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[quote]Pylons is a modern full-stack Python web development framework combining the very best from the worlds of Ruby, Python and Perl. Pylons helps you to build complex web applications quickly and easily. It is being developed by Ben Bangert and James Gardner with contributions, help and advice from Ian Bicking, Mike Bayer and many others.[/quote]

Pylons 是现代一站式Python web开发框架,集合了ruby python perl的优点。pylons帮助你快速的简单的建立一个复杂web应用。此项目由Ben Bangert , James Gardner 开发 ,同时得到了Ian Bicking, Mike Bayer 等的贡献 帮助和建议。

[quote]Pylons is similar in many ways to Ruby on Rails since it uses similar methodologies and includes direct ports of useful Rails components such as Routes and AJAX Helpers. By combining ideas from Mason, TurboGears and various Python frameworks with a highly extensible API, Pylons provides a framework that is:[/quote]

pylons在很多方面类似于Ruby on Rails ,因为它使用的相似的方法论,同时包含对有用的Rails组件,例如Routes and AJAX Helpers 的直接接口。通过一个高度扩展API组合Mason, TurboGears和多个Python框架的的思想,pylons提供了一个框架:

[quote]Fast and Stable
Built on Mako, Routes and Paste, Pylons harnesses the full power of Mako for maximum performance. Although Pylons is still in development the core packages it uses are mature and Pylons is already being used in production systems.[/quote]
构建在Mako Routes Paste上。Pylons为最大的性能发挥了Mako所有的能力。虽然Pylons的核心包仍然在不停的开发中,但它的使用是成熟的。并且已经被应用于生产环境。

Easy to Use
Pylons implements the very best web development methodologies in straightforward pure-Python code. People new to Pylons are often surprised by how natural it is to use. If you already know Python you will feel right at home with Pylons, if not the Python Tutorial is an excellent starting point. Pylons plays nicely with other frameworks; you can even run TurboGears, Django and other WSGI applications from within a Pylons application making transition that bit easier. The web based interactive debugging makes even tough problems easy to resolve.


Pylons用纯Python代码实现了非常好的web开发方法学。对刚使用Pylons的人来说经常会很吃惊使用它是如此自然。如果你已经知道python,如果Python教程不是一个精彩的起点,你看到Pylons会有宾至如归的感觉。Pylons plays nicely with other frameworks; you can even run TurboGears, Django and other WSGI applications from within a Pylons application making transition that bit easier.。基于交互的debugging也使艰难的问题变的更容易解决。

Pylons and its underlying components have been designed with great care to run on operating systems from Windows to MacOS to Linux on all types of computer from embedded devices to dedicated servers, in fact anywhere with a full Python 2.3 installation or above. Pylons can be deployed with its own server or integrated with other servers through WSGI/FastCGI/SCGI/CGI/mod_python and more. For example you can run Pylons applications on an Apache shared hosting account with ease.


Pylons以及它下面的组件已经被小心设计,使它可以运行在包括Windows MacOS Linux 嵌入式设备以及服务器 ,事实上 任何完整安装Python的地方。Pylons能被部署在自带的server 或通过WSGI/FastCGI/SCGI/CGI/mod_python等方式集成到其他服务器中。例如你可以简单的在Apache共享主机运行Pylons应用程序。

Most Pylons functionality is implemented through extension packages distributed as eggs rather than as part of Pylons Core. This enables you to only include functionality you need in your application and avoid slowdown caused by unnecessary code. Even the Pylons Core APIs have been designed so that they can be tweaked, customized, extended or replaced with the minimum of effort, often just by modifying files in your application's config directory.


大部分的Pylons功能实现都是通过扩展包的方式分发的,而不是Pylons核心的一部分。这就可以让你包含你的应用需要的功能,并阻止无效代码降低运行速度。甚至Pylons核心的APIs已经被设计,以便 他们能以最小限度的影响 被 定制,扩展,替换,经常只需要修改你的应用的配置文件即可。

If your application needs extra functionality you can install a Pylons Extension of your own. Pylons Extensions already exist to add Internationalization, Auth facilities and Rails helpers. You can easily write and distribute your own Pylons Extensions using the Extension API. Pylons Extensions are also designed to be integrated with other web frameworks and this integration is actively encouraged.


如果你的应用需要额外的扩展功能 ,你可以安装自己的Pylons扩展。Pylons扩展已经添加了国家化,认证工具,和Rails helpers。你能使用扩展API 简单的写和分发你自己的Pylons扩展,Pylons 扩展同样也被设计为能集成其他开发框架,并且这种集成是被积极鼓励的。

[quote]Growing Rapidly
Pylons' ease of use and sophisticated features mean that it is rapidly gaining support. Its extensible architecture is enabling more people to write new packages to extend the core functionality and its careful and flexible design mean that Pylons can rapidly evolve and grow as new methodologies and ideas take root.[/quote]


Pylons使用简单,久经世故的功能意味着它能快速的得到支持。它可扩展架构是更多的人可以写新的包以扩展核心功能,它小心,灵活的设计意味着 Pylons 的新的方法学和思想能付诸实施,能快速的展开和生长。

Knowing Python makes Pylons easy
Pylons makes it easy to expand on your knowledge of Python to master Pylons for web development. Using a MVC style dispatch, Python knowledge is used at various levels:
The Controller is just a basic Python class, called for each request. Customizing the response is as easy as overriding __call__ to make your webapp work how you want.
Mako templating compiles directly to Python byte-code for speed and utilizes Python for template control rather than creating its own template syntax for "for, while, etc"


Pylons做了一些工作,使你轻松的扩展一些你的Python知识就能掌握Pylons web开发。
控制器是一个简单的Python,被每个请求调用。重写__call__方法就可以轻松的定制response来使你的应用以你期望的方式工作。Mako模板直接编译为Python字节码,以提高速度。同时利用Python对模板的控制力超过创建它自己的for while 模板语法。