当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > JSON Parser > 使用案例 >

json parser


和xml parser类似三个主要对象




parser在iterate datasource的时候碰到不同的字符相当于产生不同的事件,有不同的动作,parser会 维护一些状态,更新targetObject,用stack维护层级,栈顶是当前容器

def parseJson(json):
    stack, key = [[]], [None]
    data_start, i, inQuote= -1, 0, False
    def add(item, isContainer):
	    if not isContainer:
	        if item.isdigit() : item = int(item)
	        elif item[0] == '"': item = item[1:-1]
	    if key[0] == None: stack[-1].append(item)
	        if key[0].isdigit(): key[0] = int(key[0])
	        elif key[0][0] == '"': key[0] = key[0][1:-1]
	        stack[-1][key[0]] = item
            key[0] = None
	    if isContainer: stack.append(item)
    for i in xrange(len(json)):
	    if json[i] == ' ' or json[i] != '"' and inQuote: continue
	    elif json[i] == '"': inQuote = not inQuote
	    if json[i] == ',':
			if data_start != -1: 
				add(json[data_start:i].strip(), False)
				data_start = -1
	    elif json[i] == ':': 
		    key[0] = json[data_start:i].strip()
	    elif json[i] not in '{}[] ':
			if i == 0 or json[i - 1] in '{[, :': data_start = i
	    elif json[i] in '{[':
			add([] if json[i] == '[' else {}, True)
	    elif json[i] in '}]':
		    if data_start != -1:
				add(json[data_start:i].strip(), False)
				data_start = -1
    return stack[-1][0] if len(stack[-1]) > 0 else None



wordStart 和word用于分词, wordStart > 0 and word == '' 意味着分词开始还没结束, word !='' and wordStart == -1, 已经分出一个词,待使用

inQuote 代表是否处在引号的范围内,优先处理,因为引号内可以有特殊字符,且其特殊性被取消







[{,产生一个新的容器,加到当前容器中,同时expectNext = false,表示之前的expectNext满足了


  ,标志一个item结束,把当前词加到容器,如果当前词为空,且expectNext 未满足(expectNext==True) 则说明上一个item为空,不允许。同时标志必须后面再跟一item, expectNext = True


如何把item 加到容器?如果key为空,表示容器是个list,append,如果key有值,表示容器是dict,dict[key] = word。如果item本身是容器,则push到栈顶,成为当前容器。item是word:如果是带引号的,则去除引号作为str,如果是不带引号的,如果是数,转换成int

def parseJson(s):
    stack, wordStart, word, key, expectNext, inQuote, sep = [[]], -1, '', [None], False, False, '[]{}:, \t'
    def add(item, container):
        if not container: item = int(item) if item.isdigit() else (item[1:-1] if item[0]=='"' else item)
        if key[0] == None: stack[-1].append(item)
            if key[0].isdigit(): key[0] = int(key[0])
            elif key[0][0] == '"': key[0] = key[0][1:-1]
            stack[-1][key[0]] = item
            key[0] = None
        if container: stack.append(item)

    for i in xrange(len(s)):
        if inQuote:
            if s[i] == '"': inQuote, word, wordStart = False, s[wordStart : i + 1], -1
        elif s[i] == '"': inQuote, wordStart = True, i
        elif s[i] not in sep:
            if i == 0 or s[i - 1] in sep: wordStart  = i
            if i == len(s) - 1 or s[i + 1] in sep: word, wordStart = s[wordStart : i + 1], -1
        elif s[i] == ':':
            if key[0] != None or word == '': raise Exception('key error.')
            key[0], word = word, ''
        elif s[i] == ',':
            if word != '':
                add(word, False)
                word, expectNext = '', True
            elif expectNext: raise Exception('empty entry.')
        elif s[i] in '{[':
            add([] if s[i] == '[' else {}, True)
            expectNext = False
        elif s[i] in '}]':
            if word != '':
                add(word, False)
                word, expectNext = '', False
            elif expectNext: raise Exception('empty entry.')
    if len(stack) != 1: raise Exception('unmatched.')
    return stack[0][-1] if len(stack[0]) > 0 else None


class JsonParser:
	def __init__(self):
		self.__i = 0

	def parse(self, json):
		while self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] in '\t\n ': self.__i += 1
		if self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] == ',': self.__i += 1
		while self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] in '\t\n ': self.__i += 1

		if self.__i == len(json): raise Exception('empty entry.')
		if json[self.__i] not in '{[':
			if json[self.__i] == '"':
				self.__i += 1
				wordStart = self.__i
				while self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] != '"': self.__i += 1
				if self.__i == len(json): raise Exception('unmatched quote.')
				word = json[wordStart: self.__i]
				while self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] not in ',:]}':
					self.__i += 1
				return word
				wordStart = self.__i
				while self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] not in ',:]}':
					self.__i += 1
				word = json[wordStart: self.__i].strip()
				return int(word) if json[wordStart].isdigit() else word
		elif json[self.__i] == '[':
				result = []
				self.__i += 1
				while self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] != ']':
					if self.__i == len(json) or json[self.__i] not in ',]': raise Exception('invaild list item end.')
				if self.__i == len(json) or json[self.__i] != ']': raise Exception('invaild list end.')
				self.__i += 1
				return result
		elif json[self.__i] == '{':
				result = {}
				self.__i += 1
				while self.__i < len(json) and json[self.__i] != '}':
					key = self.parse(json)
					if self.__i == len(json) or json[self.__i] != ':': raise Exception('invalid dict key end.')
					self.__i += 1
					value = self.parse(json)
					if self.__i == len(json) or json[self.__i] not in ',}': raise Exception('invaild dict item end.')
					result[key] = value
				if self.__i == len(json) or json[self.__i] != '}': raise Exception('invalid dict end.')
				self.__i += 1
				return result
			raise Exception('bad format.')



