env-si.lnt: The environment file to run PC-lint from within the
Source Insight Editor.
To set up Source Insight to run PC-lint from a custom command
do the following:
1) Select custom commands from the options menu.
a) Enter "PC-lint unit check" as the Name of the new command.
b) Enter in the run edit box the following:
c:/lint/lint -u -ic:/lint std env-si %f
Where c:/lint is your lint directory.
c) Check the following check boxes/radio buttons
Iconic Window
Capture Output
Save Files First
Parse Links in Output
File, then Line
d) Enter the following expression in the Pattern edit box
^/([^ ]*/) /([0-9]+/)
This indicates that Messages are identified by:
File-name blank line-number
In order to run PC-lint, select from the Options menu the
Custom Commands. Then select PC-lint from the Command
and click on the run button.