* <p>
* 测试A
* </p>
* @author yuyi (1060771195@qq.com)
public class TestADto implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected TestAVo testAVo2;
protected TestAVo testAVo;
protected TestBVo testBVo;
protected TestCVo testCVo;
protected TestDVo testDVo;
protected List<TestBDto> testBList;
protected List<TestCDto> testCList;
* <p>
* 测试A Mapper 接口
* </p>
* @author yuyi (1060771195@qq.com)
* @since 2019-03-20
public interface TestADao extends BaseDao<TestAVo, TestADto> {
* t_test_a 与 t_test_a 一对一连表查询
* 由于两个表相同,所以必须给其中一个表设置表名,且该别名必须跟TestADto对象中得属性名对应,如:rightAlias = "testAVo2"
* leftClass默认为TestAVo.class, 如果leftClass为TestAVo.class, 可以默认省略
* leftColumn或者rightColumn都不写,默认为该表主键
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "a_id", rightClass = TestAVo.class, rightAlias = "testAVo2") })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestA(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 与 t_test_c 一对一连表查询
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class) })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b 一对一连表查询
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(rightClass = TestBVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id") })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b, t_test_a 与 t_test_c 多表查询
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class),
@OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class)})
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBATestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b, t_test_b 与 t_test_c, t_test_a 与 t_test_d 多表查询
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class),
@OneToOne(leftClass = TestBVo.class, leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class),
@OneToOne(rightClass = TestDVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id")})
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBATestCATestD(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 左连接 t_test_b
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, joinType = JoinType.LEFT, onArgName = "abOn") })
List<TestADto> listTestALtTestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 左连接 t_test_b, t_test_a 左连接 t_test_c
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, joinType = JoinType.LEFT, onArgName = "abOn"),
@OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class, joinType = JoinType.LEFT, onArgName = "acOn")})
List<TestADto> listTestALtTestBLtTestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 右连接 t_test_c
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class, joinType = JoinType.RIGHT, onArgName = "acOn") })
List<TestADto> listTestARtTestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b
* 如果t_test_b对应得rightClass 为约定得 TestBVo.class, 可以缺省
* 由于TestADto中对应得属性List<TestBDto> testBList 这种类型property 对应的是该属性属性名
@Link( print = false,
manys = { @OneToMany(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList") })
List<TestADto> listTestAWTestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b, t_test_a 一对多 t_test_c
@Link( print = false, printRm = true,
manys = { @OneToMany(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList"),
@OneToMany(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestCDto.class, property = "testCList")})
List<TestADto> listTestAWTestBWTestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 一对一 t_test_b, t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b
@Link( print = false, printRm = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class)},
manys = { @OneToMany(leftClass = TestAVo.class, leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList") })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBWTestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 一对一 t_test_b, t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b, 多表中 t_test_b 一对一 t_test_c
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class)},
manys = { @OneToMany(leftClass = TestAVo.class, leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList",
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class)} )})
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBWTestBATestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b 一对一分页连表查询
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(rightClass = TestBVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id") })
IPage<TestADto> pageTestAATestB(IPage<TestADto> page, @Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b 连表行数查询
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(rightClass = TestBVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id") })
Integer countTestAATestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
* t_test_a 与 t_test_a 一对一连表查询
* 由于两个表相同,所以必须给其中一个表设置表名,且该别名必须跟TestADto对象中得属性名对应,如:rightAlias = "testAVo2"
* leftClass默认为TestAVo.class, 如果leftClass为TestAVo.class, 可以默认省略
* leftColumn或者rightColumn都不写,默认为该表主键
@Link( print = false,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "a_id", rightClass = TestAVo.class,
rightAlias = "testAVo2") })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestA(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
<resultMap id="yui.bss.test.dao.TestADao.listTestAATestA-ResultMap" type="class yui.bss.test.dto.TestADto">
