2023-5-4 在原有的基础上把一些接口,国际化,都注释了下。
i-class 中的背景小图块需要自己找个素材替代修改即可
<div class="time" onselectstart="return false">
<div v-loading="btnLoading">
<div class="title-box">
class="w200 title"
v-for="dict in sys_cycle_type"
<el-button slot="reference" class="title-class" type="text" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="deleteAllFun">删除所有</el-button>
<div class="df">
<!-- 整个时间功能 -->
v-for="week of weekList"
<!-- 周几 -->
<span class="week">{{ week.title }}</span>
<div class="slide-list">
<!-- 时间刻度 -->
<div class="slide-ruler">
<div class="scale" v-for="time of timeList" :key="time">{{ time }}</div>
<!-- 时间功能数组中控制周几是否能创建数据disabled -->
:style=" week.disabled ? 'background:#C0C8D9;cursor:not-allowed;' : '' "
@mousedown.stop="fatherMousedown($event, week.code, week)"
<!-- 初始化的domObj,宽度不等于0并且week.code == code才显示 -->
v-show="domObj.width != 0 && week.code == code"
:style="`width: ${domObj.width}px; left: ${domObj.left}px; background: ${domObj.bg}`"
<!-- 创建的时间块数组domArr -->
v-for="(item, key) of week.domArr"
:style="`width: ${item.width}px; left: ${item.left}px; background: ${item.bg}`"
@mousedown.stop="itemMousedown($event, key, item, week.domArr)"
@click="timeBlock(week.code, key, item)"
<i v-show="item.changeTimeShow && iShow === key" class="i-left-class i-class" @mousedown.stop="checkI('left', $event, code, key, item, week.domArr)"></i>
<i v-show="item.changeTimeShow && iShow === key" class="i-right-class i-class" @mousedown.stop="checkI('right', $event, code, key, item, week.domArr)"></i>
<!-- hover时间展示 -->
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" v-show=" blockShow && !item.changeTimeShow">
<el-tooltip placement="top">
<div style="text-align: center;" slot="content">
{{item.startH}}:{{item.startM}} - {{item.endH}}:{{item.endM}}
<div class="timeHover"></div>
<!-- 点击时间调整 -->
<el-popover placement="top" trigger="manual" v-model="item.changeTimeShow" @show="showFun(item)" @hide="hideFun(item)" >
<div style="text-align: center;">
v-for="dict in options"
<div style="margin: 15px 0;">
<input size="mini" class="w40" v-model="item.startH" maxlength="2" @input="hhInput('startH', week.code, key, item)" />
<span style="padding: 0 5px;">:</span>
<input size="mini" class="w40" v-model="item.startM" maxlength="2" @input="mmInput('startM', week.code, key, item)" />
<span style="padding: 0 5px;">-</span>
<input size="mini" class="w40" v-model="item.endH" maxlength="2" @input="hhInput('endH', week.code, key, item)" />
<span style="padding: 0 5px;">:</span>
<input size="mini" class="w40" v-model="item.endM" maxlength="2" @input="mmInput('endM', week.code, key, item)" />
<el-button size="mini" type="primary" @click="btns('delete',week.code, key, item)">删除</el-button>
<el-button size="mini" type="primary" @click="btns('cancel',week.code, key, item)">取消</el-button>
<el-button size="mini" type="primary" @click="btns('ok',week.code, key, item)">确定</el-button>
<div slot="reference" class="timeHover" ></div>
<!-- 复制相关 -->
<div v-show="!week.disabled && week.title == codeHover " class="title-class">
<div class="df copy-class mb10">
<span><el-checkbox :indeterminate="isIndeterminate" v-model="checkAll" @change="handleCheckAllChange">全选</el-checkbox></span>
<div style="margin: 15px 0;">
<el-checkbox-group v-model="checkedCities" @change="handleCheckedCitiesChange">
