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Linux Network Servers (Craig Hunt Linux Library)

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Authoritative Answers to All Your Linux Network Server Questions--Specifically for Linux Administrators

Tap into Linux's impressive capabilities as a network server. Written by one of the world's leading Linux system administration experts, Linux Network Servers teaches you, step-by-step, all the standard and advanced techniques you need to know to configure and administer a full range of network services, from file and printer sharing to email and the Web. Hundreds of clear, consistent examples illustrate these techniques in detail--so you stay on track and accomplish all your goals. Coverage includes the following:

*Installing Linux
*Understanding the boot process
*Working with the network interface
*Setting up login services
*Using Linux name services
*Configuring a mail server
*Setting up Apache Web server
*Configuring network gateway services
*Configuring desktop configuration server
*Setting up file sharing
*Setting up printer services
*Securing your server
*The Craig Hunt Linux Library

The Craig Hunt Linux Library provides in-depth, advanced coverage of the key topics for Linux administrators. Topics include Samba, System Administration, DNS Server Administration, Apache, Security, and Sendmail. Each book in the series is either written by or meticulously reviewed by Craig Hunt to ensure the highest quality and most complete coverage for networking professionals working specifically in Linux environments.



