Ideally, despite locks, your database system will allow a lot of users at once, and each transaction will get in, make the single change needed, and get out again; but locks inevitably mean blocking, and when transactions need to do multiple operations, this locking can even lead to deadlocks.
Although your application users will report that the application has deadlocked, this kind of behavior does not actually mean a deadlock has occurred. When a deadlock has been detected, the Database Engine terminates one of the threads, resolving the deadlock. The terminated thread gets a 1205 error, which conveniently suggests how to resolve it:
Error 1205 : Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
Indeed, rerunning the transaction is often the best course of action here, and hopefully your application or even your stored procedure will have caught the error, recognized that it is a 1205, and tried the transaction again. Let’s consider how a deadlock occurs, though.
How a deadlock occurs
It’s quite straightforward really — one transaction locks a resource and then tries to acquire a lock on another resource but is blocked by another transaction. It won’t be able to finish its transaction until such time as this second transaction completes and therefore releases its locks. However, if the second transaction does something that needs to wait for the first transaction, they’ll end up waiting forever. Luckily this is detected by the Database Engine, and one of the processes is terminated.
Diagnosing problems with deadlocks
When diagnosing these kinds of problems, it’s worth considering that there are useful trace events such as Lock:Deadlock and Deadlock graph events. This enables you to see which combination of resources was being requested, and hopefully track down the cause. In most cases, the best option is to help the system get the quickest access to the resources that need updating. The quicker a transaction can release its resources, the less likely it is to cause a deadlock. However, another option is to lock up additional resources so that no two transactions are likely to overlap. Depending on the situation, a hint to lock an entire table can sometimes help by not letting another transaction acquire locks on parts of the table, although this can also cause blocking that results in transactions overlapping, so your mileage may vary.