full spreadsheet template for submitting data to ClinVar.


#Version 4.1, full spreadsheet template for submitting data to ClinVar.
Release date: 8/21/2018
Complete instructions available here: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/submit/
If you have any questions about this form, please contact us at clinvar@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Please register in the ClinVar Submission Portal before you submit:
After your registration is approved, you can upload your spreadsheet in the Submission Portal.

Sheet nameDescriptionComment
READ_METhis sheet. Overview of the template and general instructions.
SubmissionInfo (hidden)To register information about the submitter, and information that pertains to all data in the submission file.Only used by submitters who drop their submission files on the ftp site. Submitters who use the Submission Portal provide the information on this tab in the Submission Portal itself, and should NOT use this tab at all.
VariantTo register summary-level information about variant interpretations, including the variant, condition, and clinical significance. Aggregate-level evidence for the interpretations may also be provided on this worksheet.REQUIRED for all submission files. All interpretations are reported on this worksheet (columns A-AW), whether for a new or updated record. Information about individuals with the variant as evidence for the interpretations may be provided on this worksheet as counts (columns AX-CS) OR on the CaseData worksheet as individual data. Please do not provide the same evidence on both worksheets to avoid double-counting.
CaseDataTo register individual-level data from clinical testing or research laboratories as evidence for the interpretations reported on the Variant worksheet.OPTIONAL. This worksheet is used in combination with the Variant worksheet.
PhenotypicDetails (hidden)This tab is available for comment but it is not processed yet. To register detailed phenotypic individual-level data from clinical testing or research laboratories as evidence for the interpretations reported on the Variant worksheet.OPTIONAL. This worksheet will be used in combination with the Variant and CaseData worksheets.
FunctionalEvidenceTo register the submitter’s functional experiments as evidence for the interpretations reported on the Variant worksheet. This tab is for research labs who submit their experimental results to ClinVar, e.g. for animal models, in vitro experiments, etc.OPTIONAL. This worksheet is used in combination with the Variant worksheet.
DeletesTo delete previously submitted records (SCVs).REQUIRED for deleted interpretations. This worksheet is used only when you are requesting to delete one or more of your previously submitted records (SCVs).


