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There are certain types of AI agents. But apart from these types, there are many agents which are being designed and created today and they differ from each other in some aspects and have some aspects in common too. So, to group similar types of agents together, a system was developed which is known as PEAS system.

有某些类型的AI代理 。 但是,除了这些类型之外,今天还正在设计和创建许多代理 ,它们在某些方面彼此不同,并且也具有某些共同点。 因此,为了将相似类型的代理分组在一起,开发了一种称为PEAS系统的系统

PEAS stands for Performance, Environment, Actuators, and Sensors. Based on these properties of an agent, they can be grouped together or can be differentiated from each other. Each agent has these following properties defines for it.

PEAS代表性能,环境,执行器和传感器 。 基于代理的这些属性,可以将它们分组在一起或彼此区分。 每个代理都有以下为其定义的属性。

The output which we get from the agent. All the necessary results that an agent gives after processing comes under its performance.

我们从代理获得的输出。 代理在处理后给出的所有必要结果都取决于其性能。

All the surrounding things and conditions of an agent fall in this section. It basically consists of all the things under which the agents work.

代理的所有周围情况和条件都属于此部分。 它基本上包括代理工作的所有事物。

The devices, hardware or software through which the agent performs any actions or processes any information to produce a result are the actuators of the agent.


The devices through which the agent observes and perceives its environment are the sensors of the agent.




Let us take an example of a self-driven car. As the name suggests, it is a car which drives on its own, by taking all the necessary decisions while driving without any help from the user (customer). In other words, we can say that this car drives on its own and requires no driver. The PEAS description for this agent will be as follows:

让我们以自动驾驶汽车为例。 顾名思义,这是一辆自行驾驶的汽车,在驾驶过程中无需用户(客户)的任何帮助即可做出所有必要的决定。 换句话说,我们可以说这辆车是自己驾驶的,不需要驾驶员。 该代理的PEAS说明如下:

Performance: The performance factors for a self-driven car will be the Speed, Safety while driving (both of the car and the user), Time is taken to drive to a particular location, the comfort of the user, etc.


Environment: The road on which the Car is being driven, other cars present on the road, pedestrians, crossings, road signs, traffic signals, etc. , all act as its environment.


Actuators: All those devices through which the control of the car is handled, are the actuators of the car. For example, the Steering, Accelerator, Breaks, Horn, Music system, etc.

执行器:用于操纵汽车控制装置的所有设备都是汽车的执行器。 例如,转向,加速器,中断,喇叭,音乐系统等。

Sensors: All those devices through which the car gets an estimate about its surroundings and it can draw certain perceptions out of it are its sensors. For example, Camera, Speedometer, GPS, Odometer, Sonar, etc.

传感器:汽车通过这些设备可以估算出周围的环境,并且可以从中获取某些感知的是传感器。 例如,相机,车速表,GPS,里程表,声纳等。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/ml-ai/PEAS-based-grouping-of-agents-in-artificial-intelligence.aspx
