


One of the newest benefits of cloud computing is that it enables businesses to take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI). This rapidly developing technology offers significant development opportunities that many companies have already been quick to seize upon. In this post, we’ll look at some of the ways your company can benefit from cloud-based AI.

云计算的最新优势之一是,它使企业能够利用人工智能(AI)。 这种Swift发展的技术提供了许多公司已经Swift抓住的重大发展机会。 在本文中,我们将探讨贵公司可以从基于云的AI中受益的一些方法。

1.改善个性化购物体验 (1. Improving personalised shopping experiences)

Providing customers with personalised marketing increases engagement, helps generate customer loyalty and improves sales. This is why companies are putting so much effort into it. One of the advantages of using AI is that it is able to identify patterns in customers’ browsing habits and purchasing behaviour. Using the millions of transactions stored and analysed in the cloud, AI is able to provide highly accurate offers to individual customers.

为客户提供个性化的营销可以增加参与度,帮助建立客户忠诚度并改善销售。 这就是为什么公司要投入大量精力的原因。 使用AI的优点之一是它能够识别客户浏览习惯和购买行为的模式。 利用云中存储和分析的数百万笔交易,AI能够为单个客户提供高度准确的报价。

2.自动化客户互动 (2. Automating customer interactions)

Most customer interactions, such as emails, online chat, social media conversations and telephone calls, currently require human involvement. AI, however, is enabling companies to automate these communications. By analysing data collected from previous communications it is possible to program computers to respond accurately to customers and deal with their enquiries. What’s more, when AI is combined with machine learning, the more the AI platforms interact, the better they become.

目前,大多数客户交互(例如电子邮件,在线聊天,社交媒体对话和电话)都需要人工参与。 然而,人工智能使公司能够自动化这些通信。 通过分析从以前的通信中收集的数据,可以对计算机进行编程以准确地响应客户并处理他们的询问。 而且,将AI与机器学习结合使用时,AI平台互动越多,它们就会变得越好。

One example of this is AI Chatbots which, unlike humans, can interact with unlimited customers at the same time and can both respond and initiate communication – whether on a website or an app.


It is estimated, that by 2020, 85 percent of all customer interactions will be taken care of by intelligent machines that are able to replicate human functions. The days of using a call centre look like they are coming to a close.

据估计,到2020年,将通过能够复制人类功能的智能机器来处理所有客户互动的85%。 使用呼叫中心的日子即将过去。

3.实时协助 (3. Real-time Assistance)

AI is also useful for businesses that need to constantly communicate with high volumes of customers throughout each day. For example, in the transport industry, bus, train and airlines companies, which can have millions of passengers a day, can use AI to interact, in real-time, to send personalised travel information, such as notice of delays. Some bus companies, for example, are already tracking the location of their buses and using AI to provide travellers with real-time updates about where the bus is along its route and its estimated time of arrival. Customers receive this information on the bus company’s app.

对于需要每天与大量客户进行持续沟通的企业,人工智能也很有用。 例如,在运输行业中,每天可能有数百万乘客的公共汽车,火车和航空公司可以使用AI进行实时交互以发送个性化的旅行信息,例如延误通知。 例如,一些公交公司已经在跟踪公交车的位置,并使用AI向旅行者提供有关公交车沿途路线及其预计到达时间的实时更新。 客户在公交公司的应用程序上收到此信息。

4.数据挖掘 (4. Data mining)

One of the biggest advantages of using cloud-based AI is that artificial intelligence apps are able to quickly discover important and relevant findings during the processing of big data. This can provide businesses with previously undiscovered insights that can help give it an advantage in the marketplace.

使用基于云的AI的最大优势之一是,人工智能应用程序能够在处理大数据期间快速发现重要且相关的发现。 这可以为企业提供以前未被发现的见解,可以帮助其在市场中占优势。

5,操作自动化 (5.Operational automation)

AI is able to operate other technologies that increase automation in business. For example, AI can be used to control robots in factories or maintain ideal temperatures through intelligent heating. In Japan, human-looking robots now serve as receptionists in some of the countries’ hotels automating check-ins, booking services and dealing (in four languages) with customer enquiries. In retail, AI is also being linked with RFID and cloud technology to track inventory. In China, police forces use AI to catch criminals. The country has a vast CCTV network and AI uses facial recognition to spot and track suspects so that they can be apprehended.

AI可以操作其他技术来提高业务自动化程度。 例如,人工智能可用于控制工厂中的机器人或通过智能加热维持理想温度。 在日本,人形机器人现在在一些国家的酒店中充当接待员,实现了自动办理入住,预订服务以及处理客户查询(四种语言)的目的。 在零售业中,人工智能还与RFID和云技术链接在一起以跟踪库存。 在中国,警察部队使用AI抓捕罪犯。 该国拥有庞大的闭路电视网络,人工智能使用面部识别技术来发现和追踪嫌疑犯,以便将其逮捕。

6,预测结果 (6.Predicting outcomes)

Another advantage of AI is that it is able to predict outcomes based on data analysis. For example, it sees patterns in customer data that can show whether the products currently on sale are likely to sell and in what volumes. It will also predict when the demand will tail off. This can be very useful in helping a company purchase the correct stock and in the correct volumes. It is predicted that, within 10 years, the days of seasonal sales will be over as AI will mean there is too little leftover stock to sell off.

AI的另一个优点是它能够基于数据分析来预测结果。 例如,它查看客户数据中的模式,这些模式可以显示当前正在销售的产品是否可能销售以及销售量。 它还将预测需求何时会减少。 这对于帮助公司购买正确的库存和正确的数量非常有用。 预计在10年内,季节性销售的日子将结束,因为AI意味着剩余的库存太少而无法出售。

This ability to predict is not just useful in retail. AI is also being used in many other areas, for example, in banking where it can predict currency and stock price fluctuations or in healthcare where, remarkably, it can predict outbreaks of infections by analysing social media posts.

这种预测能力不仅在零售中有用。 AI还被用于许多其他领域,例如,可以预测货币和股票价格波动的银行业,或者可以通过分析社交媒体帖子来预测感染爆发的医疗保健领域。

7,改善招聘流程 (7.Improve the recruitment process)

It may be bad news for recruitment companies, but AI is now helping businesses automate the recruitment of new employees. It is able to quickly sift through applications, automatically rejecting those which do not meet the company’s personal specification. This not only saves time (or money spent on a recruitment agency), but it also ensures that there is no discrimination or bias in the shortlisting process. The AI programs available can even take care of the many administrative tasks of recruitment.

对于招聘公司而言,这可能是个坏消息,但AI现在正在帮助企业自动化招聘新员工。 它能够快速筛选应用程序,自动拒绝那些不符合公司个人规范的应用程序。 这不仅节省了时间(或花在招聘机构上的钱),而且还确保了入围过程中没有歧视或偏见。 可用的AI程序甚至可以处理招聘的许多管理任务。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, AI systems provide businesses with a wide range of benefits, including personalised marketing, customer service, operational automation, inventory management and recruitment. And these are just a few of the many ways AI can be used. What’s remarkable, however, is that many of the AI apps, which are designed specifically for cloud-based systems, are quickly and easily deployable. Companies whose systems are in the cloud can be benefitting from them in no time at all.

如您所见,人工智能系统为企业提供了广泛的好处,包括个性化营销,客户服务,运营自动化,库存管理和招聘。 这些只是AI使用的许多方式中的几种。 然而,值得注意的是,许多专门针对基于云的系统设计的AI应用程序都可以快速,轻松地进行部署。 系统位于云中的公司可以立即从中受益。

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