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Flip Flops Cookbook


Let's explore Flip Flops^_^. 

1.What's Flip Flops ?

It's the actual element that implement Sequential Logic. In other words, Flip Flops can provide the functionality of Sequence Logic in real world.

2.What does Flip Flops do?

Moving information from time t-1 to time t.

3.But how to move information?

The Flip Flops has to remember what happens in the previous time step and carry it on to the next stage.

4.What's the basic(simplest) Flip Flops ?

a. A single input

b. A single output.

c. It basically remember the input from last time unit and outputs it in the next time unit.

(If u want to get the information of c, u need to get some access to the clock)

5.What's the implementation of Flip Flips?

it may be built from actual Nand gates.

step 1:create a "loop" achieving an "un-clocked" flip-flip

step 2:Isolation across time steps using a "master-slave" stepup

6.What's the general way we're going to build everything whether it's a memory or a counter?

First, we treat Flip-Flops as our primitive stuff. In other words, we can remember one bit from this.

Second we need to have an array of Flip-Flops which compromise all of our memory in the system.

Finally their output(from an array of Flip-Flops) are going to be fed into combinatorial logic(for manipulating) together with

the input that you get in this time unit. All of this is going to change the state that we have in Flip-Flops for next time unit.

7.What's bit chip (1-Bit register)?

Absolutely it was build from a basic flip flop. This is a device that remember a bit forever.

It has two inputs:

a.An input bit

b.A load bit (1:new value 0: keep on old value)

(The output at time t is basically the change to the input at time t-1,only if load at time t-1 ask it to do it.)

8.What are the differences  between the Flip-Flop chip and the Bit Chip?

a.Flip-Flop is combinatorial, Bit is sequential.

b.Flip-Flop can store information for one time unit only, while Bit can store it for many cycles

c.Flip-Flop can store many input bits, while Bit only receives a single value.

d.Flip-Flop always stores the in bit, while Bit only stores it if load is set to 1 



