<android/bitmap.h>,How to include <android/bitmap.h> and other *.h NDK libraries to Titanium Android...


I am facing problem in including built in NDK libraries such as (bitmap.h , log.h and others) to my Native C++ Code of Titanium android Module . problem as show in following figure .

In Figure when i add any library such as #include as show above picture ,A little yellow Question mark appear on the left side which means "Unresolved inclusion" .How to Fix it ?

NOTE : As this problem can be fix in eclipse android project but i am unable to solve this issue in Titanium android Module project

One solution which i found on Internet is to mention graphics libraries to Android.mk file as show below :

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE := IMGprocessing

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := IMGprocessing.cpp

LOCAL_LDLIBS := -ljnigraphics

include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) BUT still i am getting Error Messages That " there is no such file or directory " when i Build my android Titanium module through Ant after successfully compile my Native C++ Code through cygwin to generated binaries ... Error messages are as shown below :

[exec] "Compile++ thumb : IMGprocessing <= IMGprocessing.cpp

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:4:28: error: android/bitmap.h: No such file or


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:9:12: warning: missing whitespace after the ma

cro name

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp: In function 'void Java_com_nextin_imagemanipu

lation_ImageProcessing_HistogramEqualization(JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jobject*, _job


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:20: error: 'AndroidBitmapInfo' was not declare

d in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:20: error: expected ';' before 'info_orignal'

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:22: error: expected ';' before 'info_new'

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:27: error: 'uint32_t' was not declared in this


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:27: error: 'line_orignal' was not declared in

this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:28: error: 'line_new' was not declared in this


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:33: error: 'info_orignal' was not declared in

this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:33: error: 'AndroidBitmap_getInfo' was not dec

lared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:38: error: 'info_orignal' was not declared in

this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:38: error: 'ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888' w

as not declared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:42: error: 'AndroidBitmap_lockPixels' was not

declared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:46: error: 'info_new' was not declared in this


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:46: error: 'AndroidBitmap_getInfo' was not dec

lared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:51: error: 'info_new' was not declared in this


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:51: error: 'ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888' w

as not declared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:55: error: 'AndroidBitmap_lockPixels' was not

declared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:60: error: 'AndroidBitmap_unlockPixels' was no

t declared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:66: error: 'info_orignal' was not declared in

this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:67: error: expected primary-expression before

')' token

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:67: error: expected ';' before 'pixels_orignal


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:94: error: 'info_orignal' was not declared in

this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:139: error: 'AndroidBitmap_lockPixels' was not

declared in this scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:144: error: expected primary-expression before

')' token

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:144: error: expected ';' before 'pixels_origna


[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:145: error: expected primary-expression before

')' token

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:145: error: expected ';' before 'pixels_new'

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:164: error: 'info_new' was not declared in thi

s scope

[exec] jni/IMGprocessing.cpp:172: error: 'AndroidBitmap_lockPixels' was not

declared in this scope

[exec] make: *** [C:\Users\Haris\AppData\Local\Temp\/Haris/imagemanipulatio

n-generated/obj/local/armeabi/objs/IMGprocessing/IMGprocessing.o] Error 1

[move] Moving 4 files to D:\Nextin_Company_Workspace\Workspace_Titanium\Ima




build.xml:410: D:\Nextin_Company_Workspace\Workspace_Titanium\ImageManipulation\

build\generated\jni-local\libs does not exist.

Total time: 26 seconds Please Help me out .. Thanks in advance .

My Environment Details are as follow:

Windows 8 64bit Professional Titanium Studio, build: 3.0.1 Python27 apache-ant-1.8.4
