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fairseq | fairseq beam search 源码阅读笔记



使用的fairseq版本为 0.6.2
fairseq 进行beam search的逻辑位于 fairseq.sequence_generator.SequenceGanerator:generate
SequenceGenerator负责处理整个搜索的过程, 大致逻辑为

  • 对每个时刻, 调用self.search.step获取可能的候选, 将搜索到EOS的结果加入到结果候选中, 更新参数并进行下一步的搜索.
    self.search.step负责具体的搜索token的策略, 包括beam search, 带惩罚的beam search, 采样等, 模块位于fairseq.search


在阅读的过程中, 注释不够, 所以直接将代码的逻辑添加到注释中方便看.

class SequenceGenerator(object):
    def __init__(
        """Generates translations of a given source sentence.

            tgt_dict (~fairseq.data.Dictionary): target dictionary
            beam_size (int, optional): beam width (default: 1)
            max_len_a/b (int, optional): generate sequences of maximum length
                ax + b, where x is the source length
            min_len (int, optional): the minimum length of the generated output
                (not including end-of-sentence)
            stop_early (bool, optional): stop generation immediately after we
                finalize beam_size hypotheses, even though longer hypotheses
                might have better normalized scores (default: True)
            normalize_scores (bool, optional): normalize scores by the length
                of the output (default: True)
            len_penalty (float, optional): length penalty, where <1.0 favors
                shorter, >1.0 favors longer sentences (default: 1.0)
            unk_penalty (float, optional): unknown word penalty, where <0
                produces more unks, >0 produces fewer (default: 0.0)
            retain_dropout (bool, optional): use dropout when generating
                (default: False)
            sampling (bool, optional): sample outputs instead of beam search
                (default: False)
            sampling_topk (int, optional): only sample among the top-k choices
                at each step (default: -1)
            sampling_temperature (float, optional): temperature for sampling,
                where values >1.0 produces more uniform sampling and values
                <1.0 produces sharper sampling (default: 1.0)
            diverse_beam_groups/strength (float, optional): parameters for
                Diverse Beam Search sampling
            match_source_len (bool, optional): outputs should match the source
                length (default: False)
        self.pad = tgt_dict.pad()
        self.unk = tgt_dict.unk()
        self.eos = tgt_dict.eos()
        self.vocab_size = len(tgt_dict)
        self.beam_size = beam_size
        # the max beam size is the dictionary size - 1, since we never select pad
        self.beam_size = min(beam_size, self.vocab_size - 1)
        self.max_len_a = max_len_a
        self.max_len_b = max_len_b
        self.min_len = min_len
        self.stop_early = stop_early
        self.normalize_scores = normalize_scores
        self.len_penalty = len_penalty
        self.unk_penalty = unk_penalty
        self.retain_dropout = retain_dropout
        self.match_source_len = match_source_len
        self.no_repeat_ngram_size = no_repeat_ngram_size

        assert sampling_topk < 0 or sampling, '--sampling-topk requires --sampling'

        if sampling:
            self.search = search.Sampling(tgt_dict, sampling_topk, sampling_temperature)
        elif diverse_beam_groups > 0:
            self.search = search.DiverseBeamSearch(tgt_dict, diverse_beam_groups, diverse_beam_strength)
        elif match_source_len:
            self.search = search.LengthConstrainedBeamSearch(
                tgt_dict, min_len_a=1, min_len_b=0, max_len_a=1, max_len_b=0,
            self.search = search.BeamSearch(tgt_dict)

    def generate(
        """Generate a batch of translations.

            models (List[~fairseq.models.FairseqModel]): ensemble of models
            sample (dict): batch
            prefix_tokens (torch.LongTensor, optional): force decoder to begin
                with these tokens
        model = EnsembleModel(models)
        if not self.retain_dropout:

        # model.forward normally channels prev_output_tokens into the decoder
        # separately, but SequenceGenerator directly calls model.encoder
        encoder_input = {
            k: v for k, v in sample['net_input'].items()
            if k != 'prev_output_tokens'

        src_tokens = encoder_input['src_tokens']
        src_lengths = (src_tokens.ne(self.eos) & src_tokens.ne(self.pad)).long().sum(dim=1)
        input_size = src_tokens.size()
        # batch dimension goes first followed by source lengths
        bsz = input_size[0]
        src_len = input_size[1]
        beam_size = self.beam_size

        if self.match_source_len:
            max_len = src_lengths.max().item()
            max_len = min(
                int(self.max_len_a * src_len + self.max_len_b),
                # exclude the EOS marker
                model.max_decoder_positions() - 1,