<result property="testAVo.id" column="t_test_a__id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.cId" column="t_test_a__c_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.bId" column="t_test_a__b_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.aId" column="t_test_a__a_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.crtTm" column="t_test_a__crt_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo.crtBy" column="t_test_a__crt_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo.updTm" column="t_test_a__upd_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo.updBy" column="t_test_a__upd_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo.editFlag" column="t_test_a__edit_flag" jdbcType="class java.lang.Integer"/>
<result property="testAVo.tntId" column="t_test_a__tnt_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo2.id" column="testAVo2__id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo2.cId" column="testAVo2__cId" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo2.bId" column="testAVo2__bId" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo2.aId" column="testAVo2__aId" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo2.crtTm" column="testAVo2__crtTm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo2.crtBy" column="testAVo2__crtBy" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo2.updTm" column="testAVo2__updTm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo2.updBy" column="testAVo2__updBy" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo2.editFlag" column="testAVo2__editFlag" jdbcType="class java.lang.Integer"/>
<result property="testAVo2.tntId" column="testAVo2__tntId" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , testAVo2.`id` testAVo2__id , testAVo2.`c_id` testAVo2__c_id , testAVo2.`b_id` testAVo2__b_id , testAVo2.`a_id` testAVo2__a_id , testAVo2.`crt_tm` testAVo2__crt_tm , testAVo2.`crt_by` testAVo2__crt_by , testAVo2.`upd_tm` testAVo2__upd_tm , testAVo2.`upd_by` testAVo2__upd_by , testAVo2.`edit_flag` testAVo2__edit_flag , testAVo2.`tnt_id` testAVo2__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_a testAVo2 <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND testAVo2.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.a_id=testAVo2.id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
"code": 0,
"data": {
"list": [
"testAVo2": {
"crtTm": null,
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": null,
"updBy": null,
"editFlag": null,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": null,
"aid": null,
"bid": null
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": null,
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": null,
"updBy": null,
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 2,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": null,
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": null,
"testCList": null
* t_test_a 与 t_test_c 一对一连表查询
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class) })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
<resultMap id="yui.bss.test.dao.TestADao.listTestAATestC-ResultMap" type="class yui.bss.test.dto.TestADto">
<result property="testAVo.id" column="t_test_a__id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.cId" column="t_test_a__c_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.bId" column="t_test_a__b_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.aId" column="t_test_a__a_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.crtTm" column="t_test_a__crt_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo.crtBy" column="t_test_a__crt_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo.updTm" column="t_test_a__upd_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo.updBy" column="t_test_a__upd_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo.editFlag" column="t_test_a__edit_flag" jdbcType="class java.lang.Integer"/>
<result property="testAVo.tntId" column="t_test_a__tnt_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testCVo.id" column="t_test_c__id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testCVo.aId" column="t_test_c__a_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testCVo.bId" column="t_test_c__b_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testCVo.cId" column="t_test_c__c_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testCVo.crtTm" column="t_test_c__crt_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testCVo.crtBy" column="t_test_c__crt_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testCVo.updTm" column="t_test_c__upd_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testCVo.updBy" column="t_test_c__upd_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testCVo.editFlag" column="t_test_c__edit_flag" jdbcType="class java.lang.Integer"/>
<result property="testCVo.tntId" column="t_test_c__tnt_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_c.`id` t_test_c__id , t_test_c.`a_id` t_test_c__a_id , t_test_c.`b_id` t_test_c__b_id , t_test_c.`c_id` t_test_c__c_id , t_test_c.`crt_tm` t_test_c__crt_tm , t_test_c.`crt_by` t_test_c__crt_by , t_test_c.`upd_tm` t_test_c__upd_tm , t_test_c.`upd_by` t_test_c__upd_by , t_test_c.`edit_flag` t_test_c__edit_flag , t_test_c.`tnt_id` t_test_c__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_c t_test_c <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_c.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.c_id=t_test_c.id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
