: now JetGroovy knows about implicit variables like params, application and such.(Gsp开始认知隐含变量 如果 params,application 等等)
-Javascript editing is supported in GSP (dependant on JavaScript plugin availability)(可以在GSP中编辑js了)
-Grails facet is detected automatically, for example when importing an exisiting grails application.(grails 自动识别到导入一个存在的grails应用,在先前的版本中,如果导入Eclipse的工程,不能认识这是一个grails程序,所以,右键中没有 Create Domain等)
-Annotations PSI is implemented, as a result JUnit4/TestNG tests can be run from IDEA
-Property files support is extended to understand references from groovy files(属性文件支持)
-Extract method refactoring
-Inline method refactoring
-Inspection to flag unused assignment
-Inspection to flag possibly uninitialized variable access
-Rename now correctly insert parameter declaration for renaming closure's implicit 'it' parameter
-Surround with closure now preserves code semantics inserting 'owner' qualification when needed