【OBS-studio-webrtc】OBS requires Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.19041.0 and above to compile.


  • OBS 官方当前(20210222)最新 要求的windows sdk 版本10.19.***
  • 而且内置了检查:
  • G:\NDDEV\RTOBS\OBS-studio-webrtc\

如果 10.0.19041.0 不满足会报错

# --- Handle Project Dependencies
# supposes that the super build, or the user uses QTDIR (CLI or ENV), QTDIR32 and or QTDIR64 (ENV only)
# and not the more standard Qt5_DIR variable. Brittle.
# supposes that the DepsPath variable exists and point to the obs precompile dependencies.
# Could be improved thourgh a superbuild script to make it fully deterministic.