"code": 0,
"data": {
"list": [
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": null,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": null,
"testCVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": null,
"testCList": null
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": null,
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": null,
"updBy": null,
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 2,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": null,
"testCVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": null,
"testCList": null
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b 一对一连表查询
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(rightClass = TestBVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id") })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.id=t_test_b.a_id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b, t_test_a 与 t_test_c 多表查询
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class),
@OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class)})
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBATestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id , t_test_c.`id` t_test_c__id , t_test_c.`a_id` t_test_c__a_id , t_test_c.`b_id` t_test_c__b_id , t_test_c.`c_id` t_test_c__c_id , t_test_c.`crt_tm` t_test_c__crt_tm , t_test_c.`crt_by` t_test_c__crt_by , t_test_c.`upd_tm` t_test_c__upd_tm , t_test_c.`upd_by` t_test_c__upd_by , t_test_c.`edit_flag` t_test_c__edit_flag , t_test_c.`tnt_id` t_test_c__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_b t_test_b INNER JOIN t_test_c t_test_c <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.b_id=t_test_b.id AND t_test_c.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.c_id=t_test_c.id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b, t_test_b 与 t_test_c, t_test_a 与 t_test_d 多表查询
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class),
@OneToOne(leftClass = TestBVo.class, leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class),
@OneToOne(rightClass = TestDVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id")})
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBATestCATestD(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id , t_test_c.`id` t_test_c__id , t_test_c.`a_id` t_test_c__a_id , t_test_c.`b_id` t_test_c__b_id , t_test_c.`c_id` t_test_c__c_id , t_test_c.`crt_tm` t_test_c__crt_tm , t_test_c.`crt_by` t_test_c__crt_by , t_test_c.`upd_tm` t_test_c__upd_tm , t_test_c.`upd_by` t_test_c__upd_by , t_test_c.`edit_flag` t_test_c__edit_flag , t_test_c.`tnt_id` t_test_c__tnt_id , t_test_d.`id` t_test_d__id , t_test_d.`a_id` t_test_d__a_id , t_test_d.`crt_tm` t_test_d__crt_tm , t_test_d.`crt_by` t_test_d__crt_by , t_test_d.`upd_tm` t_test_d__upd_tm , t_test_d.`upd_by` t_test_d__upd_by , t_test_d.`edit_flag` t_test_d__edit_flag , t_test_d.`tnt_id` t_test_d__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_b t_test_b INNER JOIN t_test_c t_test_c INNER JOIN t_test_d t_test_d <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.b_id=t_test_b.id AND t_test_c.edit_flag=0 and t_test_b.c_id=t_test_c.id AND t_test_d.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.id=t_test_d.a_id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
* t_test_a 左连接 t_test_b
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, joinType = JoinType.LEFT, onArgName = "abOn") })
List<TestADto> listTestALtTestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a LEFT JOIN t_test_b t_test_b on t_test_a.b_id=t_test_b.id AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 <if test="ew != null and ew.sqlOnMap != null and ew.sqlOnMap.abOn != null and ew.sqlOnMap.abOn != ''">
AND ${ew.sqlOnMap.abOn}
</if> <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
* t_test_a 左连接 t_test_b, t_test_a 左连接 t_test_c
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, joinType = JoinType.LEFT, onArgName = "abOn"),
@OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class, joinType = JoinType.LEFT, onArgName = "acOn")})
List<TestADto> listTestALtTestBLtTestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id , t_test_c.`id` t_test_c__id , t_test_c.`a_id` t_test_c__a_id , t_test_c.`b_id` t_test_c__b_id , t_test_c.`c_id` t_test_c__c_id , t_test_c.`crt_tm` t_test_c__crt_tm , t_test_c.`crt_by` t_test_c__crt_by , t_test_c.`upd_tm` t_test_c__upd_tm , t_test_c.`upd_by` t_test_c__upd_by , t_test_c.`edit_flag` t_test_c__edit_flag , t_test_c.`tnt_id` t_test_c__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a LEFT JOIN t_test_b t_test_b on t_test_a.b_id=t_test_b.id AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 <if test="ew != null and ew.sqlOnMap != null and ew.sqlOnMap.abOn != null and ew.sqlOnMap.abOn != ''">
AND ${ew.sqlOnMap.abOn}
</if> LEFT JOIN t_test_c t_test_c on t_test_a.c_id=t_test_c.id AND t_test_c.edit_flag=0 <if test="ew != null and ew.sqlOnMap != null and ew.sqlOnMap.acOn != null and ew.sqlOnMap.acOn != ''">
AND ${ew.sqlOnMap.acOn}
</if> <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
* t_test_a 右连接 t_test_c
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class, joinType = JoinType.RIGHT, onArgName = "acOn") })
