- Igraph | 统计之都 (中国统计学门户网站,免费统计学服务平台)
- ChenYibo: 社会网络分析:探索人人网好友推荐系统 | 统计之都 (中国统计学门户网站,免费统计学服务平台)
- RPubs - Natural Language Analysis
- iGraph——图挖掘助力社会网络分析-图灵社区
- R语言的igraph画社交关系图示例
- 数据可视化 | Coursera
- 用R语言进行数据可视化的综合指南(一)
- 用R语言进行数据可视化的综合指南(二)
- network-biology-study-group/07-mn-measures-and-metrics-ii at master · khughitt/network-biology-study-group
- 台灣地區部落格空間之聚合次團體探索分析
- Introduction to soical network methods: Chapter 11: Cliques and sub-groups
- Defining and identifying cograph communities in complex networks - IOPscience
- 社会网络分析指针及其意义_WalkerChu_新浪博客
- CRAN Task View: gRaphical Models in R (图相关的包)
- CRAN Task View: Optimization and Mathematical Programming
- Is Rgraphviz no longer available for R? - Stack Overflow
- Bioconductor - graph
- R语言-数据导出_百度经验 (write.table (f,file ="f.csv", sep =",") )
- igraph R manual pages|subgraph
- r - generating a community graph in igraph - Stack Overflow
- Rcpp · Advanced R. | High performance functions with Rcpp
- R语言跨界调用C++ | 粉丝日志
- Three ways to call C/C++ from R | R-bloggers
- Series: Using R « Working With Data
- Using R — Calling C Code ‘Hello World!’ | Working With Data
- 关系网络SNA与知识图谱 - 素质云笔记/Recorder... - CSDN博客
- R语言︱SNA-社会关系网络 R语言实现专题(基础篇)(一)
- R语言︱SNA-社会关系网络—igraph包(中心度、中心势)(二)
- R语言︱SNA-社会关系网络—igraph包(社群划分、画图)(三)
- 用GA算法设计22个地点之间最短旅程-R语言实现
- R语言︱贝叶斯网络语言实现及与朴素贝叶斯区别(笔记)
- 关系网络理论︱细讲中介中心性(Betweeness Centrality)
- 笔记︱基于网络节点的node2vec、论文、算法python实现
- r - What are the differences between community detection algorithms in igraph? - Stack Overflow
- R: rename community structure detection functions · Issue #692 · igraph/igraph (列举了igraph实现的社团算法)
- Functions to deal with the result of network community detection | igraph R manual pages (处理社区发现结果的函数)
- Communities in igraph (igraph的社区发现)
- R: Agglomerative Nesting (Hierarchical Clustering) (agnes vs hclust)
- Summary of community detection algorithms in igraph 0.6 | R-bloggers
- r - generating a community graph in igraph - Stack Overflow
- igraph R manual pages communities
- igraph R manual pages cluster_edge_betweenness
- igraph R manual pages cluster_fast_greedy(fastgreedy)
- R tutorial: how to identify communities of items in networks | Psych Networks
- Network analysis with R and igraph: NetSci X Tutorial (详细的介绍了igraph在社会发现上的应用)
- Network communities
- Finding communities in networks with R and igraph
- graph - Identifying cliques in R - Stack Overflow (largest.cliques(g1))
- Experiments with igraph | What You're Doing Is Rather Desperate
- igraph R manual pages groups (groups(kc)$`1`)
- stamkivi/SkypeMafia-visualization: Visualization of #SkypeMafia social graph (using R/igraph)
- bryanyang0528/SNA-of-Social-Media: Social network analysis with igraph package in R
- kateto/R-igraph-Network-Workshop-NetSciX: NetSciX 2016 workshop on network analysis and visualization with R and igraph
- buhrmann/tweetonomy: Social network analysis of twitter data with hadoop, flume, hive and R (igraph).
- Network-Analysis-Key-Players---Community-Detection---Dolphins/Dolphins - Key Player & Community Detection Project.R at master · balajisriraj/Network-Analysis-Key-Players---Community-Detection---Dolphins
- guillermodeandajauregui/NetworkAnalysis_scripts: Scripts and Functions for Network analysis using R - Igraph
- MarlWer/Network-Community-Visualization-App: Network Community Detection App implemented in Shiny and based on qgraph and igraph R Packages (implementation in progress)
- adityapadala/Network_Analysis: Introduction to Network analysis using igraph and the application in real world
- aduispace/EE232E_Graphs-and-Network-Flows: Implementation of graph applications in social network and so on with Python/R/Igraph/...
- contract.vertices function | R Documentation
- r - Contract vertices the graph and combine attributes - Stack Overflow
- Contracting and simplifying a network graph
- The network structure of CRAN
- igraph R manual pages (igraph-attribute-combination)
- r - How do I merge two nodes into a single node using igraph - Stack Overflow
Either a function or a numeric matrix. It specifies how the vertices will be placed on the plot.
If it is a numeric matrix, then the matrix has to have one line for each vertex, specifying its coordinates. The matrix should have at least two columns, for the x and y coordinates, and it can also have third column, this will be the z coordinate for 3D plots and it is ignored for 2D plots.
If a two column matrix is given for the 3D plotting function rglplot then the third column is assumed to be 1 for each vertex.
If layout is a function, this function will be called with the graph as the single parameter to determine the actual coordinates. The function should return a matrix with two or three columns. For the 2D plots the third column is ignored.
The default value is layout_nicely, a smart function that chooses a layouter based on the graph.
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