A lot of ECMAScript 6 focused on improving the utility of objects. The focus makes sense given that nearly every value in JavaScript is represented by some type of object. Additionally, the number of objects used in an average JavaScript program continues to increase, meaning that developers are writing more objects all the time. With more objects comes the necessity to use them more effectively.
ECMAScript 6 improves objects in a number of ways, from simple syntax to new ways of manipulating and interacting with objects.
The ECMAScript 6 specification introduced some new terminology to help distinguish between categories of objects. JavaScript has long been littered with a mix of terminology used to describe objects found in the standard as opposed to those that are added by execution environments such as the browser. ECMAScript 6 takes the time to clearly define each category of object, and it’s important to understand this terminology to have a good understanding of the language as a whole. The object categories are:
ECMAScript6规范引入了一些新的术语来分辨categories和objects。长久以来,javascript对于描述标准中的对象和描述浏览器等执行环境中增加的对象的术语一直模糊不清。ECMAScript 6花时间清楚的定义了每一个类别的对象,理解这个术语对于理解整个语言都很重要。对象的类别有:
- Ordinary objects are objects that have all of the default internal behaviors for objects in JavaScript.
- 普通对象-是指那些拥有javascript所有内部默认行为的对象。
- Exotic objects are objects whose internal behavior is different than the default in some way.
- 异常对象-是指那些内部行为与默认行为在某些方面不相同的对象
- Standard objects are objects defined by ECMAScript 6, such as
, etc. Standard objects may be ordinary or exotic. - 标准对象 - ECMAScript中定义的对象,例如Array、Date、等等。标准对象可能是普通对象也可能是异常对象。
- Built-in objects are objects that are present in a JavaScript execution environment when a script begins to execute. All standard objects are built-in objects.
- 内置对象-当脚本开始执行,对象的父亲在javascript执行环境中。所有的标准对象都是内置对象。
These terms are used throughout the book to explain the various objects defined by ECMAScript 6.
One of the most popular patterns in JavaScript is the object literal. It’s the syntax upon which JSON is built and can be seen in nearly every JavaScript file on the Internet. The reason for the popularity is clear: a succinct syntax for creating objects that otherwise would take several lines of code to accomplish. ECMAScript 6 recognized the popularity of the object literal and extends the syntax in several ways to make object literals more powerful and even more succinct.
In ECMAScript 5 and earlier, object literals were simply collections of name-value pairs. That meant there could be some duplication when property values are being initialized. For example:
在ECMAScript5 和 之前的版本中,对象字面量只是键-值对的集合。这意味着,在属性初始化的时候可能会存在一些重复工作。例如:
function createPerson(name, age) {
return {
name: name,
age: age
The createPerson()
function creates an object whose property names are the same as the function parameter names. The result is what appears to be duplication of name
and age
even though each represents a different aspect of the process.
In ECMAScript 6, you can eliminate the duplication that exists around property names and local variables by using the property initializer shorthand. When the property name is going to be the same as the local variable name, you can simply include the name without a colon and value. For example, createPerson()
can be rewritten as follows:
function createPerson(name, age) {
return {
When a property in an object literal only has a name and no value, the JavaScript engine looks into the surrounding scope for a variable of the same name. If found, that value is assigned to the same name on the object literal. So in this example, the object literal property name
is assigned the value of the local variable name
The purpose of this extension is to make object literal initialization even more succinct than it already was. Assigning a property with the same name as a local variable is a very common pattern in JavaScript and so this extension is a welcome addition.
ECMAScript 6 also improves syntax for assigning methods to object literals. In ECMAScript 5 and earlier, you must specify a name and then the full function definition to add a method to an object. For example:
var person = {
name: "Nicholas",
sayName: function() {
In ECMAScript 6, the syntax is made more succinct by eliminating the colon and the function
keyword. You can then rewrite the previous example as:
var person = {
name: "Nicholas",
sayName() {
This shorthand syntax creates a method on the person
object just as the previous example did. There is no difference aside from saving you some keystrokes, so sayName()
is assigned an anonymous function expression and has all of the same characteristics as the function defined in the previous example.