<el-checkbox :disabled="copyValue === city.value" class="checkbox-class" v-for="city in cities" :label="city.value" :key="city.value">{{city.title}}</el-checkbox>
<el-button type="text" size="mini" @click="copyBtn('cancel',week)">取消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="copyBtn('confirm',week)">确定</el-button>
<i style="font-size:16px;" slot="reference" class="el-icon-document-copy" @click="copyBtn('icon',week)" ></i>
<div style="margin-left:20px;">
<div class="df color-class" >
<span class="color-bg" style="background:#637DEC;"></span>
<div class="df color-class" >
<span class="color-bg" style=";background:#74B557;"></span>
<div class="df color-class" >
<span class="color-bg" style="background:#B83F42;"></span>
<div class="df color-class" >
<span class="color-bg" style="background:#E58805;"></span>
<div class="df color-class" >
<span class="color-bg" style="background:#B9E2FE;"></span>
<div class="df color-class" >
<span class="color-bg" style="background:#AA6FFE;"></span>
<div class="rbtn">
<el-button @click="returnCancel">取消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" :loading="btnLoading" @click="submit">确定</el-button>
// import { listStorageCycle, delStorageCycle, addStorageCycle } from "@/api/storage/storageCycle";
export default {
props: {
// 周几能操作
dayData: {
type: Array,
default() {
return [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
type: Number,
default() {
return 0
data() {
return {
sys_cycle_type: [
btnLoading: false,
// 删除的id,只有要传[]时才调用
// 下拉框所有数据
options: [
{ label: "定时", value: 1 },
{ label: "移动侦测", value: 2 },
{ label: "报警", value: 3 },
{ label: "动测或报警", value: 4 },
{ label: "动测和报警", value: 5 },
{ label: "事件", value: 6 },
// 下拉框选中的数据
typeVal: 1,
// 删除所有数据
deleteAll: false,
// 核心数据
// 刻度
timeList: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24],
// 所有数据
weekList: [],
// 声明的DOM对象
domObj: {},
// 控制能做几个时间块
allNum: 8,
// 所有数据的code值
code: 0,
// 所有数据内domArr的下标值
key: null,
timeVal: null,
// 存根数据
stubData: {},
// 是否是选中的时间子块
loop: 0,
// 子块的hover是否显示
// 左右i的显示
iShow: null,
// 每个子块的下拉框
sonVal: null,
// 小弹框显示前的存根数据,防止修改了时间不点击按钮组直接点空取消弹框而导致时间bug问题
popoverStubData: [],
// 复制相关
// 控制是否显示复制
copyShow: false,
codeHover: null,
checkAll: false,
checkedCities: [],
cities: [
{title:'星期一', value: 0},
{title:'星期二', value: 1},
{title:'星期三', value: 2},
{title:'星期四', value: 3},
{title:'星期五', value: 4},
{title:'星期六', value: 5},
{title:'星期七', value: 6},
isIndeterminate: false,
copyValue: null,
created() {
mounted() {
methods: {
// 初始化数据
this.domObj = {
width: 0, //宽度
left: 0, //左偏移量
bg: "#637DEC", //背景色(与背景值关联,对应着下拉框的值
value: 1, //背景值(与背景色关联,对应着下拉框的值
startH: 0, //开始时间(时
startM: 0, //开始时间(分
endH: 0, //结束时间(时
endM: 0, //结束时间(分
changeTimeShow: false, //控制时间显示与时间调整
this.weekList = [
{ title: "星期一", code: 0, copyShow: false, domArr: [], disabled: !this.dayData.includes(1) },
{ title: "星期二", code: 1, copyShow: false, domArr: [], disabled: !this.dayData.includes(2) },
{ title: "星期三", code: 2, copyShow: false, domArr: [], disabled: !this.dayData.includes(3) },
{ title: "星期四", code: 3, copyShow: false, domArr: [], disabled: !this.dayData.includes(4) },
{ title: "星期五", code: 4, copyShow: false, domArr: [], disabled: !this.dayData.includes(5) },
