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gnu bash_如何使用GNU parallel增强bash工作流程


gnu bash

GNU parallel is a command line tool for running jobs in parallel.

GNU parallel是用于并行运行作业的命令行工具。

parallel is awesome and belongs in the toolbox of every programmer. But I found the docs a bit overwhelming at first. Fortunately, you can start being useful with parallel with just a few basic commands.

parallel非常棒,它属于每个程序员的工具箱。 但是我发现这些文档起初有点让人不知所措。 幸运的是,您只需几个基本命令就可以开始对parallel有用。

为什么parallel如此有用? (Why is parallel so useful?)

Let’s compare sequential and parallel execution of the same compute-intensive task.


Imagine you have a folder of .wav audio files to convert to .flac:


These are pretty big files, each one is at least a gigabyte.

这些都是非常大的文件,每个文件至少为1 GB。

We’ll use another great command line tool, ffmpeg, to convert the files. Here’s what we need to run for each file.

我们将使用另一个出色的命令行工具ffmpeg来转换文件。 这是我们需要为每个文件运行的内容。

ffmpeg -i audio1.wav audio1.flac

Let’s write a script to convert each one sequentially:


# convert.sh
ffmpeg -i audio1.wav audio1.flac
ffmpeg -i audio2.wav audio2.flac
ffmpeg -i audio3.wav audio3.flac
ffmpeg -i audio4.wav audio4.flac
ffmpeg -i audio5.wav audio5.flac

We can time the execution of a job by prepending time when calling the script from the terminal. time will print the real time elapsed during execution.


time ./convert.sh

Our script finishes in a little over a minute.


Not bad. But now let’s run it in parallel!

不错。 但是现在让我们并行运行它!

We don’t have to change anything about our script. With the -a flag, we can pipe our script directly into parallel. parallel will run every line as a separate command.

我们不必更改脚本的任何内容。 使用-a标志,我们可以将脚本直接传递给parallelparallel将作为单独的命令运行每一行。

parallel -a ./convert.sh

Using parallel, our conversion ran in a little over half the time. Nice!

使用parallel ,我们的转换运行了一半以上的时间。 真好!

With only five files, this difference isn’t such a big deal. But with larger lists and longer tasks, we can save a lot of time with parallel.

只有五个文件,这种差异不是什么大问题。 但是,使用更大的列表和更长的任务,我们可以使用parallel节省很多时间。

I encountered parallel while working with a data processing task that would likely have run for an hour or more if done sequentially. With parallel, it took only a few minutes.

我在处理数据处理任务时遇到了parallel处理,如果按顺序执行,则可能要运行一个小时或更长时间。 使用parallel ,只花了几分钟。

parallel power also depends on your computer. My MacBook Pro’s Intel i7 has only 4 cores. Even this small task pushed them all to their limit:

parallel电源还取决于您的计算机。 我的MacBook Pro的Intel i7只有4个核心。 即使这个小任务也将他们推到了极限:

More powerful computers might have processors with 8, 16, or even 32 cores, offering massive time-saving through parallelization of your jobs.


parallel有用 (Being Useful with parallel)

The other great benefit of parallel is its brevity and simplicity. Let's start with a nasty Python script and convert it to a clean call to parallel.

parallel的另一个巨大好处是它的简洁和简单。 让我们从一个讨厌的Python脚本开始,并将其转换为对parallel的干净调用。

Here’s a Python script to accomplish our audio file conversion:


import subprocess
path = Path.home()/'my-data-here'
for audio_file in list(path.glob('*.wav')):
    cmd = ['ffmpeg',
    subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

Yikes! That’s actually a lot of code to think about just to convert some files. (This takes about 1.2 minutes to run).

kes! 实际上,要转换某些文件需要考虑很多代码。 (这大约需要1.2分钟才能运行)。

Let’s convert our Python to parallel.


parallel -a调用脚本 (Calling a script with parallel -a)

parallel -a your-script-here.sh is the nice one-liner we used above to pipe in our bash script.

parallel -a your-script-here.sh是我们上面用来在bash脚本中传递管道的很好的一类代码。

This is great but does require you to write out the bash script you want to execute. In our example, we still wrote out every individual call to ffmpeg in convert.sh.

这很棒,但是确实需要您写出要执行的bash脚本。 在我们的示例中,我们仍然在convert.sh写出了对ffmpeg每个单独调用。

管道和字符串插值与parallel (Pipes and String Interpolation with parallel)

Luckily, parallel gives us a way to delete convert.sh entirely.

幸运的是, parallel我们提供了一种完全删除convert.sh的方法。

Here’s all we have to run to accomplish our conversion:


ls *.wav | parallel ffmpeg -i {} {.}.flac

Let’s break this down.


We’re getting a list of all the .wav files in our directory with ls *.wav. Then we’re piping (|) that list to parallel.

我们使用ls *.wav获取目录中所有.wav文件的列表。 然后,我们将该列表用管道( | )进行parallel

Parallel provides some useful ways to do string interpolation, so our file paths are input correctly.


The first is {}, which parallel automatically replaces with one line from our input.


The second operator is {.}, which will input one line but with any file extensions removed.

第二个运算符是{.} ,它将输入一行,但是没有任何文件扩展名。

If we expanded the command run by parallel for our first line of input, we would see...


ffmpeg -i audio1.wav audio1.flac

Parallel Args (Args with Parallel)

As it turns out, we don’t even need to pipe from ls to complete our task. We can go simpler still:

事实证明,我们甚至不需要通过ls来完成我们的任务。 我们可以更简单一些:

parallel ffmpeg -i {} {.}.flac ::: *.wav

Arguments passed to parallel occur after the command and are separated by :::. In this case, our argument is *.wav, which will provide the list of all .wav files in our directory. These files become the input for our blazing-fast parallel job.

传递给parallel参数在命令之后出现,并由:::分隔。 在这种情况下,我们的参数是*.wav ,它将提供目录中所有.wav文件的列表。 这些文件成为我们快速parallel工作的输入。

Fun fact: parallel was built by Ole Tange and published in 2011. According to him, you can use the tool for research without citing the source paper for the modest fee of 10,000 euros!

有趣的事实: parallelOle Tange建造并于2011年出版。据他说,您可以使用该工具进行研究,而无需引用原始文件,而只需支付10,000欧元!

Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-supercharge-your-bash-workflows-with-gnu-parallel-53aab0aea141/

gnu bash
