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SVGMap SVGFigure are very good way in future under mobile device


2007-03-13: SVGMap Consortium Founded in Japan

Four Japanese companies have founded the SVGMap Consortium in order to develop browsing software, and server and service infrastructure for the dissemination of Web maps in the SVG Tiny format (with geo extensions). An SVG mobile browser is being developed which supports high performance rendering of large map data, hyper layering functionality, scrolling, zooming, and handling of geo-metadata. The additional functionality is built on top of SVG Tiny 1.2. SVG is a government mandated standard for mobile geodata in Japan (g-contents initiative). The consortium is supported by other companies and research institutions.

2007-03-19: Hardware-Accelerated SVG

AMD has announced two new mobile graphics chips, the G12 and G40, which they claim can accelerate vector graphics (including SVG) up to 30 times. They demonstrated smooth animation and zooming, and clean anti-aliasing. The chips are slated for release in devices around Christmas 2008.