List<TestADto> listTestARtTestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_c.`id` t_test_c__id , t_test_c.`a_id` t_test_c__a_id , t_test_c.`b_id` t_test_c__b_id , t_test_c.`c_id` t_test_c__c_id , t_test_c.`crt_tm` t_test_c__crt_tm , t_test_c.`crt_by` t_test_c__crt_by , t_test_c.`upd_tm` t_test_c__upd_tm , t_test_c.`upd_by` t_test_c__upd_by , t_test_c.`edit_flag` t_test_c__edit_flag , t_test_c.`tnt_id` t_test_c__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a RIGHT JOIN t_test_c t_test_c on t_test_a.b_id=t_test_c.id AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 <if test="ew != null and ew.sqlOnMap != null and ew.sqlOnMap.acOn != null and ew.sqlOnMap.acOn != ''">
AND ${ew.sqlOnMap.acOn}
</if> <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_c.edit_flag=0
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
* t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b
* 如果t_test_b对应得rightClass 为约定得 TestBVo.class, 可以缺省
* 由于TestADto中对应得属性List<TestBDto> testBList 这种类型property 对应的是该属性属性名
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
manys = { @OneToMany(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList") })
List<TestADto> listTestAWTestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
<resultMap id="yui.bss.test.dao.TestADao.listTestAWTestB-ResultMap" type="class yui.bss.test.dto.TestADto">
<result property="testAVo.id" column="t_test_a__id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.cId" column="t_test_a__c_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.bId" column="t_test_a__b_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.aId" column="t_test_a__a_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testAVo.crtTm" column="t_test_a__crt_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo.crtBy" column="t_test_a__crt_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo.updTm" column="t_test_a__upd_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testAVo.updBy" column="t_test_a__upd_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testAVo.editFlag" column="t_test_a__edit_flag" jdbcType="class java.lang.Integer"/>
<result property="testAVo.tntId" column="t_test_a__tnt_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<collection property="testBList" column="t_test_a__b_id" ofType="interface java.util.List" select="yui.bss.test.dao.TestADao._listTestAWTestB_testBList"/>
<resultMap id="yui.bss.test.dao.TestADao._listTestAWTestB_testBList-ResultMap" type="class yui.bss.test.dto.TestBDto">
<result property="testBVo.id" column="t_test_b__id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testBVo.aId" column="t_test_b__a_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testBVo.cId" column="t_test_b__c_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
<result property="testBVo.crtTm" column="t_test_b__crt_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testBVo.crtBy" column="t_test_b__crt_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testBVo.updTm" column="t_test_b__upd_tm" jdbcType="class java.util.Date"/>
<result property="testBVo.updBy" column="t_test_b__upd_by" jdbcType="class java.lang.String"/>
<result property="testBVo.editFlag" column="t_test_b__edit_flag" jdbcType="class java.lang.Integer"/>
<result property="testBVo.tntId" column="t_test_b__tnt_id" jdbcType="class java.lang.Long"/>
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
SELECT t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id FROM t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_b.id = #{t_test_a__b_id}
"code": 0,
"data": {
"list": [
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": null,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": null,
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": [
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": null
"testCList": null
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": null,
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": null,
"updBy": null,
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 2,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": null,
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": [
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": null
"testCList": null
* t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b, t_test_a 一对多 t_test_c
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
manys = { @OneToMany(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList"),
@OneToMany(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestCDto.class, property = "testCList")})
List<TestADto> listTestAWTestBWTestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
SELECT t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id FROM t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_b.id = #{t_test_a__b_id}
SELECT t_test_c.`id` t_test_c__id , t_test_c.`a_id` t_test_c__a_id , t_test_c.`b_id` t_test_c__b_id , t_test_c.`c_id` t_test_c__c_id , t_test_c.`crt_tm` t_test_c__crt_tm , t_test_c.`crt_by` t_test_c__crt_by , t_test_c.`upd_tm` t_test_c__upd_tm , t_test_c.`upd_by` t_test_c__upd_by , t_test_c.`edit_flag` t_test_c__edit_flag , t_test_c.`tnt_id` t_test_c__tnt_id FROM t_test_c t_test_c <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_c.edit_flag=0 and t_test_c.id = #{t_test_a__c_id}
"code": 0,
"data": {
"list": [
