解决cornerStone查看日志出错:Could not contact repository to read the latest log entries
查看日志时提示:I was having the same problem and emailed Zennaware's Cornerstone support. They sent me these instructions that seem to have fixed the problem for me:
1. Quit Cornerstone(退出cornerStone) --> Open Terminal(打开终端) --> Copy paste the following line into Terminal:(复制下面一行代码):
$: defaults delete com.zennaware.Cornerstone HistoryCacheUsage
2. Press return(回车) --> click desktop(点击桌面一下) --> CMD+SHIFT+G --> 输入:~/Library/Caches/Cornerstone --> 回车
3. 这时候看到一个stone或者cornerStone的文件夹,直接删除即可,这时候重启就好了,