console is on a serial device
no further output will appear on this output device
屏幕上黑屏显示console is on a serial device no further output will appear on this output device 键盘鼠标没反应,telnet连接应该是没问题的,因为是刚用telnet进行操作以后又用KVM操作时发现的这个问题,请问这是怎么回事啊?对了先前开了很多个telnet连接,操作完了以后直接拔的网线,是不是应为连接太多了,而又没有正常的断开连接的原因?怎么解决呢?大家受累,教教我.
把CONSOLE output设置为 VGA选项,把串口的从PRIMARY 改成disable。
I was able to do what I wanted: set the console output to the VGA port and reset the system without any problem. After a few minutes I got the message "Console output is on a serial device - No further output will be displayed in this device " and after waiting some more minutes I got my graphical login as I wanted.