{ title: "星期六", code: 5, copyShow: false, domArr: [], disabled: !this.dayData.includes(6) },
{ title: "星期七", code: 6, copyShow: false, domArr: [], disabled: !this.dayData.includes(7) },
// 下拉框选择
onSelect(code) {
this.domObj = {
width: 0, //宽度
left: 0, //左偏移量
value: code, //背景值(与背景色关联,对应着下拉框的值
startH: 0, //开始时间(时
startM: 0, //开始时间(分
endH: 0, //结束时间(时
endM: 0, //结束时间(分
changeTimeShow: false,
if (code == 1) {
this.domObj.bg = "#637DEC";
} else if (code == 2) {
this.domObj.bg = "#74B557";
} else if (code == 3) {
this.domObj.bg = "#B83F42";
} else if (code == 4) {
this.domObj.bg = "#E58805";
} else if (code == 5) {
this.domObj.bg = "#B9E2FE";
} else if (code == 6) {
this.domObj.bg = "#AA6FFE";
// 删除所有数据
deleteAllFun() {
this.deleteAll = false
// 拷贝按钮
copyBtn(type,val) {
this.checkAll = false;
if(type === 'icon'){
this.copyValue = val.code
this.checkedCities = []
}else if(type === 'confirm'){
if(this.checkedCities.length !== 1){
let arr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val.domArr))
arr.forEach( j => {
j.changeTimeShow = false
this.checkedCities.forEach( i => {
if(i != val.code){
this.weekList[i].domArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr))
val.copyShow = false
this.copyValue = null
this.checkedCities = []
}else if(type === 'cancel'){
val.copyShow = false
this.copyValue = null
this.checkedCities = []
// 进入周几事件后的拷贝功能
copyMouseenter(title) {
this.codeHover = title
// 复制到...全选
handleCheckAllChange(val) {
this.checkedCities = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
this.checkedCities = []
this.isIndeterminate = false;
handleCheckedCitiesChange(value) {
let checkedCount = value.length;
this.checkAll = checkedCount === this.cities.length;
this.isIndeterminate = checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < this.cities.length;
// 父节点的按下事件
fatherMousedown(e, code, item) {
// 控制是否还能创建
if(item.domArr.length >= this.allNum || item.disabled){
return false
this.code = code;
let op = e.target;
// 算出鼠标相对元素的位置
let disX = e.clientX;
// console.log(e.clientX, op.offsetLeft, "相对位置是他left的值", disX);
// left
this.domObj.left = e.layerX;
// 开始时间
this.domObj.startH = this.conversionhs('H',this.domObj.left*2);
this.domObj.startM = this.conversionhs('M',this.domObj.left*2);
document.onmousemove = (e) => {
this.domObj.width = e.clientX - disX;
// 拖动的宽不能大于刻度,否则就等于 刻度-偏移的left = 最终宽
if(this.domObj.width + this.domObj.left > 720){
this.domObj.width = 720 - this.domObj.left
// 结束时间
this.domObj.endH = this.conversionhs('H',this.domObj.left*2 + this.domObj.width*2);
this.domObj.endM = this.conversionhs('M',this.domObj.left*2 + this.domObj.width*2);
// 鼠标抬起事件
document.onmouseup = (e) => {
if (this.domObj.width > 0) {
// console.log('width宽度==》》',this.domObj.width,'----left左偏移==》》',this.domObj.left)
// console.log(`${this.domObj.startH} : ${this.domObj.startM} - ${this.domObj.endH} : ${this.domObj.endM}`)
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
// 子块节点的长按
itemMousedown(e, key, item, arr) {
this.loop = setTimeout( () => {
this.loop = 0
let disX = e.clientX;
let blockLeft = item.left;//左边偏移量left
let blockWidth = item.width;//子滑块的宽
// 控制子块长按时的hover显示
this.blockShow = false;
item.changeTimeShow = false
// console.log('是否显示了按钮组',item.changeTimeShow)
let arrCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr))
// 对需要移动的子块的所在数组重新按照left大小排序
