用的paoding-rose 久了,感觉DAO层书写还是挺方便的.
但是在其他非rose项目中各种baseDAO 用起来挺舒服的。每每想到rose中update语句,因为修改字段或条件不同就要创建一个方法,就感觉疲惫...
在baseDAO 中没有save 需要自己在子类中自己实现
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.paoding.rose.jade.annotation.SQL;
import net.paoding.rose.jade.annotation.SQLParam;
* 公共dao
* @author Administrator
* 实现一些共有方法
public interface CommonDAO<T> {
@SQL("select $field from $table where id=:id")
T byId(@SQLParam("id")long id);
* 修改
* 为了形成sql 方便 sql语句的实现都加了 update table set id=id... ,"id=id"表明每个表都要有id字段。
* @param modField 需要修改的字段 key为字段名,value为要改变的值 字段不能为null
* @param condField 条件字段 key为字段名,value为要改变的值,该字段不能为null
* @param cIsEmpty 默认写:false 为了防止condField为空 造成修改全表。在condField为true时可以修改全表
* @return
@SQL("update $table set id=id "
+ "#for(key in :m.keySet()){ ,##(:key) = #(:m[:key]) }"
+ "#if(:c==null || :c.keySet().size()==0){"
+ " #if(:cIsEmpty){}#else{ where 1=2}"
+ "}#else{"
+ " where 1=1 #for(key in :c.keySet()){ and ##(:key) = #(:c[:key]) }"
+ "}"
int update(@SQLParam("m")Map<String, Object> modField,
@SQLParam("c")Map<String, Object> condField,@SQLParam("cIsEmpty")boolean cIsEmpty);
* 分页
* @param condField 条件字段
* @param start 开始数
* @param size 每页个数
* @param orderField 排序的字段
* @param direction 正序(asc),倒序(desc)
* @return
@SQL("select $field from $table "
+ "#if(:c!=null || :c.keySet().size()>0){"
+ " where 1=1 #for(key in :c.keySet()){ and ##(:key) = #(:c[:key]) }"
+ "}"
+ " order by ##(:orderField) ##(:direction)"
+ " limit :start,:size ")
List<T> FindPage(@SQLParam("c")Map<String, Object> condField,@SQLParam("start")long start
,@SQLParam("size")int size,@SQLParam("orderField")String orderField,
@SQLParam("direction")String direction);
* 条件查询 总数量
* @return
@SQL("select count(*) from $table "
+ "#if(:c!=null || :c.keySet().size()>0){"
+ " where 1=1 #for(key in :c.keySet()){ and ##(:key) = #(:c[:key]) }"
+ "}")
int FindCount(@SQLParam("c")Map<String, Object> condField);
* 根据条件查找一个
* @param condField
* @return 条件为空 返回空
@SQL("select $field from $table "
+ "#if(:c!=null || :c.keySet().size()>0){"
+ " where 1=1 #for(key in :c.keySet()){ and ##(:key) = #(:c[:key]) }"
+ "}#else{ where 1=2}")
T findOne(@SQLParam("c")Map<String, Object> condField);
* 根据条件查找
* @param condField
* @return 条件为空 返回空
@SQL("select $field from $table "
+ "#if(:c!=null || :c.keySet().size()>0){"
+ " where 1=1 #for(key in :c.keySet()){ and ##(:key) = #(:c[:key]) }"
+ "}#else{ where 1=2}")
List<T> find(@SQLParam("c")Map<String, Object> condField);
public interface ProductDAO extends CommonDAO<Product> {
String table="t_product";
String field="id,name";
@SQL("insert into $table(name)"
+ " values(:p.name)")
int save(@SQLParam("p")Product p);
public class ProductService {
ProductDAO productDAO;
public Product detail(int id){
return productDAO.byId(id);