SIP and RTP Stack



SIP and RTP Stack


Note: I only searched for C/C++ stacks and applications. There also exist a lot of stacks and applications for other programming languages, especially for java. If you are looking for Java stacks/applications, please ask Google. If you have any comments or interesting links, or do you want to report broken links, please contact me

RTP Stacks (mainly open source C/C++ stacks)

SIP Stacks

RTP Applications

SIP Phone (User Agent, Softphone, Proxy)

SIP Test Utility

SIP Applications (Proxy, Location Server)

  • Sip Express Router (ser): Highspeed GNU SIP proxy with a lot of features and a lot of ongoing development. Homepage: A really cool SIP proxy - I like it! You can also take a look at the development homepage.
  • Asterisk: Linux Software PBX with Gateway, SIP Proxy, Gateway (SIP, H.323, PSTN, ...); Homepage:

Commercial SIP Stacks

  • Juphoon SIP; C; High Performance SIP stack, Homepage:
  • SIP Phone (User Agent, Softphone, Proxy)
  • JPhone: Juphoon Phone Framework, Juphoon provides voip phone, video phone, 3G IMS PoC, IMS UE soultion.