function sortLeft(a,b){
return a.left - b.left
// 处理左右滑动的范围
let leftL = 0; // 往左滑动的范围
let leftR = 720; // 往右滑动的范围
let mark = 0;
for(let i=0; i<arrCopy.length; i++){
if(arrCopy[i].left === item.left){
mark = i
if(arrCopy.length === 1){
leftL = 0; // 往左滑动的范围
leftR = 720; // 往右滑动的范围
if(mark === 0){
leftL = 0; // 往左滑动的范围
leftR = arrCopy[mark +1].left; // 往右滑动的范围
}else if(mark === arrCopy.length -1){
leftL = arrCopy[mark-1].left + arrCopy[mark-1].width
leftR = 720
}else if(mark !== 0 && mark < arrCopy.length-1){
leftL = arrCopy[mark-1].left + arrCopy[mark -1].width
leftR = arrCopy[mark+1].left
// console.log('arrCopy==',arrCopy,'==mark=',mark,'=leftL=',leftL,'=leftR=',leftR)
// 子块鼠标移动事件
document.onmousemove = (e) => {
// console.log(e,'子块滑动事件',e.clientX,'--==--',e.clientX - disX,'---left=',blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX))
if(blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX) <= leftL){
item.left = leftL
}else if(item.width + (blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX)) <= leftR){
// console.log('总长==',item.width + blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX))
item.left = blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX)
// 开始时间
item.startH = this.conversionhs('H',item.left * 2);
item.startM = this.conversionhs('M',item.left * 2);
// 结束时间
item.endH = this.conversionhs('H',item.left * 2 + item.width*2);
item.endM = this.conversionhs('M',item.left * 2 + item.width*2);
// 子块鼠标抬起事件
document.onmouseup = (e) => {
this.blockShow = true;
this.iShow = null
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
return false;
// 子块节点的单击
timeBlock(code, key, item) {
if(this.loop !== 0){
this.iShow = key
this.sonVal = item.value
// console.log('单击=',code, key, JSON.stringify(item) );
this.stubData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item))
// 找到对应的节点,根据条件把对应节点打开或者关闭,但是其它节点要全部关闭
this.weekList.map( (v,i) => {
v.domArr.map( (val, j) => {
if(i == code && j == key){
item.changeTimeShow = !item.changeTimeShow
this.weekList[i].domArr[j].changeTimeShow = false
return false;
// 选中的左右小方块
checkI(type, e, code, key, item, arr) {
this.loop = setTimeout( () => {
this.loop = 0
let disX = e.clientX;
let blockLeft = item.left;//左边偏移量left
let blockWidth = item.width;//子滑块的宽
item.changeTimeShow = false
item.value = this.stubData.value
// console.log(item,'--->>>>>',this.stubData)
// console.log('type==>>点击的那个',type, e, key, item, arr)
let arrCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr))
// 对需要移动的子块的所在数组重新按照left大小排序
function sortLeft(a,b){
return a.left - b.left
// 处理左右滑动的范围
let leftL = 0; // 往左滑动的范围
let leftR = 720; // 往右滑动的范围
let mark = 0;
for(let i=0; i<arrCopy.length; i++){
if(arrCopy[i].left === item.left){
mark = i
if(arrCopy.length === 1){
leftL = 0; // 往左滑动的范围
leftR = 720; // 往右滑动的范围
if(mark === 0){
leftL = 0; // 往左滑动的范围
leftR = arrCopy[mark +1].left; // 往右滑动的范围
}else if(mark === arrCopy.length -1){
leftL = arrCopy[mark-1].left + arrCopy[mark-1].width
leftR = 720
}else if(mark !== 0 && mark < arrCopy.length-1){
leftL = arrCopy[mark-1].left + arrCopy[mark -1].width
leftR = arrCopy[mark+1].left
// console.log('arrCopy==',arrCopy,'==mark=',mark,'=leftL=',leftL,'=leftR=',leftR)
// 子块鼠标移动事件
document.onmousemove = (e) => {
