Phoronix-test-suite benchmark toolkit


最近的工作大量的运用了phoronix-test-suite 这个 benchmark 包,感觉它真的是一个极好的工具(忍不住想要喷一下SPEC,简直是贵的不能再贵),适合和我一样目的性不强、不断尝试又比较穷逼的计算机等方向的“科研工作者”。

Phoronix-test-suite 是一款开源的、包含范围广泛的benchmark包。经过实践发现它容易上手,只需要在官网里按照 manual sheet 走就可以了。它的很多命令都可以在这个操作手册里找到,相当的方便呢。:)

PTS 官网 link: 

 安装解决了,命令解决了,相关操作在manual sheet更是一目了然,那笔者我写这篇文章是要干嘛,不会就是单纯的想要推荐下这款神奇吧((#‵′)凸)。当然不是,笔者只是想记录一些它的benchmark workloads,因为这个东西使我们急需要了解但是在官网和操作手册都找不不到了(或者是说对于本人来说太难看懂:( ). 好吧,废话不多说,让我们先来看看一些笔者最近了解的有用的workloads吧。


Common workloads in cloud computing

 #1. apache (phoronix-test-suite install apache) is a single-threaded program, designed to measure the performance of HTTP web servers. It is generic enough to test any web servers. The key metric to evaluate how your apache installation functions is the requests per second it serves.  link: 

 #2. Nginx (phoronix-test-suite install nginx) is a concurrent workload to measure your   appache servers. Its metrics is expressed as carrying out 5000000requests with 100 requests being carried out concurrently.

 #3. pgbench (phoronix-test-suite install pgbench) is a simple program for running benchmark tests on PostgreSQL. It runs SQLcommands repeatedly and sometimes with multiple concurrent database sessions and then produces an average number of  transactions per second.

  #4. postmark (phoronix-test-suite install postmark) is a test that NetApp developed and is designed to simulate small-file testing, similar to how web and mail servers perform.


#1.aio-stress (phoronix-test-suite install aio-stress) is an a-synchronous I/O benchmark created by SuSE. I often regard it as the io-intensive workloads. What you should note is that it demands a large disk capacity. Thus, if you want to implement this workload, you must distribute a larger disk to your VM guest.
#2. stresscpu2 (phoronix-test-suite install stresscpu2) runs a series of GROMACS inner loops hand coded in assembly for speed and efficiency on SSE units. I use it to heat up my processors while the maximum temperature is just around 69. BTW, another useful workload to generate massive heat is Prime95. I think Prime95 can increase the temperature more than the stresscpu2.
#3.hpcc and hpcg (phoronix-test-suite install hpcc/hpcg) are new benchmarks focusing on executing high-performance programs on the processors.

More workloads included in PTS, please check :