        # compute the encoder output for each beam
        encoder_outs = model.forward_encoder(encoder_input)
        new_order = torch.arange(bsz).view(-1, 1).repeat(1, beam_size).view(-1) 
        new_order = new_order.to(src_tokens.device).long()  # (bsz*beam,) 每个位置表示对应batch样本的idx
        # reorder_encoder_output根据new_order, 将encoder_outs每个位置的结果
        # 和new_order指定的batch中的sent对应, 现在的encoder_outs包含了 bsz*beam大小的结果
        encoder_outs = model.reorder_encoder_out(encoder_outs, new_order)

        # initialize buffers
        # scores记录的是累加的log prob, bxz*beam x max_len+1
        scores = src_tokens.new(bsz * beam_size, max_len + 1).float().fill_(0)  
        scores_buf = scores.clone()
        # max_len不包括EOS, 开头和结尾各有一个, 所以+2
        # bsz*beam x max_len+2
        tokens = src_tokens.data.new(bsz * beam_size, max_len + 2).long().fill_(self.pad)
        tokens_buf = tokens.clone()
        tokens[:, 0] = bos_token or self.eos
        attn, attn_buf = None, None
        nonpad_idxs = None

        # list of completed sentences
        # 每个sent, 搜索到的EOS的hypo
        finalized = [[] for i in range(bsz)]
        # 每个sent是否完成搜索
        finished = [False for i in range(bsz)]
        # 每个sent的最差hypo的结果, 用于找到好的了进行替换
        worst_finalized = [{'idx': None, 'score': -math.inf} for i in range(bsz)]
        # 还有几个sent没有搜索完成
        num_remaining_sent = bsz

        # number of candidate hypos per step
        # 每个时刻在扩展的时候, 得到cand_size个候选, 把搜索到eos到放到finalized中去, 保证至少还剩beam个cand用于下次搜索
        cand_size = 2 * beam_size  # 2 x beam size in case half are EOS

        # offset arrays for converting between different indexing schemes
        # 后面需要把 bsz x cand_size 的矩阵转化成一维, 用于记录原先是哪个sent的哪个cand
        bbsz_offsets = (torch.arange(0, bsz) * beam_size).unsqueeze(1).type_as(tokens)
        cand_offsets = torch.arange(0, cand_size).type_as(tokens)

        # helper function for allocating buffers on the fly
        buffers = {}

        def buffer(name, type_of=tokens):  # noqa
            if name not in buffers:
                buffers[name] = type_of.new()
            return buffers[name]

        def is_finished(sent, step, unfinalized_scores=None):
            如果一个句子的未完成hypo的得分已经比当前完成hypo的得分差, 就不用再搜索了.
            Check whether we've finished generation for a given sentence, by
            comparing the worst score among finalized hypotheses to the best
            possible score among unfinalized hypotheses.
            assert len(finalized[sent]) <= beam_size
            if len(finalized[sent]) == beam_size:
                if self.stop_early or step == max_len or unfinalized_scores is None:
                    return True
                # stop if the best unfinalized score is worse than the worst
                # finalized one
                best_unfinalized_score = unfinalized_scores[sent].max()
                if self.normalize_scores:
                    best_unfinalized_score /= max_len ** self.len_penalty
                if worst_finalized[sent]['score'] >= best_unfinalized_score:
                    return True
            return False

        def finalize_hypos(step, bbsz_idx, eos_scores, unfinalized_scores=None):
            对每个step, 到达eos状态的hypo, 放到相应的finalize中去, 并更新finished状态.
            Finalize the given hypotheses at this step, while keeping the total
            number of finalized hypotheses per sentence <= beam_size.

            Note: the input must be in the desired finalization order, so that
            hypotheses that appear earlier in the input are preferred to those
            that appear later.

                step: current time step
                bbsz_idx: A vector of indices in the range [0, bsz*beam_size),
                    indicating which hypotheses to finalize
                eos_scores: A vector of the same size as bbsz_idx containing
                    scores for each hypothesis
                unfinalized_scores: A vector containing scores for all
                    unfinalized hypotheses
            assert bbsz_idx.numel() == eos_scores.numel()

            # clone relevant token and attention tensors
            tokens_clone = tokens.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)
            tokens_clone = tokens_clone[:, 1:step + 2]  # skip the first index, which is EOS
            tokens_clone[:, step] = self.eos
            attn_clone = attn.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)[:, :, 1:step+2] if attn is not None else None

