module.exports = {
apps: [
name: 'huike-cms',
script: 'server/index.js',
env: {
NODE_ENV: 'production',
RUN_ENV: 'production',
env_prod: {
NODE_ENV: 'production',
RUN_ENV: 'production',
env_test: {
NODE_ENV: 'test',
RUN_ENV: 'test',
watch: ['server'],
ignore_watch: ['node_modules', 'logs', 'build'],
cwd: './',
"name" : "node-app", //启动app名称
"cwd" : "/srv/node-app/current",
"args" : ["--toto=heya coco", "-d", "1"],
"script" : "bin/app.js",
"node_args" : ["--harmony", " --max-stack-size=102400000"],
"log_date_format" : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
"error_file" : "/var/log/node-app/node-app.stderr.log",
"out_file" : "log/node-app.stdout.log",
"pid_file" : "pids/",
"instances" : 6, //or 0 => 'max'
"min_uptime" : "200s", // 200 seconds, defaults to 1000
"max_restarts" : 10, // defaults to 15
"max_memory_restart": "1M", // 1 megabytes, e.g.: "2G", "10M", "100K", 1024 the default unit is byte.
"cron_restart" : "1 0 * * *",
"watch" : false,
"ignore_watch" : ["[\\/\\\\]\\./", "node_modules"],
"merge_logs" : true,
"exec_interpreter" : "node",
"exec_mode" : "fork",
"autorestart" : false, // enable/disable automatic restart when an app crashes or exits
"vizion" : false, // enable/disable vizion features (versioning control)
// Default environment variables that will be injected in any environment and at any start
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "production",
"env_*" : {
启动指定的环境:pm2 start --env test
pm2 start --env prod
start [options] [name|namespace|file|ecosystem|id...] start and daemonize an app
trigger <id|proc_name|namespace|all> <action_name> [params] trigger process action
deploy <file|environment> deploy your json
startOrRestart <json> start or restart JSON file
startOrReload <json> start or gracefully reload JSON file
pid [app_name] return pid of [app_name] or all
create return pid of [app_name] or all
startOrGracefulReload <json> start or gracefully reload JSON file
stop [options] <id|name|namespace|all|json|stdin...> stop a process
restart [options] <id|name|namespace|all|json|stdin...> restart a process
scale <app_name> <number> scale up/down a process in cluster mode depending on total_number param
profile:mem [time] Sample PM2 heap memory
profile:cpu [time] Profile PM2 cpu
reload <id|name|namespace|all> reload processes (note that its for app using HTTP/HTTPS)
id <name> get process id by name
inspect <name> inspect a process
delete|del <name|id|namespace|script|all|json|stdin...> stop and delete a process from pm2 process list
sendSignal <signal> <pm2_id|name> send a system signal to the target process
ping ping pm2 daemon - if not up it will launch it
updatePM2 update in-memory PM2 with local PM2
update (alias) update in-memory PM2 with local PM2
install|module:install [options] <module|git:/> install or update a module and run it forever
module:update <module|git:/> update a module and run it forever
module:generate [app_name] Generate a sample module in current folder
uninstall|module:uninstall <module> stop and uninstall a module
package [target] Check & Package TAR type module
publish|module:publish [options] [folder] Publish the module you are currently on
set [key] [value] sets the specified config <key> <value>
multiset <value> multiset eg "key1 val1 key2 val2
get [key] get value for <key>
conf [key] [value] get / set module config values
config <key> [value] get / set module config values
unset <key> clears the specified config <key>
report give a full pm2 report for
link [options] [secret] [public] [name] link with the pm2 monitoring dashboard
unlink unlink with the pm2 monitoring dashboard
monitor [name] monitor target process
unmonitor [name] unmonitor target process
open open the pm2 monitoring dashboard
plus|register [options] [command] [option] enable pm2 plus
login Login to pm2 plus
logout Logout from pm2 plus
dump|save [options] dump all processes for resurrecting them later
cleardump Create empty dump file
send <pm_id> <line> send stdin to <pm_id>
attach <pm_id> [comman] attach stdin/stdout to application identified by <pm_id>
resurrect resurrect previously dumped processes
unstartup [platform] disable the pm2 startup hook
startup [platform] enable the pm2 startup hook
logrotate copy default logrotate configuration
ecosystem|init [mode] generate a process conf file. (mode = null or simple)
reset <name|id|all> reset counters for process
describe <name|id> describe all parameters of a process
desc <name|id> (alias) describe all parameters of a process
info <name|id> (alias) describe all parameters of a process
show <name|id> (alias) describe all parameters of a process
env <id> list all environment variables of a process id
list|ls list all processes
l (alias) list all processes
ps (alias) list all processes
status (alias) list all processes
jlist list all processes in JSON format
sysmonit start system monitoring daemon
slist|sysinfos [options] list system infos in JSON
prettylist print json in a prettified JSON
monit launch termcaps monitoring
imonit launch legacy termcaps monitoring
dashboard|dash launch dashboard with monitoring and logs
flush [api] flush logs
reloadLogs reload all logs
logs [options] [id|name|namespace] stream logs file. Default stream all logs
kill kill daemon
pull <name> [commit_id] updates repository for a given app
forward <name> updates repository to the next commit for a given app
backward <name> downgrades repository to the previous commit for a given app
deepUpdate performs a deep update of PM2
serve|expose [options] [path] [port] serve a directory over http via port
examples display pm2 usage examples