

ubuntu 12.04 Commonlisp实现

ubuntu 12.04 commonlisp的实现很多,有clisp gclsbcl三个。你可以按照自己的需求安装对于的实现。我安装的是sbcl。这三个实现都可以通过softwareCenter 安装。如果你使用的是Windows,我建议还是使用lispbox网址http://common-lisp.net/project/lispbox/下载解压即可运行了。不需要关注各个软件的安装。




Lisp的原始写法似乎应该是LISP,即LIStProcessor的缩写,不过Lisp这种写法似乎比LISP更常见(而且,在我看来,也更可爱= =)。LispJohnMcCarthy1960年左右创造的一种基于λ演算的函数式编程语言,可以说是历史悠久、源远流长(其古老程度和FORTRAN老哥有一拼)。当然在初期由于没有什么统一的规范或者标准,不同的人采用了不同的方式对Lisp进行实现,也就出现了许多方言,CommonLisp便是其中一种(另一个主要的Lisp方言是Scheme,此外还有一个和Emacs一起的EmacsLisp)。

Common Lisp实现区别和介绍


GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation Common Lisp is a high-level,general-purpose programming language.A bytecode-compilingimplementation, portable and runs on a number of Unix and Unix-likesystems (including MacOS X), as well as Microsoft Windows and several other systems.GPL license. GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation by BrunoHaible of Karlsruhe University and Michael Stoll of MunichUniversity, both in Germany. It mostly supports the Lisp describedin the ANSI Common Lisp standard. It runs on microcomputers (OS /2,Windows NT/2000, Windows 95/98, Amiga 500-4000, Acorn RISC PC) aswell as on Unix workstations (Linux, SVR4, Sun4, DEC Alpha OSF,HP-UX, BeOS, NeXTstep, SGI, AIX, Sun3 and others) and needs only 2MB of RAM. The user interface comes in German, English, French,Spanish and Dutch. GNU CLISP includes an interpreter,a compiler, a large subset of CLOS, a foreign languageinterface and a socket interface. An X11 interface is availablethrough CLX and Garnet.
GNU CLISP 后来贡献给了gnu 项目,所以叫做GNUCLISP GNUCLISP 实现包括解释器,编译器,CLOS 的大部分子集,以及外部语言接口和socket 接口。

GNU CommonLisp (GCL) 
The GNU Project'sLisp compiler. It producesnative object code by first generating Ccode and then calling a C compiler. Not yet fully ANSI-compliant,GCL is however the implementation of choice for several largeprojects including the mathematical tools Maxima, AXIOM and(historically) ACL2.GCL runs on Linuxunder eleven different architectures, and also under Windows,Solaris, and FreeBSD.GPL license.
GCL 是一个Lisp 编译器。它首先根据lisp 代码生成c 代码之后调用c 编译器生成机器代码。只是实现了大部分ansicommon lisp 标准。

Clozure CL(CCL) 
Clozure CL (CCL) is a CommonLisp implementation. It implements the full ANSI Common Lispstandard with several extensions (CLOS MOP, threads, CLOSconditions, CLOS streams, ...). It contains a command linedevelopment environment, an experimental integrated developmentenvironment (IDE) for Mac OS X using the Hemlockeditor, and can also be used with SLIME(a Common Lisp development environment for GNUEmacs). Clozure CL is opensource and the project is hosted by Clozure Associates.
Originally a freeand open source fork of Macintosh Common Lisp. As that historyimplies, CCL was written for the Macintosh, but Clozure CL now runson Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Linux, Solarisand Windows.32 and 64 bit x86ports are supported on each platform. Additionally there are PowerPC ports for Mac OS and Linux. CCL was previously known as OpenMCL,but that name is no longer used, to avoid confusion with the opensource version of Macintosh Common Lisp. LGPL license.
Clozure CL (CCL) 完全实现了ANSICommon Lisp 标准和某些重要的扩展。它包含一个命令行的开发环境和一个集成的ide ,可以使用hemlock editor 或者emacs 。最初由Macintosh Common Lisp 分化而来。
Originally from CarnegieMellon University, now maintained as freeand open source software by a group of volunteers. CMUCL uses afast native-code compiler. It is available on Linuxand BSDfor Intel x86; Linuxfor Alpha; Mac OS Xfor Intel x86 and PowerPC; and Solaris, IRIX, and HP-UX on theirnative platforms. Public domain (some parts BSD license) SteelBank Common Lisp is derived from CMUCL. The ScieneerCommon Lisp is a commercial derivative from CMUCL.

SteelBank Common Lisp (SBCL) 
A branch from CMUCL."Broadly speaking, SBCL is distinguished from CMU CL by agreater emphasis on maintainability." [10]SBCL runs on the platforms CMUCL does, except HP/UX; in addition, itruns on Linux for AMD64, PowerPC, SPARC, MIPS, Windows x86 [11]and has experimental support for running on Windows AMD64. SBCL doesnot use an interpreter by default; all expressions are compiled tonative code unless the user switches the interpreter on. The SBCLcompiler generates fast native code. [12]Public domain (some parts BSD license).
Steel Bank Common Lisp ( SBCL) is a free Common Lispimplementation that features a high performance native compiler, Unicode supportand threading.

The name "Steel Bank Common Lisp" is a reference toCarnegie MellonUniversity Common Lisp from which SBCL forked: AndrewCarnegie made his fortune in the steel industry and AndrewMellon was a successful banker.

上面只是介绍lisp最受关注的几个开源实现,lisp还有许多商用的实现比如说AllegroCommon LispLispWorks等,都提供了很好的集成IDE开发环境。


Common Lisp开发工具

有了上面的commonlisp实现,也就是有了sdk,对于开发来说,必不可少的一个工具就是一个编辑器,好的编辑器可以让你的开发事半功倍。CommonLisp 最常用的编辑器就算emacs


SLIME The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode forEmacs从它的名字上你就能知道它是干什么的,简单来说,使用它我们可以非常轻松地体验CommonLisp编程的REPLRead-Eval-PrintLoop)旅程。

SLIME is a Emacs mode for Common Lisp development. Inspired byexisting systems such Emacs Lisp and ILISP,we are working to create an environment for hacking Common Lisp in.

SLIME works with GNU Emacs versions 21 and later, and with XEmacsversion 21 on Unix, , and .

The currently supported Common Lisp implementations are:

  • CMU Common Lisp (CMUCL)

  • Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL)

  • Clozure CL (a.k.a. OpenMCL)

  • LispWorks

  • Allegro CL


  • Scieneer CL

  • ECL

  • Corman CL

  • ABCL

UbuntuCommon Lisp的安装







sudo apt-get install emacs





sudo apt-get install sbcl clisp



sudo apt-get install slime




(tool-bar-mode -1) ;这个关闭工具栏

(menu-bar-mode -1) ;这个关闭菜单栏

(setq inferior-lisp-program"/usr/bin/sbcl") ;sbcl的路径

(add-to-list 'load-path"/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime") ;slime的路径

(require 'slime)

(slime-setup) ;slime安装