// console.log(blockWidth,'子块滑动事件',e.clientX,'--==-运算的-',e.clientX - disX,'---left=',blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX))
if(type === 'left'){
if(blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX) < leftL){
item.left = leftL
if(blockWidth - (e.clientX - disX) >= 0){
item.left = blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX)
item.width = blockWidth - (e.clientX - disX)
}else if(type === 'right'){
if(blockWidth + (blockLeft + (e.clientX - disX)) <= leftR){
item.width = blockWidth + (e.clientX - disX)
// 开始时间
item.startH = this.conversionhs('H',item.left * 2);
item.startM = this.conversionhs('M',item.left * 2);
// 结束时间
item.endH = this.conversionhs('H',item.left * 2 + item.width*2);
item.endM = this.conversionhs('M',item.left * 2 + item.width*2);
// 左右小方块的鼠标抬起事件
document.onmouseup = (e) => {
this.iShow = null
if(item.width <= 0){
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
return false;
// 分钟 换算 时,分
conversionhs(type,timeNum) {
if(type == 'H'){
return parseInt(timeNum / 60) < 10 ? '0'+parseInt(timeNum / 60) : parseInt(timeNum / 60)
}else if(type == 'M'){
return parseInt(timeNum % 60) < 10 ? '0'+parseInt(timeNum % 60) : parseInt(timeNum % 60)
// 时,分 换算成 px
conversionpx(type, pxNum){
if(type == 'left'){
return (parseInt(pxNum.startH) * 60 + parseInt(pxNum.startM))/2
}else if(type == 'width'){
return ((parseInt(pxNum.endH) * 60 + parseInt(pxNum.endM)) - (parseInt(pxNum.startH) * 60 + parseInt(pxNum.startM)))/2
// 点击时间调整-按钮组
btns(type, code, key, item) {
// console.log(type, code, key,JSON.stringify(item));
// console.log('==1');
if(type == 'delete'){
}else if(type == 'cancel'){
this.weekList[code].domArr[key] = this.stubData
item.changeTimeShow = false
this.iShow = null
}else if(type == 'ok'){
// console.log('点击ok要执行的操作',item,item.startM)
item.startH = this.timeVerification(item.startH)
item.startM = this.timeVerification(item.startM)
item.endH = this.timeVerification(item.endH)
item.endM = this.timeVerification(item.endM)
this.operate(code, item)
// 颜色调整
adjustment(val) {
if (val == 1) {
return "#637DEC";
} else if (val == 2) {
return "#74B557";
} else if (val == 3) {
return "#B83F42";
} else if (val == 4) {
return "#E58805";
} else if (val == 5) {
return "#B9E2FE";
} else if (val == 6) {
return "#AA6FFE";
// 按钮组-确定-验证逻辑
operate(code, item) {
// 1-时间验证
if(parseInt(item.startH) > parseInt(item.endH) || (parseInt(item.startH) == parseInt(item.endH) && parseInt(item.startM) >= parseInt(item.endM))){
// 2-区域变更
let domArr = this.weekList[code].domArr
// console.log('查找对应星期的所有时间块数据==',domArr,item)
let arrCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(domArr))
// 对需要移动的子块的所在数组重新按照left大小排序
function sortLeft(a,b){
return a.left - b.left
let mark = 0;
for(let i=0; i<arrCopy.length; i++){
if(arrCopy[i].left === item.left){
mark = i
if(arrCopy.length !== 1){
if(mark === 0){
if(`${arrCopy[mark].endH}:${arrCopy[mark].endM}` > `${arrCopy[mark+1].startH}:${arrCopy[mark+1].startM}`){
return false
}else if(mark === arrCopy.length -1){
if(`${arrCopy[mark].startH}:${arrCopy[mark].startM}` < `${arrCopy[mark-1].endH}:${arrCopy[mark-1].endM}`){
return false
}else if(mark !== 0 && mark < arrCopy.length -1){
if(`${arrCopy[mark].startH}:${arrCopy[mark].startM}` < `${arrCopy[mark-1].endH}:${arrCopy[mark-1].endM}`
