"compilerOptions": {
"module": "es2022",
"moduleResolution": "Node"
我正在执行Stripes集成步骤,在步骤2.1中发现我的代码有一个错误(https://stripe.com/docs/connect/collect-then-transfer-guide#create-账户链接) 如何修复此错误? 代码: 错误: 仅当“模块”选项设置为“esnext”或“系统”且“目标”选项设置为“es2017”或更高时,才允许使用顶级“等待”表达式。ts(1378)
Angular ESNext TodoMVC TodoMVC application built with Angular in Javascript (ES6/ES7). Layout and namings based on the official Angular style guide. Concepts it covers Creating @Component with directi
Angular Babel ESNext Starter This repository shows development and testing techniques with Angular.The application is written in modern Javascript without Typescript.It can be ideal for those who are
esnext 是一个 JavaScript 库,可以将 ES6 草案规范语法转成今天的 JavaScript 语法。 例如: /*On the left is code written with new JavaScript features,and on the right is the console output, plus the same codere-written so it can