The name
property of a method created using this shorthand is the name used before the parentheses. In the previous example, the name
property for person.sayName()
is "sayName"
JavaScript objects have long had computed property names through the use of square brackets instead of dot notation. The square brackets allow you to specify property names using variables and string literals that may contain characters that would be a syntax error if used in an identifier. For example:
var person = {},
lastName = "last name";
person["first name"] = "Nicholas";
person[lastName] = "Zakas";
console.log(person["first name"]); // "Nicholas"
console.log(person[lastName]); // "Zakas"
Both of the property names in this example have a space, making it impossible to reference those names using dot notation. However, bracket notation allows any string value to be used as a property name.
In ECMAScript 5, you could use string literals as property names in object literals, such as:
var person = {
"first name": "Nicholas"
console.log(person["first name"]); // "Nicholas"
If you could provide the string literal inside of the object literal property definition then you were all set. If, however, the property name was contained in a variable or had to be calculated, then there was no way to define that property using an object literal.
ECMAScript 6 adds computed property names to object literal syntax by using the same square bracket notation that has been used to reference computed property names in object instances. For example:
var lastName = "last name";
var person = {
"first name": "Nicholas",
[lastName]: "Zakas"
console.log(person["first name"]); // "Nicholas"
console.log(person[lastName]); // "Zakas"
The square brackets inside of the object literal indicate that the property name is computed, so its contents are evaluated as a string. That means you can also include expressions such as:
var suffix = " name";
var person = {
["first" + suffix]: "Nicholas",
["last" + suffix]: "Zakas"
console.log(person["first name"]); // "Nicholas"
console.log(person["last name"]); // "Zakas"
Anything you would put inside of square brackets while using bracket notation on object instances will also work for computed property names inside of object literals.
One of the most popular patterns for object composition is mixins, in which one object receives properties and methods from another object. Many JavaScript libraries have a mixin method similar to this:
function mixin(receiver, supplier) {
Object.keys(supplier).forEach(function(key) {
receiver[key] = supplier[key];
return receiver;
The mixin()
function iterates over the own properties of supplier
and copies them onto receiver
. This allows the receiver
to gain new behaviors without inheritance. For example:
function EventTarget() { /*...*/ }
EventTarget.prototype = {
constructor: EventTarget,
emit: function() { /*...*/ },
on: function() { /*...*/ }
var myObject = {};
mixin(myObject, EventTarget.prototype);
In this example, myObject
receives behavior from EventTarget.prototype
. This gives myObject
the ability to publish events and let others subscribe to them using emit()
and on()
, respectively.
This pattern became popular enough that ECMAScript 6 added Object.assign()
, which behaves the same way. The difference in name is to reflect the actual operation that occurs. Since the mixin()
method uses the assignment operator (=
), it cannot copy accessor properties to the receiver as accessor properties. The name Object.assign()
was chosen to reflect this distinction.
Similar methods in various libraries may have other names. Some popular alternate names for the same basic functionality are extend()
and mix()
. There was also, briefly, an Object.mixin()
method in ECMAScript 6 in addition to Object.assign()
. The primary difference was that Object.mixin()
also copied over accessor properties, but the method was removed due to concerns over the use of super
(discussed later in this chapter).
You can use Object.assign()
anywhere the mixin()
function would have been used:
function EventTarget() { /*...*/ }
EventTarget.prototype = {
constructor: EventTarget,
emit: function() { /*...*/ },
on: function() { /*...*/ }
var myObject = {}
Object.assign(myObject, EventTarget.prototype);
The Object.assign()
method accepts any number of suppliers, and the receiver receives the properties in the order in which the suppliers are specified. That means the second supplier might overwrite a value from the first supplier on the receiver. For example:
var receiver = {};
Object.assign(receiver, {
type: "js",
name: "file.js"
}, {
type: "css"
console.log(receiver.type); // "css"
console.log(receiver.name); // "file.js"
The value of receiver.type
is "css"
because the second supplier overwrote the value of the first.
The Object.assign()
method isn’t a big addition to ECMAScript 6, but it does formalize a common function that is found in many JavaScript libraries.
