$ ./init.sh
连接ADB,获取顶层 App 及 Activity:
$ ./top-activity.sh
*************** top-activity.sh ***************
mCurrentFocus=Window{33eb3e7 u0 com.fce.btphone/com.fce.btphone.activity.BtActivity}
$ ./adb-export.sh
***************** adb-export script *****************
1. Collect basic information, init and selinux
2. Execute live commands
3. Execute package manager commands
4. Execute bugreport, dumpsys, appops
5. Acquire /system folder
6. Acquire /sdcard folder
7. Extract APK files
8. Extract data from content providers
9. Extract databases and keys
10. Extract compressed and bin files
11. Acquire an ADB Backup
12. Do all of the above
Choose an option:
使用 adb-export.sh 导出所有 APK 后,使用该脚本批量解码资源文件并反编译为 smali 和 java,为后续分析做准备。
$ python3 apk-decompile.py --help
****************** apk-decompile.py ******************
usage: apk-decompile.py [-h] [-a] [-j] -d DIR [-c]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --apktool Use apktool get smali
-j, --jadx Use jadx get java
-d DIR, --dir DIR Target directory
-c, --clean Clean all file above
使用 apk-decompile.py 得到所有反编译代码后,使用该脚本批量搜索 IP、URL、Key 等敏感信息。推荐把所有控制台输出转存一份 >&1 | tee result.txt。
$ python3 apk-leaks.py --help
******************** apk-leaks.py ********************
usage: apk-leaks.py [-h] [-f FILE] [-d DECOMPILED] [-o OUTPUT] [-a ARGS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE APK file to scanning
Path to decompiled files
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Write to file results
-a ARGS, --args ARGS Disassembler arguments (e.g. --deobf)
使用 adb-export.sh 导出所有 APK 后,使用该脚本批量静态分析并生成报告。
$ docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest
$ python3 apk-mobsf.py --help
******************* apk-mobsf.py *********************
usage: apk-mobsf.py [-h] -k KEY [-f FILE] [-d DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY Mobsf REST API key
-f FILE, --file FILE APK file to scanning
-d DIR, --dir DIR Target directory
使用 adb-export.sh 导出所有 APK 后,使用该脚本批量静态分析并生成报告。
$ python3 apk-qark.py --help
******************** apk-qark.py *********************
usage: apk-qark.py [-h] [--apk APK] [--java JAVA] [--report REPORT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--apk APK A directory containing APK to decompile and run static analysis
--java JAVA A directory containing Java code to run static analysis.
--report REPORT Type of report to generate [html|xml|json|csv]
使用 adb-export.sh 导出 system 目录后,使用该脚本批量扫描开源组件并获取 CVE 详情。
$ python3 lib-cvescan.py --help
******************* lib-cvescan.py *******************
usage: lib-cvescan.py [-h] -f FILE [-o OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE File or directory to scanning
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Write to file results