【zz】The structure of the LINE LIVE’s encoder layer


The structure of the LINE LIVE’s encoder layer

By Suhyuk Kim | 2018.03.06

  • On December 10th of 2017, we celebrated our second anniversary for LINE LIVE, our live streaming service. The service has been up and running ever since the launch with no trouble, thanks to the efforts put in by countless engineers at LINE.
  • On this blog post, as a member of ITSC, a team at LINE running a global infrastructure system, I’d like to share with you some of decisions we had to make in the initial phase of designing and implementing the system. Back then, I had absolutely no experience in building or running a live media service.

Our homework

  • LINE LIVE is a service for anyone to broadcast from anywhere. The service had to expect an unpredictable number of users to access our service, to broadcast simultaneously and view strea


