python适合什么发型-PEP 219 -- Stackless Python


The major difficulty with this approach is C calling Python. The

problem is that the C stack now holds a nested execution of the

byte-code interpreter. In that situation, a coroutine /

microthread extension cannot be permitted to transfer control to a

frame in a different invocation of the byte-code interpreter. If a

frame were to complete and exit back to C from the wrong

interpreter, the C stack could be trashed.

The ideal solution is to create a mechanism where nested

executions of the byte code interpreter are never needed. The easy

solution is for the coroutine / microthread extension(s) to

recognize the situation and refuse to allow transfers outside the

current invocation.

We can categorize code that involves C calling Python into two

camps: Python"s implementation, and C extensions. And hopefully we

can offer a compromise: Python"s internal usage (and C extension

writers who want to go to the effort) will no longer use a nested

invocation of the interpreter. Extensions which do not go to the

effort will still be safe, but will not play well with coroutines

/ microthreads.

Generally, when a recursive call is transformed into a loop, a bit

of extra bookkeeping is required. The loop will need to keep its

own "stack" of arguments and results since the real stack can now

only hold the most recent. The code will be more verbose, because

it"s not quite as obvious when we"re done. While Stackless is not

implemented this way, it has to deal with the same issues.

In normal Python, PyEval_EvalCode is used to build a frame and

execute it. Stackless Python introduces the concept of a

FrameDispatcher. Like PyEval_EvalCode, it executes one frame. But

the interpreter may signal the FrameDispatcher that a new frame

has been swapped in, and the new frame should be executed. When a

frame completes, the FrameDispatcher follows the back pointer to

resume the "calling" frame.

So Stackless transforms recursions into a loop, but it is not the

FrameDispatcher that manages the frames. This is done by the

interpreter (or an extension that knows what it"s doing).

The general idea is that where C code needs to execute Python

code, it creates a frame for the Python code, setting its back

pointer to the current frame. Then it swaps in the frame, signals

the FrameDispatcher and gets out of the way. The C stack is now

clean - the Python code can transfer control to any other frame

(if an extension gives it the means to do so).

In the vanilla case, this magic can be hidden from the programmer

(even, in most cases, from the Python-internals programmer). Many

situations present another level of difficulty, however.

The map builtin function involves two obstacles to this

approach. It cannot simply construct a frame and get out of the

way, not just because there"s a loop involved, but each pass

through the loop requires some "post" processing. In order to play

well with others, Stackless constructs a frame object for map


Most recursions of the interpreter are not this complex, but

fairly frequently, some "post" operations are required. Stackless

does not fix these situations because of the amount of code changes

required. Instead, Stackless prohibits transfers out of a nested

interpreter. While not ideal (and sometimes puzzling), this

limitation is hardly crippling.
