FAESOR Matlab object-oriented Finite Element toolkit



Matlab object-oriented Finite Element toolkit

Thermal and Stress Analysis with the Finite Element Method
Accompanied by the MATLABr toolbox FAESOR


by Petr Krysl

Rationale****** Downloads (the latest version 09/13/2012)

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I have enjoyed a considerable boost to my own work fromseveral open source projects over the years, and Ialso have made the libraries and toolkits that I designed myselfavailable to others. Open source works!

The material on this page is intended to be aneducational resource for undergraduate or graduate coursesof finite element analysis, for mechanical, chemical, civil, and other engineeringstudents. You will find here asoftware toolkit for Matlab. The software is available as open source.

Bymaking theseresources available to everyone, I'm hoping to beable to collect feedback and suggestions that will enhance the usefulness of this material for everyone.

Thesoftware is protected by theGNUGeneral Public License.

For the software, any ideas, suggestions, and design insights are welcome.I will decide whether I'm going to include any modifications in my version of the toolkit,which is going to be available from this web site. You, on the other hand,have the freedom to work any modifications into your own version of the toolkit.


Upcoming version

The next update will include contact and more hyper elasticity examples. As usual, corrections and improvements will be posted if and when needed.

Version 09/13/2012

A number of bug fixes. Improvements to a number of meshing functions,including meshing (coarsening) of 3-D images. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 04/13/2012

Hyperelasticity examples are now running. Small bug fixes.Initial revision of the nonlinear NICE (Nodally Integrated Continuum Elements) implementation. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 03/29/2012

Minor updates. Small-strain plasticity examples are now running. Additional meshing functions. Small corrections. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 2/8/2012

Minor updates. A few optimizations (renumbering). Configuration of CXSparse is now possible from within FAESOR_init. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 12/13/2011

Minor changes and updates. Additional meshing import and export functions.Corrected examples. Tested on Linux. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 11/13/2011

Minor changes and updates. Additional meshing functions. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 09/13/2011

Minor changes and updates (graphics_viewer class). Additional meshing functions.Additional meshing examples (surface meshing). Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 007/13/2011

Cleanup of graphic_viewer class, and a few changes in feblock_defor_ground. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 06/23/2011

Update to the subset and get methods of the gcellset_beam3 class to correctly handle access to all attributes. Additional methods for the @feblock_defor_ss_corot_beam class.Cleanup of image_meshing examples (the AVWTk toolkit is needed to run these examples). Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 05/19/2011

gcell_select enhanced with the option to search for the cell nearestto a given location (nearestto). Corrected logic in the method set_ebc() of the Field class. Revised physical_units(). Revised and additional graphic_viewer() methods. Corrected subset() method of class gcellset_beam3. Corrected a number of meshing functions (rotate_mesh, merge_nodes, merge_n_meshes). Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 05/03/2011

Fixed constructor of tet_rule. Speeded up computation of nz_ebc loads (typically by an order ofmagnitude). gcell_select with flooding was found to have a bug. The selectionalgorithm was redesigned. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 04/16/2011

Minor improvements to a number of examples.Updated the help system (doc FAESOR).Major update of the 3-D view manipulation facilities of the graphic_viewer class. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 04/01/2011

Added documentation for beam meshing functions. Revised documentation of beam examples. Updated the help system (doc FAESOR). Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 03/22/2011

Minor corrections to graphics. Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 03/13/2011

Minor fixes of internal functions and graphics. Added drawing of iso-level curves.Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 02/13/2011

Minor fixes of internal functions and graphics. Added a structural element for 3-D beam modeling.Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 01/13/2011

Improved documentation and minor fixes to improve support for rectangular global matrices.Call for the change log in documents/Changes.m.

Version 12/13/2010



