Open Source Testing Tools in Java


Open Source Testing Tools in Java

o   Apache JMeter is basically a load testing tool, and used by theQuality Assurance teams to find and identify the issues related to theperformance and load management. It is mainly used to measure the performanceof various services, with a special focus on web applications. JMeter gives youthe access to use it as a test tool on various platforms such as FTP, JDBCdatabase connections, Web services, HTTP, JMS, generic TCP connections, LDAPand OS Native processes.. JMeter architecture offers the “out of the box” features.It supports various plugins and its unique and innovative features can beimplemented with these plugins. JMeter foster customization and can becustomized easily as off-site developers can alter and add plugins according totheir needs and requirements. This tool is widely used by the Quality Assurancecompanies offering performance testing services.

o   Selenium is an open source automation testing tool and is widelyused by the many organizations around the globe. It is used by the QualityAssurance teams to write automated testes for web applications and websites. Itenjoys an edge over traditional proprietary tools as it offers competitivefeatures. It runs on many platforms and operating systems, and support allpopular testing frameworks and programming languages. Selenium has the supportof many languages like C++, Java, Python, Perl and Ruby. Most companies whichprovide automation testing services use this smart tool forverification and validation of web apps.

o   Sahi is another open source test automation tool and is used tovalidate the web applications. Sahi is especially designed to test the dynamicAJAX applications. The exceptional playback mechanism of Sahi makes this toolprominent for the testing companies. The salient features of this tools areplatform and browser independence, excellent recorder, no waits, no XPaths,inbuilt reporting with exceptional Java interaction.

o   Robotium is a famous & most used open source tool to testandroid applications. According to its official page, it has no connection toGoogle or Selenium, but still is considered “Selenium of android applications”by its users. Robotium does not require the source code of the application fortesting. Setup is simple and tests are easier to write. This testing tool isconsidered best tool to handle even the most complex android applications. Itcan also test browser-based android applications with some limitation.