At it’s simplest, super
acts as a pointer to the current object’s prototype, effectively acting like Object.getPrototypeOf(this)
. So you can simplify the getGreeting()
method by rewriting it as:
let friend = {
__proto__: person,
getGreeting() {
// same as Object.getPrototypeOf(this).getGreeting.call(this)
// or this.__proto__.getGreeting.call(this)
return super.getGreeting() + ", hi!";
The call to super.getGreeting()
is the same as Object.getPrototypeOf(this).getGreeting.call(this)
or this.__proto__.getGreeting.call(this)
. Similarly, you can call any method on an object’s prototype by using a super
If you’re calling a prototype method with the exact same name, then you can also call super
as a function, for example:
let friend = {
__proto__: person,
getGreeting() {
// same as Object.getPrototypeOf(this).getGreeting.call(this)
// or this.__proto__.getGreeting.call(this)
// or super.getGreeting()
return super() + ", hi!";
Calling super
in this manner tells the JavaScript engine that you want to use the prototype method with the same name as the current method. So super()
actually does a lookup using the containing function’s name
property (discussed in Chapter 2) to find the correct method.
references can only be used inside of functions and cannot be used in the global scope. Attempting to use super
in the global scope results in a syntax error.
2.10 方法
Prior to ECMAScript 6, there was no formal definition of a “method” - methods were just object properties that contained functions instead of data. ECMAScript 6 formally defines a method as a function that has an internal [[HomeObject]]
property containing the object to which the method belongs. Consider the following:
let person = {
// method
getGreeting() {
return "Hello";
// not a method
function shareGreeting() {
return "Hi!";
This example defines person
with a single method called getGreeting()
. The [[HomeObject]]
for getGreeting()
is person
by virtue of assigning the function directly to an object. The shareGreeting()
function, on the other hand, has no [[HomeObject]]
specified because it wasn’t assigned to an object when it was created. In most cases this difference isn’t important, but it becomes very important when using super
这个例子定义了person只有一个getGreeting方法。getGreeting的[[HomeObjexct]] 属性是person直接分配给对象的函数。另一方面,shareGreeting函数没有[[HomeObject]]属性,因为它创建的时候没有分配给对象,在大多数情况下,这些区别不是太重要,当使用super的时候就变得很重要了。
Any reference to super
uses the [[HomeObject]]
to determine what to do. The first step is to call Object.getPrototypeOf()
on the [[HomeObject]]
to retrieve a reference to the prototype. Then, the prototype is searched for a function with the same name as the executing function. Last, the this
-binding is set and the method is called. If a function has no [[HomeObject]]
, or has a different one than expected, then this process won’t work. For example:
let person = {
getGreeting() {
return "Hello";
// prototype is person
let friend = {
__proto__: person,
getGreeting() {
return super() + ", hi!";
function getGlobalGreeting() {
return super.getGreeting() + ", yo!";
console.log(friend.getGreeting()); // "Hello, hi!"
getGlobalGreeting(); // throws error
Calling friend.getGreeting()
returns a string while calling getGlobalGreeting()
throws an error for improper use of super
. Since the getGlobalGreeting()
function has no [[HomeObject]]
, it’s not possible to perform a lookup. Interestingly, the situation doesn’t change if getGlobalGreeting()
is later assigned as a method on friend
调用 friend.getGreeting()返回一个zifuchuan而调用getGlobalGreeting则是抛出了一个错误因为对super不正确的使用。因为getGlobalGreeting函数美哦与[[HomeObject]],不能执行查找。如果getGlobalGreeting在之后赋给friend作为一个方法,这种情况也不会改变。
// prototype is person
let friend = {
__proto__: person,
getGreeting() {
return super() + ", hi!";
function getGlobalGreeting() {
return super.getGreeting() + ", yo!";
console.log(friend.getGreeting()); // "Hello, hi!"
// assign getGreeting to the global function
friend.getGreeting = getGlobalGreeting;
friend.getGreeting(); // throws error
Here the global getGlobalGreeting()
function is used to overwrite the previously-defined getGreeting()
method on friend
. Calling friend.getGreeting()
at that point results in an error as well. The value of [[HomeObject]]
is only set when the function is first created, so even assigning onto an object doesn’t fix the problem.