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vdi linux桌面,ubuntu VDI ( Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop


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Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop v4.0.0Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) support

Prerequisites: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)RepositoryOnline MethodOffline MethodSession Manager Installation and ConfigurationInstalling MySQLPackage InstallationConfigurationInstalling the Application Server and File Server (using Subsystem)Important noteInstallationInstalling a Web Portal (eg web.test.demo)

The purpose of this document is to describe how the different server roles of Ulteo OVD can be installed on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) system.

Prerequisites: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)


The new LTS version is Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin).

System Requirements

For a Session Manager:

Evaluations/POCs: Minimum prerequisites are 1 CPU core and 512MB RAM

Production environments: Ulteo recommends a minimum of 2GB RAM and 2 CPU cores

For an Application Server (Subsystem):

Evaluations/POCs: Minimum prerequisites are 1 CPU core and 1GB RAM

Production environments: Ulteo recommends a minimum of 4GB RAM and 2 CPU cores

For a Web Portal:

Evaluations/POCs: Minimum prerequisites are 1 CPU core and 512MB RAM

Production envrionments: Ulteo recommends 1GB RAM whenever possible or more

For using the same physical machine to host the Session Manager, the Web Portal and the Linux Application Server:

Evaluations/POCs: Minimum prerequisites are 1 CPU core and 1GB RAM

Production environments: Please note, Ulteo does not recommend using this installation method for production environments


On Ubuntu systems, we are not using the super user (root) to log in and install packages. It is recomended to use sudo.

So there are two alternatives: either you think about adding sudo before each command you launch or you log in as root

To log in as root:

$ sudo -s


In this document, we are using sm.test.demo for the Session Manager address, aps.test.demo for the Application Server and web.test.demofor the Web Portal.You need to use the names that are configured for your own environment.


Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is a Debian-based system which uses the same packaging system and tools: apt-get. So you need to have an internet connection on your Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) system and add an Ulteo Debian repository to your system.

Online Method

The following method describes the repository process when your servers have access to the Internet. If no access is available, please read the information presented in the section "Offline Method".

Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo_ovd.list file and add these lines:

deb http://archive.ulteo.com/ovd/4.0/ubuntu precise main

Offline Method


The Ulteo OVD offline installation requires that the Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) DVD is registered on the system as a packages repository in order to match package dependencies.If the system is not set to get packages from the DVD, Ulteo dependencies like Apache, for instance, won't be installed and the Ulteo solution will not work.

Get this ovd-4.0.0-precise.tar.gz archive from the Ulteo website or from the Ulteo OVD DVD and copy it in the /root of your machine.

Uncompress the archive:

# tar xzf ovd-4.0.0-precise.tar.gz

Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo-ovd-offline.list file and add these lines:

deb file:///root/ovd-4.0.0-precise precise main

Completing the Installation Process

Update the package database:

# apt-get update


GPG errors given by the previous command will be fixed in the next installation steps. They won't prevent the installation from succeeding.

Install the keyring package to validate the repository using gpg:

# apt-get install ulteo-keyring # apt-get update

Session Manager Installation and Configuration

The Session Manager is a LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) system and can be used on an exising LAMP server.

Installing MySQL

The Session Manager needs access to a MySQL database. We advise you to setup the MySQL server on the same machine as the Session Manager to minimize access time.

Install the mysql-server package:

# apt-get install mysql-server

A password for root will be asked.

Now login to mysql and create a database:

# mysql -u root -p -e 'create database ovd'

Package Installation

Install the ulteo-ovd-session-manager packages:

# apt-get install ulteo-ovd-session-manager ulteo-ovd-administration-console

The installer requires the location of the Session Manager

The installer requires an admin login

And a password:

which has to be confirmed:

As described in the Archictecture documentation, a Susbsystem archive can be installed on the SM to simplify Application Server deployments.


If you don't have access to the Internet, please read this to manually get the subsystem archive.

The server is now installed but not configured yet. To configure the SM, open http://sm.test.demo/ovd/admin in a web browser. It should display this page:


The first step is to go to http://sm.test.demo/ovd/admin and authenticate yourself with the login and password you provided during installation.

The first time you log in, the system detects that it is not configured so you are redirected to a basic setup page which will save a default configuration.

You have to set the MySQL configuration. For example, if you install MySQL on the same host as described previously, you would use the follwing configuration:

Then, modifications are validated.

The Session Manager is now installed. Please read the appropriate documentations to install other servers or start sessions.

Setting Up the Subsystem Archive

If you didn't specify a URL when initailly prompted, you have to manually copy a subsystem archive into/var/cache/ulteo/sessionmanager/base.tar.gz.

Retrieve the base.tar.gz archive from the Ulteo website or from the Ulteo OVD DVD and copy it into the /var/cache/ulteo/sessionmanager/ folder of your machine.

Installing the Application Server and File Server (using Subsystem)Important note


Due to issues with the latest kernel, it's necessary to downgrade it. You have to use a Linux kernel version 3.2.0 in your host server

Install the previous kernel

# sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-60-virtual

List all kernels installed

# dpkg -l | grep linux-image

Remove all kernels higher than linux-image-

# sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-XXX

You must reboot the server now


Install the package ulteo-ovd-subsystem:

# apt-get install ulteo-ovd-subsystem

The only information required is the host/IP address where the session manager can be accessed (we use sm.test.demo here for the example, but of course, you have to set your own domain name).


If you are going to install an Application Server on the same machine as your Session Manager, it is recommended to use the host.

The configuration is now done. The system is going to download and uncompress the application system archive from the Session Manager you registered.

Once done, you just have to restart the service:

# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-subsystem restart

Your server should appear in the Unregistered server page.

Setting a Redirection Name

The server redirection name is optional. If all your machines are in the same network, you don't have to change it.


If you have installed your Application Server on the same machine as your Session Manager and you have followed our advice, you have set as the server name so you must define a redirection name.

The redirection name is used when launching sessions. When you launch a session, you are redirected to an Application Server using the redirection name as target host. In some cases the default redirection name is not valid. For instance, if you set up a private IP address and you want to connect to your Application Server from the internet.

Installing a Web Portal (eg web.test.demo)

The Ulteo OVD Web Portal is no longer installed with the Session Manager as it was on previous versions (version number < 3.0). So you have to install it manually on any server you want. It is, of course, possible to install it on the same machine as the Session Manager.

In this example, we are using web.test.demo as the Web Portal address

Install the package ulteo-ovd-web-client:

# apt-get install ulteo-ovd-web-client

The installer asks if you want to connect the Web Portal with an existing Session Manager. The answer depends on whether you want to use this Web Portal in a specific Ulteo OVD farm or if you want a generic Web Portal.

If you answered yes for the previous question, you now have to provide the host/IP address of the Session Manager. In our example: sm.test.demo.

Using you web browser, go to http://web.test.demo/ovd/, you should see a login page:

For further information, please check our website www.ulteo.com.
