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最佳Gitter渠道:学习编码 (Best Gitter channels for: Learning to Code)

If you’re learning to code in 2016, you’re in luck — thanks to a huge range of helpful websites, MOOCs, books, and learners’ communities, you’ve got everything you need right at your fingertips.


Whether you want to become a self-sufficient freelance developer, webmaster, data scientist, or just understand the basics of computer science, you’ll easily find resources for self-study.


On Gitter, there are plenty of learners’ communities to get involved with as well — we’ve listed some of them here for you:


  • FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp — FreeCodeCamp is an open source community of people who learn to code and help nonprofits. Since its establishment 2 years ago, already over 1 million dollars has been donated in pro bono code to non-profits. With FreeCodeCamp, you can work through self-paced coding challenges, build projects, and earn certificates. Once you finish the first 1,200 hours of challenges, you’ll get to build a series of solutions for nonprofits. You’ll work in pairs, under the supervision of a volunteer project manager and a stakeholder from the nonprofit.

    FreeCodeCamp / FreeCodeCamp — FreeCodeCamp是一个开放源码社区,其成员学会学习编码并帮助非营利组织。 自2年前成立以来,已经以公益代码向非营利组织捐款超过100万美元。 借助FreeCodeCamp,您可以应对自定进度的编码挑战,构建项目并获得证书。 完成头1200小时的挑战后,您将为非营利组织建立一系列解决方案。 在志愿者项目经理和非营利组织的利益相关者的监督下,您将成对工作。

  • Open-source-society/rooms — Open Source Society University is a community of students of all levels, completing a comprehensive, project based, open-source computer science curriculum, helping each other and sharing their experiences and code through GitHub the community forums. This is a solid path for those of you who want to complete a Computer Science, Data Science, Game Development course on your own time, for free, with courses from the best universities in the World. The curriculum includes 37 courses in 30 categories.

    开源社会/教室 —开源社会大学是一个由各个层次的学生组成的社区,它完成了基于项目的综合性开源计算机科学课程,彼此帮助,并通过GitHub社区论坛共享了他们的经验和代码。 对于那些想要免费完成世界上最好的大学的课程的人来说,这是一条坚实的道路,您可以自己的时间免费完成计算机科学,数据科学,游戏开发课程。 该课程包括30个类别的37门课程。

  • Learn-javascript-courses/javascript-questions — “Learn JavaScript with Eric Elliott” is an online course series designed to teach you the secrets pros use to build great apps with millions of users.

    学习javascript课程/ javascript问题 —“与Eric Elliott一起学习JavaScript”是一个在线课程系列,旨在教您专业人士用来与数百万用户一起构建出色应用程序的秘密。

  • Numerical-mooc/numerical-mooc“Practical Numerical Methods with Python” is an open online course hosted on an independent installation of the Open edX software platform for MOOCs. This project started in 2014 as a multi-campus, connected course (plus MOOC) on numerical methods for science and engineering. A course in numerical methods with Python for engineers and scientists contains currently 5 learning modules, with student assignments.

    numeric-mooc / numerical-mooc“使用Python的实用数值方法”是一门开放式在线课程,托管在MOOC的Open edX软件平台的独立安装上。 该项目于2014年开始,是一门有关科学和工程数值方法的多校区连接课程(加上MOOC)。 使用Python为工程师和科学家提供的数值方法课程,目前包含5个学习模块,并配有学生作业。

  • CS50xCS50 is Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science Course. This entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming.CS50 is offered as CS50x through edX even if you’re not a student at Harvard, you may take CS50 by registering for CS50x.

    CS50xCS50是哈佛大学的计算机科学入门课程。 这是由CS50x的David J. Malan教授的入门课程,教给学生如何算法思考和有效解决问题。 主题包括抽象,算法,数据结构,封装,资源管理,安全性,软件工程和Web开发。 语言包括C,PHP和JavaScript以及SQL,CSS和HTML。 习题集受到生物学,密码学,金融,法证学和游戏等现实世界的启发。CS50通过edX作为CS50x提供-即使您不是哈佛的学生,也可以通过注册CS50x来获得CS50。

  • saasbook/MOOC — This book and the accompanying free online courses on edX teach essential Software Engineering skills via designing, building, testing, and deploying SaaS Web applications in the cloud. Read what other students have said about the book and course.

    saasbook / MOOC 本书和随附的edX免费在线课程通过在云中设计,构建,测试和部署SaaS Web应用程序来教授基本的软件工程技能。 阅读其他学生对这本书和课程的评价

  • Codingforeveryone — Coding for Everyone are community chatroom of organization run by Founders & Coders — a free full-time coding course in the UK. Founders & Coders developed a peer-led model of learning. After completing the course, students are encouraged to join the freelance community and to contribute to a growing array of community activities, including the course itself.

    Codingforeveryone —所有人的编码是由Founders&Coders经营的组织的社区聊天室,这是英国的免费全日制编码课程。 创始人和编码者开发了一种由同行领导的学习模型。 完成课程后,鼓励学生加入自由职业者社区,并为包括课程本身在内的各种社区活动做出贡献。

Are you looking for something else? Check out our Explore section or easily start your own learners’ channel here.

您还在寻找其他东西吗? 请查看我们的“ 探索”部分,或在此处轻松启动自己的学习者频道。

Did we miss an channel that you think should be featured? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们是否错过了您认为应精选的频道? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。

Happy learning!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/best-gitter-channels-for-learning-to-code-60359fd2ac97/

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