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radxa wifi


Before start
The Radxa Rock provides various ways to connect, wired and wireless. The full version has wifi and bluetooth on board, and lite version has wifi only. Both module are connect to the cpu via the USB interface.

Using wireless under Android
The wifi and bluetooth(if has) works out of the box, check out in the Setting to configure it.

Using wireless under Linux
The model number of the module on RR and RR lite is RTL8723AU on RR full version and RTL8188ETV on lite version. You can see the id of the module with the following command on RR:

sudo apt-get install usbutils
For RR full version the output is

root@radxa:~# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 05e3:0608 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB-2.0 4-Port HUB
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:0724 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
on lite version, the output is:

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 05e3:0608 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB-2.0 4-Port HUB
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:0179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
The 0bda:0724 is the id of rtl8723 modlue, the 0bda:0179 is the id of rtl8188etv module.

Go to Start menu -> Perference -> Network Connections -> wifi, choose the wifi network you want to join and click edit -> wifi security, input the wifi password and save. Then click the right corner to join your wifi network.
Manually connect with Network Manager
You can use nmcli (Network Manager Command Line Interface) to configure your network interfaces.

List wireless networks

nmcli dev wifi list

‘MY-ACCESS-POINT’ 12:34:56:78:90:AB Infrastructure 2412 MHz 44 MB/s 100 WPA WPA2 yes
‘OTHER-ACCESS-POINT’ 34:12:78:56:AB:90 Infrastructure 2416 MHz 54 MB/s 70 WPA WPA2 yes
Connect to your wireless network

nmcli dev wifi connect MY-ACCESS-POINT password MY-PASSWORD

List network devices

nmcli device

wlan1 802-11-wireless connected
eth0 802-3-ethernet unavailable
List saved networks

nmcli connection

MY-ACESS-POINT a2301195-5c6a-4000-adc5-dd388a58822e 802-11-wireless Tue 15 Apr 2014 10:30:30 PM UTC
OTHER-ACCESS-POINT 83202209-1328-4e85-b7fa-e8c4a902e9ef 802-11-wireless never
Wired connection 1 413fdf5a-27bf-4f88-93c5-a4da394e20ce 802-3-ethernet Tue 15 Apr 2014 10:10:33 PM UTC
Auto Ethernet e96a5543-1235-4497-9e10-b431f588a94d 802-3-ethernet Fri 14 Mar 2014 11:36:21 AM UTC
Manually config to connect wireless router
To use RR(lite) to connect to your wireless router, you need to do the following:

sudo apt-get install wireless-tools
sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
If you are unable to bringup wlan0, mean drivers are not installed. Follow this step to add driver. Assumes you have net connection thru ethernet, else download and move

sudo mkdir -p /lib/modules && cd /lib/modules
sudo wget http://dl.radxa.com/rock/images/ubuntu/partitions/modules_3.0.36+_14-04-12.tar.gz
sudo tar zxvf modules_3.0.36+_14-04-12.tar.gz
sudo rm modules_3.0.36+_14-04-12.tar.gz
sudo modprobe 8723au
now you should see wlan0 by ifconfig

Now you can view is the wifi module works by scanning the AP nearby

iwlist wlan0 scan
For the new wifi driver, iwlist will report wlan0 Interface doesn’t support scanning. you need to use the new tool iw instead

iw dev wlan0 scan
edit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

ssid=”your ssid name”
psk=”your wireless password”
and then run

wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
to connect to the wireless router.

run the following to get an IP from the router.

dhclient wlan0
If you want to set the RR to connect to the wireless router automatically every time it boot up. Add the following to the /etc/network/interfaces

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
AP mode(RR as the wireless router)
Easily Make Your Own HostAP(8723au)
first ,ensure your network function well on board

to get the hostap package(8723au) 8723au_hostapd_linux.tar.gz.

tar zxf rock_pro_8723au_hostapd_linux.tar.gz
cd rock_pro_8723au_hostapd_linux
make install
Easily Make Your Own HostAP(8188eu)
In the same way,to get the hostap package(8188eu) 8188eu_hostapd_linux.tar.gz.

tar zxf 8188eu_hostapd_linux.tar.gz
cd 8188eu_hostapd_linux
make install
You can also configure wifi as AP mode manually, please refer AP mode manually.

to get the driver:

git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8723au_bt
To compile the driver, you need to have compiled your own Kernel like described in

Then on your Linux host computer you will find a directory “/lib/modules/3.0.36+/” containing a “kernel” directory and two symbolic links called “build” and “source” to your Rockchip kernel source directory (originally called “rockchip-3.0”) wherever you downloaded it to. This is the prerequisite for compiling rockchip modules.

Then change into the bluetooth driver directory rtl8723au_bt and edit the textfile called “Makefile”. My “Makefile” now looks like this, I marked the changes bold:

FW_DIR := /lib/firmware/rtk_bt
MDL_DIR := /lib/modules/3.0.36+
DRV_DIR := $(MDL_DIR)/kernel/drivers/bluetooth


    obj-m := rtk_btusb.o

PWD := $(shell pwd)
KVER := “3.0.36+”
KDIR := /lib/modules/3.0.36+/build

(MAKE)C ( M A K E ) − C (KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules

rm -rf .o .mod.c .mod.o .ko .symvers .order *.a

mkdir -p (FW_DIR)  
      cp -f rlt8723a_chip_b_cut_bt40_fw_asic_rom_patch-svn8511-0x0020342E-20121105-LINUX_USB.bin
(FW_DIR)        cp -f rlt8723a_chip_b_cut_bt40_fw_asic_rom_patch-svn8511-0x0020342E-20121105-LINUX_USB.bin
cp -f rtk_btusb.ko (DRV_DIR)/rtk_btusb.ko  
      #depmod -a
(DRV_DIR)/rtk_btusb.ko        #depmod -a
#echo “install rtk_btusb success!

rm -f (DRVDIR)/rtkbtusb.kodepmoda ( D R V D I R ) / r t k b t u s b . k o d e p m o d − a (MDL_DIR)
rm -f $(FW_DIR)/rtk8723a.bin
echo “uninstall rtk_btusb success!”

Then do

export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
sudo make install
After that copy the following files from the host system into the same folder on Radxa Rock:

Last on Radxa Rock system change into the folder

and enter the command

sudo insmod rtk_btusb.ko
Now “hcitool dev” recognizes the adapter (hci0) and “hcitool scan” finds remote bluetooth devices. But I could not get any device to pair. Any ideas appreciated.

Alex letux@arcor.de



