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Wapiti 轻量级网页安全漏洞扫描工具


wapiti -h

ules] [–update] [-l LEVEL]
[-p PROXY_URL] [–tor] [-a CREDENTIALS]
[–auth-type {basic,digest,kerberos,ntlm,post}]
[-c COOKIE_FILE] [–skip-crawl] [–resume-crawl]
[–flush-attacks] [–flush-session] [–store-session PATH]
[–store-config PATH] [-s URL] [-x URL] [-r PARAMETER]
[–skip PARAMETER] [-d DEPTH] [–max-links-per-page MAX]
[–max-files-per-dir MAX] [–max-scan-time SECONDS]
[–max-attack-time SECONDS] [–max-parameters MAX] [-S FORCE]
[-t SECONDS] [-H HEADER] [-A AGENT] [–verify-ssl {0,1}]
[–color] [-v LEVEL] [-f FORMAT] [-o OUPUT_PATH]
[–external-endpoint EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL]
[–internal-endpoint INTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL]
[–endpoint ENDPOINT_URL] [–no-bugreport] [–version]

Wapiti-3.0.4: Web application vulnerability scanner

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL The base URL used to define the scan scope (default
scope is folder)
–scope {page,folder,domain,url,punk}
Set scan scope
List of modules to load
–list-modules List Wapiti attack modules and exit
–update Update Wapiti attack modules and exit
-l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
Set attack level
Set the HTTP(S) proxy to use. Supported: http(s)
and socks proxies
–tor Use Tor listener (
Set HTTP authentication credentials
–auth-type {basic,digest,kerberos,ntlm,post}
Set the authentication type to use
Set a JSON cookie file to use
–skip-crawl Don’t resume the scanning process, attack URLs
scanned during a previous session
–resume-crawl Resume the scanning process (if stopped) even if
some attacks were previously performed
–flush-attacks Flush attack history and vulnerabilities for the
current session
–flush-session Flush everything that was previously found for this
target (crawled URLs, vulns, etc)
–store-session PATH Directory where to store attack history and session
–store-config PATH Directory where to store configuration databases.
-s URL, --start URL Adds an url to start scan with
-x URL, --exclude URL
Adds an url to exclude from the scan
Remove this parameter from urls
–skip PARAMETER Skip attacking given parameter(s)
-d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
Set how deep the scanner should explore the website
–max-links-per-page MAX
Set how many (in-scope) links the scanner should
extract for each page
–max-files-per-dir MAX
Set how many pages the scanner should explore per
–max-scan-time SECONDS
Set how many seconds you want the scan to last
(floats accepted)
–max-attack-time SECONDS
Set how many seconds you want each attack module to
last (floats accepted)
–max-parameters MAX URLs and forms having more than MAX input
parameters will be erased before attack.
-S FORCE, --scan-force FORCE
Easy way to reduce the number of scanned and
attacked URLs. Possible values: paranoid, sneaky,
polite, normal, aggressive, insane
-t SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS
Set timeout for requests
-H HEADER, --header HEADER
Set a custom header to use for every requests
-A AGENT, --user-agent AGENT
Set a custom user-agent to use for every requests
–verify-ssl {0,1} Set SSL check (default is no check)
–color Colorize output
-v LEVEL, --verbose LEVEL
Set verbosity level (0: quiet, 1: normal, 2:
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Set output format. Supported: json, html (default),
txt, xml
Output file or folder
–external-endpoint EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL
Url serving as endpoint for target
–internal-endpoint INTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL
Url serving as endpoint for attacker
–endpoint ENDPOINT_URL
Url serving as endpoint for both attacker and
–no-bugreport Don’t send automatic bug report when an attack
module fails
–version Show program’s version number and exit