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": null,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": null,
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": [
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": null
"testCList": [
"testCVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": null,
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": null,
"updBy": null,
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 2,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": null,
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": [
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": null
"testCList": [
"testCVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
* t_test_a 一对一 t_test_b, t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class)},
manys = { @OneToMany(leftClass = TestAVo.class, leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList") })
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBWTestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.b_id=t_test_b.id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
SELECT t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id FROM t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_b.id = #{t_test_a__b_id}
* t_test_a 一对一 t_test_b, t_test_a 一对多 t_test_b, 多表中 t_test_b 一对一 t_test_c
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class)},
manys = { @OneToMany(leftClass = TestAVo.class, leftColumn = "b_id", rightClass = TestBVo.class, ofTypeClass = TestBDto.class, property = "testBList",
ones = { @OneToOne(leftColumn = "c_id", rightClass = TestCVo.class)} )})
List<TestADto> listTestAATestBWTestBATestC(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.b_id=t_test_b.id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
SELECT t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id , t_test_c.`id` t_test_c__id , t_test_c.`a_id` t_test_c__a_id , t_test_c.`b_id` t_test_c__b_id , t_test_c.`c_id` t_test_c__c_id , t_test_c.`crt_tm` t_test_c__crt_tm , t_test_c.`crt_by` t_test_c__crt_by , t_test_c.`upd_tm` t_test_c__upd_tm , t_test_c.`upd_by` t_test_c__upd_by , t_test_c.`edit_flag` t_test_c__edit_flag , t_test_c.`tnt_id` t_test_c__tnt_id FROM t_test_b t_test_b INNER JOIN t_test_c t_test_c <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_b.id = #{t_test_a__b_id}
AND t_test_c.edit_flag=0 and t_test_b.c_id=t_test_c.id
"code": 0,
"data": {
"list": [
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": null,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": [
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testCList": null
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": null,
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": null,
"updBy": null,
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 2,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": [
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1,
"bid": 1
"testCList": null
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b 一对一分页连表查询
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(rightClass = TestBVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id") })
IPage<TestADto> pageTestAATestB(IPage<TestADto> page, @Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT <choose>
<when test="ew != null and ew.sqlSelect != null">
<otherwise> t_test_a.`id` t_test_a__id , t_test_a.`c_id` t_test_a__c_id , t_test_a.`b_id` t_test_a__b_id , t_test_a.`a_id` t_test_a__a_id , t_test_a.`crt_tm` t_test_a__crt_tm , t_test_a.`crt_by` t_test_a__crt_by , t_test_a.`upd_tm` t_test_a__upd_tm , t_test_a.`upd_by` t_test_a__upd_by , t_test_a.`edit_flag` t_test_a__edit_flag , t_test_a.`tnt_id` t_test_a__tnt_id , t_test_b.`id` t_test_b__id , t_test_b.`a_id` t_test_b__a_id , t_test_b.`c_id` t_test_b__c_id , t_test_b.`crt_tm` t_test_b__crt_tm , t_test_b.`crt_by` t_test_b__crt_by , t_test_b.`upd_tm` t_test_b__upd_tm , t_test_b.`upd_by` t_test_b__upd_by , t_test_b.`edit_flag` t_test_b__edit_flag , t_test_b.`tnt_id` t_test_b__tnt_id </otherwise>
</choose> FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.id=t_test_b.a_id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.id != null">
AND t_test_a.id = ${ew.id}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
"code": 0,
"data": {
"list": [
"testAVo2": null,
"testAVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": null,
"bid": 1
"testBVo": {
"crtTm": "2017-11-07 15:17:11",
"crtBy": null,
"updTm": "2018-12-18 02:30:11",
"updBy": "admin",
"editFlag": 0,
"tntId": null,
"id": 1,
"cid": 1,
"aid": 1
"testCVo": null,
"testDVo": null,
"testBList": null,
"testCList": null
"page": {
"total": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNum": 1
* t_test_a 与 t_test_b 连表行数查询
@Link( print = true, printRm = true,
ones = { @OneToOne(rightClass = TestBVo.class, rightColumn = "a_id") })
Integer countTestAATestB(@Param(Constants.WRAPPER) Wrapper<TestAVo> wrapper);
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM t_test_a t_test_a INNER JOIN t_test_b t_test_b <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR">
AND t_test_a.edit_flag=0 AND t_test_b.edit_flag=0 and t_test_a.id=t_test_b.a_id
<if test="ew != null">
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.nonEmptyOfWhere">
AND ${ew.sqlSegment}
<if test="ew.sqlSegment != null and ew.sqlSegment != '' and ew.emptyOfWhere">
"code": 0,
"data": 1