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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# author: wangzhongzheng
# time: 2022/6/17 16:40
import os, sys

# os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

from configparser import ConfigParser
import urllib.parse
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from git import Repo
import git
import requests
import shutil
import json
import ast
import re

# https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython
# https://gitpython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial.html#the-commit-object
class GitLab():
    def __init__(self):
        config = ConfigParser()
        config.read("config.ini", encoding='UTF-8')
        self.username = config['git_user']['user']
        self.password = config['git_user']['password']
        self.source_git = config['git_info']['source_git']
        self.target_git = config['git_info']['target_git']
        self.source_branch = config['branch_info']['source_branch']
        self.target_branch = config['branch_info']['target_branch']
        self.package_list = ast.literal_eval(config['common_package']['package_list'])

    def gitInit(self, git_path, branch):
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44784828/gitpython-git-authentication-using-user-and-password
        file_path = git_path.split("/")[-1].replace(".git","")
        remote = f"https://{self.username}:{urllib.parse.quote_plus(self.password)}@{git_path.replace('https://', '')}"
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            repo = Repo(file_path)
        else:  # 如果不存在则认为需要初始话拉取代码下来
            # https://note.qidong.name/2018/01/gitpython/
            repo = Repo.clone_from(url=remote, to_path=file_path, branch=branch)
        return repo

    def run(self):
        repo_source = self.gitInit(self.source_git, self.source_branch)
        repo_target = self.gitInit(self.target_git, self.target_branch)

        # 更新代码,保证代码最新
        print(self.source_git, " : ", repo_source.git.pull())
        print(self.target_git, " : ", repo_target.git.pull())

        # 将目标文件中的通用包复制到指定的位置
        for i in self.package_list:
            all_file = os.walk(i)
            for root, dirs, files in all_file:
                file_dir = root.replace("qhdata_etl/src/", "universal_processor/")  # 目标位置
                if not os.path.exists(file_dir):
                if files == []:
                for file_name in files:
                    shutil.copy(root + "/" + file_name, file_dir + "/" + file_name)

        # 推送回git上
        # 检查状态
        # 添加需要提交的文件
        for i in self.package_list:
            push_path = i.replace("qhdata_etl/src/", "")

        # 检查状态

        # commit
        msg = f'定期自动运行更新基础包程序'

        # 提交文件

class GitLabApi():
    def __init__(self):
        # https://testerhome.com/topics/32586
        # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/index.html#how-to-use-the-api
        # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/doc/api/openapi/openapi.yaml
        config = ConfigParser()
        config.read("config.ini", encoding='UTF-8')
        git_url = re.findall("https://.*?/",config['git_info']['source_git'])[0]
        self.api_url = git_url + "api/v4/"
        self.git_token = config['git_user']['token']
        headers = {
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36',
        self.session = requests.Session()
        headers['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] = self.git_token
        self.session.headers = headers
        # https://xuezenghui.com/posts/use-gitlab-api/
        git_version = self.session.get(self.api_url + "version", headers=headers)  # 模拟登陆,获取cookie
        print("gitlab version: ", git_version.text)

    def get(self, url, params: dict = None):
        res = self.session.get(url, params=params)
        if res.status_code == 200:
            return res
            print("status_code: ",res.status_code, "message: ", res.text)
            return res

    def post(self, url, data: dict):
        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
        data = json.dumps(data)
        res = self.session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
        if res.status_code == 200:
            return res
        if res.status_code == 201:
            return res
            print("status_code: ",res.status_code, "message: ", res.text)
            return res

    def delete(self, url):
        res = self.session.delete(url)
        if res.status_code == 204:
            return res
            print("status_code: ",res.status_code, "message: ", res.text)
            return res

    def put(self, url, data: dict):
        res = self.session.put(url, data)
        if res.status_code == 200:
            return res
            print("status_code: ", res.status_code, "message: ", res.text)
            return res

    # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/project_aliases.html
    def project(self, method="list_all_projects", **kwargs):
        if method == "list_all_projects":
            url = self.api_url + "projects"
            simple = kwargs.get("simple", True)
            per_page = kwargs.get("per_page", 100)
            params = dict(simple=simple, per_page=per_page)
            res = self.get(url, params=params)
            res_df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(json.loads(res.text))
            return res_df
        if method == "list_user_projects":
            user_id = kwargs.get("user_id", None)
            assert isinstance(user_id, str), "user_id: The ID or username of the user.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"users/{user_id}/projects"
            simple = kwargs.get("simple", True)
            per_page = kwargs.get("per_page", 100)
            params = dict(simple=simple, per_page=per_page)
            res = self.get(url, params=params)
            res_df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(json.loads(res.text))
            return res_df
        if method == "get_single_project":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            assert isinstance(id, str) or isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}"
            res = self.get(url)
            res_df = pd.Series(json.loads(res.text))
            return res_df
        if method == "get_project_users":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            assert isinstance(id, str) or isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/users"
            res = self.get(url)
            res_df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(json.loads(res.text))
            return res_df

    # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/branches.html
    def branches(self, method="list_repository_branches", **kwargs):
        if method == "list_repository_branches":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            assert isinstance(id, str) or isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/repository/branches"
            res = self.get(url)
            res_df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(json.loads(res.text))
            return res_df
        if method == "create_repository_branch":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            branch = kwargs.get("branch", None)
            ref = kwargs.get("ref", None)
            assert isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            assert isinstance(branch, str), "branch: Name of the branch.Not None"
            assert isinstance(ref, str), "ref: Branch name or commit SHA to create branch from.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/repository/branches"
            data = dict(branch=branch, ref=ref)
            res = self.post(url, data=data)
            return res
        if method == "delete_repository_branch":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            branch = kwargs.get("branch", None)
            assert isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            assert isinstance(branch, str), "branch: Name of the branch.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/repository/branches/{branch}"
            res = self.delete(url)

    # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/merge_requests.html
    def mergeRequests(self, method="list_merge_requests", **kwargs):
        if method == "list_merge_requests":
            state = kwargs.get("state", "all")
            with_labels_details = kwargs.get("with_labels_details", False)
            url = self.api_url + "merge_requests"
            assert state in ["all", "opened", "closed", "locked", "merged"], "state: 为返回所有all合并请求或仅返回opened, closed,locked或merged"
            assert with_labels_details in [True, False], "with_labels_details: 如果true,响应返回标签字段中每个标签的更多详细信息::name, :color, :description, :description_html, :text_color。默认为false。"
            params = dict(state=state, with_labels_details=with_labels_details)
            res = self.get(url, params=params)
            res_df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(json.loads(res.text))
            return res_df
        if method == "list_project_merge_requests":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            state = kwargs.get("state", "all")
            source_branch = kwargs.get("source_branch", None)
            target_branch = kwargs.get("target_branch", None)
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/merge_requests"
            assert isinstance(id, str) or isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user..Not None"
            assert state in ["all", "opened", "closed", "locked", "merged"], "state: 为返回所有all合并请求或仅返回opened, closed,locked或merged"
            params = dict(id=id, state=state, source_branch=source_branch, target_branch=target_branch)
            res = self.get(url, params=params)
            res_df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(json.loads(res.text))
            return res_df
        if method == "create_MR":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            source_branch = kwargs.get("source_branch", None)
            target_branch = kwargs.get("target_branch", None)
            title = kwargs.get("title", None)
            assert isinstance(id, str) or isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            assert isinstance(source_branch, str), "source_branch: The source branch.Not None"
            assert isinstance(target_branch, str), "target_branch: The target branch.Not None"
            assert isinstance(title, str), "title: Title of MR.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/merge_requests"
            data = dict(source_branch=source_branch, target_branch=target_branch, title=title)
            res = self.post(url, data=data)
            return res
        if method == "update_MR":
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            merge_request_iid = kwargs.get("merge_request_iid", None)
            description = kwargs.get("description", None)  # str, Description of MR. Limited to 1,048,576 characters.
            state_event = kwargs.get("state_event", None)  # str, New state (close/reopen).
            title = kwargs.get("title", None)  # str, Title of MR..
            assert isinstance(id, str) or isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            assert isinstance(merge_request_iid, int), "merge_request_iid: The ID of a merge request.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/merge_requests/{merge_request_iid}"
            data = dict(id=id, merge_request_iid=merge_request_iid, title=title, description=description, state_event=state_event)
            res = self.put(url, data=data)
            return res
        if method == "delete_a_merge_request":  # master权限
            id = kwargs.get("id", None)
            merge_request_iid = kwargs.get("merge_request_iid", None)
            assert isinstance(id, str) or isinstance(id, int), "id: The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.Not None"
            assert isinstance(merge_request_iid, int), "merge_request_iid: The ID of a merge request.Not None"
            url = self.api_url + f"projects/{id}/merge_requests/{merge_request_iid}"
            res = self.delete(url)
            return res

