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php handler,WinCache Session Handler


WinCache Session Handler

The WinCache session handler (available since WinCache 1.1.0) can be used to configure PHP to store the session data in shared memory session cache.

Using shared memory instead of the default file session storage helps improve performance of PHP applications

that store large amount of data in session objects. Wincache session cache uses file-backed shared memory, which ensures

that the session data is not lost during recycling of IIS application pools.

To configure PHP to use WinCache session handler set the php.ini setting

session.save_handler to wincache.

By default the Windows temporary file location is used for storing the

session data. To change the location of the session file use

session.save_path directive.

Example #1 Enabling WinCache session handler

session.save_handler = wincache

session.save_path = C:\inetpub\temp\session\



