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jsmooth compilation failed error null


JSmooth 0.9.9-7 在将 jar 文件打包成 exe 文件时报错:jsmooth compilation failed error null

原因,没有指定 logo 图片文件。



连接中说:还有可能是 logo 文件图片问题:

This is a common issue users come across. JSmooth seems very limited in the size and bitdepth of icons it supports. I don't know why it doesn't just toss it on as a resource like WinRun4J and let Windows pick the icon to use instead of preferring 32x32.

Try reducing the bit-depth and removing your larger icons to be just 16x16, 32x32 and maybe 48x48 and or 64x64 with only 4 or 8 bits of depth. Those are the settings that work for many people. Some use 32 bit PNGs but the docs say they are sampled down to 256 colors anyway.


I know this is an old question but I had the same problem and it was ultimately to do with my icon file.

No idea what was wrong with it but clearing the icon option fixed the problem.


After messing around with the parameters, I've fixed my case of "Error: null"

My solution : Replace the "not-working executable icon (.ico file)" in your JSmooth project by , for example, a very simple PNG file.