    # 获取当前账号有权限的全部工程列表
    # 注意:参数per_page最大为100,传入超过100的值时,gitlab的url请求中的per_page默认取100
    def gitlab_projects(self, per_page=100):
        projects_api = self.api_url + 'projects?simple=yes&per_page=%s' % per_page
        projects_headers = self.session.head(projects_api).headers
        projects_num = int(projects_headers['X-Total'])  # 获取工程总数
        projects_pages = int(projects_headers['X-Total-Pages'])  # 获取工程总页数
        print("工程总数:", projects_num)
        result = []
        for i in range(projects_pages):
            page = i + 1
            projects_url = projects_api + '&page=' + str(page)
            projects = self.session.get(projects_url).text
            projects_json = json.loads(projects)
            if type(projects_json) == list:
                result = result + projects_json
                print("projects_url: %s" % projects_url)
                print("headers: %s" % self.session.head(projects_api).headers)
                print("response: %s" % projects_json)
        return result

    # 获取工程的分支
    # 注意:参数per_page最大为100,传入超过100的值时,gitlab的url请求中的per_page默认取100
    def gitlab_project_branches(self, project_id, project_name, page=1, per_page=100, get_all_branches=False,
        print('工程id是' + str(project_id) + ':', '工程名是' + str(project_name))
        next_page = page
        branch_count = max_branch_count
        branch_names = []
        while next_page > 0 and branch_count > 0:
            project_branches_api = self.api_url + 'projects/%s/repository/branches?page=%s&per_page=%s' % (
            project_id, next_page, per_page)
            branch_headers = self.session.head(project_branches_api).headers
            next_page = int(branch_headers['X-Next-Page']) if "X-Next-Page" in branch_headers and branch_headers[
                'X-Next-Page'] != '' else 0
            if not get_all_branches:
                branch_count = branch_count - per_page
            branches_info = self.session.get(project_branches_api).text
            branches_info = json.loads(branches_info)
            for v in branches_info:
        if get_all_branches:
            return branch_names
        return branch_names[:max_branch_count]

    # 增量获取所有工程所有分支的提交日志
    # 注意:参数per_page最大为100,传入超过100的值时,gitlab的url请求中的per_page默认取100
    def get_project_commits(self, project_id, project_branch_name, page=1, per_page=100, get_all_commits=False,
        commit_all = []
        next_page = page
        commit_count = max_commit_count
        while next_page and commit_count > 0:
            if not get_all_commits:
                commit_count = commit_count - per_page
            commit_api = self.api_url + 'projects/%s/repository/commits?ref_name=%s&page=%s&per_page=%s' % (
            project_id, project_branch_name, next_page, per_page)
            commit_headers = self.session.head(commit_api).headers
            next_page = commit_headers["X-Next-Page"]
            commit_info = self.session.get(commit_api).text
            commit_all = commit_all + json.loads(commit_info)
        print("%s分支获取的commit信息获取完成" % project_branch_name)
        if get_all_commits:
            return commit_all
        return commit_all[:max_commit_count]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    gl = GitLab()
    gli = GitLabApi()
    mr_open = gli.mergeRequests(method="list_project_merge_requests", id=208, source_branch="user_01", target_branch="master", state="opened")
    if mr_open.empty:
        gli.mergeRequests(method="create_MR", id=208, source_branch="user_01", target_branch="master", title="定期自动运行更新基础包程序")
        merge_request_iid = int(mr_open["iid"][0])
        gli.mergeRequests(method="update_MR", id=208, merge_request_iid=merge_request_iid, description="测试修改描述同时将状态改为关闭", state_event="close")

    mr_open = gli.mergeRequests(method="list_project_merge_requests", id=208, source_branch="user_01", target_branch="master", state="opened")
    if mr_open.empty:
        gli.mergeRequests(method="create_MR", id=208, source_branch="user_01", target_branch="master", title="定期自动运行更新基础包程序")
        merge_request_iid = int(mr_open["iid"][0])
        gli.mergeRequests(method="update_MR", id=208, merge_request_iid=merge_request_iid, description="测试修改描述")
        gli.mergeRequests(method="delete_a_merge_request", id=208, merge_request_iid=merge_request_iid)


