system resource monitor


#!/usr/bin/perl ###monintor start#### if($ARGV[0] eq "start"){     print "monitor start!/nwe are monitoring cpu,memory,iostat,prstat!/n";     $flag=1;     while($flag==1){     $fname = `date +%F`;     $fname=~ s//-//g;     chomp($fname);     $cpufile=cpu."$fname";     `touch $cpufile`;     $time = `date "+%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"`;     open(FILE,">>$cpufile");     $cpu=`sar 2 1|tail -1`;     printf FILE ("%s%s/n",$cpu);     $iostatfile=iostat."$fname";         `touch $iostatfile`;         open(FILE,">>$iostatfile");     print FILE ("$time");     $io=`iostat -xnzD 2 2 |tail -1 `;     printf FILE ("%s/n",$io);     $topfile=top."$fname";         `touch $iostatfile`;         open(FILE,">>$topfile");     print FILE ("$time");     $w=`w|awk '{print $10}' | head -1`;     $vmstat=`vmstat  2 2| tail -1 `;     printf FILE ("%s%s/n",$w,$vmstat);     $prstatfile=prstat."$fname";

    `touch $prstatfile`;         open(FILE,">>$prstatfile");         print FILE ("$time");     $prstat=`prstat -a 1 1`;     printf FILE ("%s%s/n",$prstat);     sleep 5;     } } #####monitor stop############ elsif($ARGV[0] eq "stop"){     `ps -ef |grep "perl start" > plist`;     open(KEY,"plist");     while(<KEY>){         ($aa,$pid) = split(" ",$_);     #   print $pid;         kill (9,$pid);     }

} #################### else{     print "if you want to start monitor script, please input start!/n";     print "if you want to stop monitor script, please input stop!/n"; }

#!/usr/bin/env bash sed -f parse_top.sed top20080524 |awk '{printf("%s/t%f/t%s/n", $2, $19/83886.08, $19)}' > memory.log



set xlabel 'x-time' set ylabel 'y-%' set mxtics 1 set title "free memory ratio analysis (total: 8192M)" set key top left set key box set term post eps color solid enh set output 'mem.eps' set xdata time #set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set timefmt "%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S" #set format x "%H:%M" set format x "%H:%M" plot  'memory_monitor.log' using 1:2 title "mem" with lines linecolor rgb "red"



set xlabel 'x-time' set ylabel 'y-%' set mxtics 1 set title "cpu data analysis" set key top left set key box set term post eps color solid enh set output 'cpu.eps' set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set format x "%H:%M" plot  'cpu' using 1:2 title "usr" with lines linecolor rgb "yellow", 'cpu' using 1:3 title "sys" wit h line linecolor rgb "red" , 'cpu' using 1:4 title "wio" with line linecolor rgb "blue", 'cpu' using  1:5 title "idle" with line linecolor rgb "green"


################define parameters################### open(FILE,$ARGV[0]); open(RES,">cpu");

##############main ############################################ @cpu = grep{!/^/n/}  <FILE>; foreach $cpu(@cpu) {     $cpu =~ tr/ //t/s;     ($date,$us,$sy,$wio,$id) = split(//t/,$cpu);     push(@us,$us);     push(@sy,$sy);     push(@wio,$wio);     push(@id,$id);     print RES $cpu; }

print "us/tmax:".get_max(@us)."/n"; print "us/tmin:".get_min(@us)."/n"; print "us/taverage:".get_average(@us)."/n";

print "sy/tmax:".get_max(@sy)."/n"; print "sy/tmin:".get_min(@sy)."/n"; print "sy/taverage:".get_average(@sy)."/n";

print "wio/tmax:".get_max(@wio)."/n";

print "wio/tmin:".get_min(@wio)."/n"; print "wio/taverage:".get_average(@wio)."/n";

print "id/tmax:".get_max(@id); print "id/tmin:".get_min(@id); print "id/taverage:".get_average(@id); print "/n########################/n"; print "Do you want to paint image? if yes, please input /"y/", else input /"n/""; $flag = <STDIN>; chomp($flag); if ($flag eq "y"){     `gnuplot cpu.plt`; }

#######get max ################ sub get_max {     my $max ;     $max = shift(@_) ;     foreach $_(@_)     {         if ($max<$_)         {             $max=$_;         }     }     return $max ; }

#############get min################### sub get_min {     my $min ;     $min = shift(@_);     foreach $_(@_)     {         if ($min>$_)         {             $min = $_;         }     }     return $min; }

###############get average######################## sub get_average {     my $total; #   my $average = shift(@_);     foreach $_ (@_)     {         $total = $total + $_ ;     }     $average = $total/($#_+1) ;     return $average;


#!/usr/bin/env bash

top_file_name="top20080618" total_mem_size="8388608" /export/home/deric/shell/get_mem.awk  $top_file_name | awk '{printf("%s-%s %s %s/n", $1, $2, $7/83886.08, $7)}' > memory_monitor.log gnuplot mem.plt gnuplot cpu.plt



#!/usr/bin/awk -f

BEGIN {     FS="/n"     RS="" } {     printf("%s %s/n", $1,$3) }