`${arrCopy[mark].endH}:${arrCopy[mark].endM}` > `${arrCopy[mark+1].startH}:${arrCopy[mark+1].startM}`){
// 修改的开始时间要 大于等于 之前的结束时间 或 修改的结束时间 小于等于 之后的 开始时间
return false
item.left = this.conversionpx('left',item)
item.width = this.conversionpx('width',item)
item.changeTimeShow = !item.changeTimeShow
item.value = this.sonVal
item.bg = this.adjustment(item.value)
this.iShow = null
// 小弹框显示时触发
showFun(item) {
// 小弹框隐藏时触发
hideFun(item) {
if(this.iShow != null){
item.endH = this.popoverStubData[0].endH
item.endM = this.popoverStubData[0].endM
item.startH = this.popoverStubData[0].startH
item.startM = this.popoverStubData[0].startM
// 剥离自定义指令的小时事件
hhInput(val, code, key, item){
var reg = RegExp(/\D/);
if( reg.test(item[val]) ){
item[val] = '00'
}else if( item[val] >= 24 ){
item[val] = 24
if(item[val] == 24 ){
item[val == 'startH' ? 'startM' : 'endM'] = '00'
// 剥离自定义指令的分钟事件
mmInput(val, code, key, item){
var reg = RegExp(/\D/);
// 数字验证
if( reg.test(item[val]) || item['startH'] == 24 || item['endH'] == 24 ){
item[val] = '00'
}else if( item[val] > 59 ){
item[val] = 59
// 点击确定后验证时间数据是否需要添加 '0' 或者 '00' 或者不变
timeVerification(time) {
let timeData = time.toString()
if(timeData.length == 0){
return '00'
}else if(timeData.length == 1){
return `0${timeData}`
}else if(timeData.length == 2){
return timeData
// 取消
returnCancel() {
// 确定
submit() {
// this.$emit('returnSubmit')
// console.log(this.domObj,'---===storagePlanId=',this.id,"查看data内的数据==>>", JSON.stringify(this.weekList));
// 查询
listStorageCycle() {
this.btnLoading = false
// listStorageCycle({storagePlanId:this.id}).then( res => {
// if(res.code === 200 && res.rows.length != 0){
// // 此处如果接口正常并且有数据才能进行操作
// res.rows.forEach( i => {
// this.deleteId.push(i.storageTimeId)
// this.weekList.forEach( j => {
// if(i.week - 1 == j.code){
// let obj = {
// width: i.width, //宽度
// left: i.left, //左偏移量
// bg: this.adjustment(i.type), //背景色(与背景值关联,对应着下拉框的值
// value: i.type, //背景值(与背景色关联,对应着下拉框的值
// startH: i.startTime.split(':')[0], //开始时间(时
// startM: i.startTime.split(':')[1], //开始时间(分
// endH: i.endTime.split(':')[0], //结束时间(时
// endM: i.endTime.split(':')[1], //结束时间(分
// changeTimeShow: false, //控制时间显示与时间调整
// }
// j.domArr.push(obj)
// }
// })
// })
// // console.log(this.deleteId,'《==删除的id=====渲染的数据==》',JSON.stringify(this.weekList))
// }else if(res.code != 200){
// this.$message.warning(res.msg);
// }
// this.btnLoading = false
// })
// 新增或修改
this.btnLoading = true;
// 数据处理
let params = []
this.weekList.forEach( i => {
i.domArr.forEach( j => {
let obj = {
startTime: `${j.startH}:${j.startM}`, //存储开始时间 HH:MM
endTime: `${j.endH}:${j.endM}`, //存储结束时间 HH:MM
storagePlanId: this.id, //存储计划id
type: j.value, //存储计划周期类型(1=定时 2=移动侦测 3=报警 4=动测或报警 5=动测和报警 6=事件)
week: i.code + 1, //星期(1~7)
width: j.width, //宽
left: j.left, //left
// console.log('接口参数==>>',params)
if(this.deleteId.length === 0 && params.length === 0){
this.btnLoading = false;
if(params.length != 0){
addStorageCycle(params).then( res => {
// console.log('新增或者修改返回==>',res)
if( res.code == 200){
this.btnLoading = false
// 当要传的数据是[]时则调用(删除所有)
delStorageCycle(this.deleteId).then( res => {
if( res.code == 200){
this.btnLoading = false
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/* 此处总长是720,是一天1440分钟的一半 */
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