不知道是不是只有我的是这样 呵呵。。。
PERL\mojoka\my_app\script>morbo -h Usage: morbo [OPTIONS] [APPLICATION] morbo ./script/myapp morbo ./myapp.pl morbo -m production -l https://*:443 -l http://[::]:3000 ./myapp.pl morbo -l 'https://*:443?cert=./server.crt&key=./server.key' ./myapp.pl morbo -w /usr/local/lib -w public ./myapp.pl Options: -h, --help Show this message. -l, --listen <location> One or more locations you want to listen on, defaults to the value of MOJO_LISTEN or "http://*:3000". -m, --mode <name> Operating mode for your application, defaults to the value of MOJO_MODE/PLACK_ENV or "development". -v, --verbose Print details about what files changed to STDOUT. -w, --watch <directory/file> One or more directories and files to watch for changes, defaults to the application script as well as the "lib" and "templates" directories in the current working directory.
使用这句命令启动就好了 PERL\mojoka\my_app>morbo -w ./lib -w ./templates ./script/my_app