            # compute scores per token position
            pos_scores = scores.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)[:, :step+1]
            pos_scores[:, step] = eos_scores
            # convert from cumulative to per-position scores
            pos_scores[:, 1:] = pos_scores[:, 1:] - pos_scores[:, :-1]

            # normalize sentence-level scores
            if self.normalize_scores:
                eos_scores /= (step + 1) ** self.len_penalty

            # 累积每个sent前面有多少个完成的sent, 这样得到该sent对应到最初batch中是哪个idx
            cum_unfin = []
            prev = 0
            for f in finished:
                if f:
                    prev += 1

            sents_seen = set()
            for i, (idx, score) in enumerate(zip(bbsz_idx.tolist(), eos_scores.tolist())):
                unfin_idx = idx // beam_size
                # 每个没有完成的句子, 前面有多少完成的句子, 用于确定当前句子位于最初batch中哪个位置
                sent = unfin_idx + cum_unfin[unfin_idx]

                sents_seen.add((sent, unfin_idx))

                if self.match_source_len and step > src_lengths[unfin_idx]:
                    score = -math.inf

                def get_hypo():
                    """得到hypo, 存起全部的信息."""
                    if attn_clone is not None:
                        # remove padding tokens from attn scores
                        hypo_attn = attn_clone[i][nonpad_idxs[sent]]
                        _, alignment = hypo_attn.max(dim=0)
                        hypo_attn = None
                        alignment = None

                    return {
                        'tokens': tokens_clone[i],
                        'score': score,
                        'attention': hypo_attn,  # src_len x tgt_len
                        'alignment': alignment,
                        'positional_scores': pos_scores[i],

                if len(finalized[sent]) < beam_size:
                elif not self.stop_early and score > worst_finalized[sent]['score']:
                    # replace worst hypo for this sentence with new/better one
                    worst_idx = worst_finalized[sent]['idx']
                    if worst_idx is not None:
                        finalized[sent][worst_idx] = get_hypo()

                    # find new worst finalized hypo for this sentence
                    idx, s = min(enumerate(finalized[sent]), key=lambda r: r[1]['score'])
                    worst_finalized[sent] = {
                        'score': s['score'],
                        'idx': idx,

            newly_finished = []
            for sent, unfin_idx in sents_seen:
                # check termination conditions for this sentence
                if not finished[sent] and is_finished(sent, step, unfinalized_scores):
                    finished[sent] = True
                    # 记录完成的sent对应的batch idx
            return newly_finished

        reorder_state = None
        batch_idxs = None
        for step in range(max_len + 1):  # one extra step for EOS marker
            # reorder decoder internal states based on the prev choice of beams
            if reorder_state is not None:
                if batch_idxs is not None:
                    # update beam indices to take into account removed sentences
                    # reorder_state是根据new_bsz得到的bbsz_idx, 因此要减去batch_idxs, 加上batch_idxs换算到原来的batch idx, 
                    # 因为reorder使用idx是上次的batch idx, 不是new_bsz对应的batch idx
                    corr = batch_idxs - torch.arange(batch_idxs.numel()).type_as(batch_idxs)
                    reorder_state.view(-1, beam_size).add_(corr.unsqueeze(-1) * beam_size)
                model.reorder_encoder_out(encoder_outs, reorder_state)
            # decoder一步, 得到预测的log prob和attn
            # lprobs: bsz*beam x vocab_size
            lprobs, avg_attn_scores = model.forward_decoder(tokens[:, :step + 1], encoder_outs)

            lprobs[:, self.pad] = -math.inf  # never select pad, bsz*beam x vocab_size
            lprobs[:, self.unk] -= self.unk_penalty  # apply unk penalty

            if self.no_repeat_ngram_size > 0:
                # for each beam and batch sentence, generate a list of previous ngrams
                # 指定不能有重复的ngram, 得到banned tokens
                gen_ngrams = [{} for bbsz_idx in range(bsz * beam_size)]
                for bbsz_idx in range(bsz * beam_size):
                    gen_tokens = tokens[bbsz_idx].tolist()
                    for ngram in zip(*[gen_tokens[i:] for i in range(self.no_repeat_ngram_size)]):
                        gen_ngrams[bbsz_idx][tuple(ngram[:-1])] = \
                                gen_ngrams[bbsz_idx].get(tuple(ngram[:-1]), []) + [ngram[-1]]

            # Record attention scores
            if avg_attn_scores is not None:
                if attn is None:
                    attn = scores.new(bsz * beam_size, src_tokens.size(1), max_len + 2)
                    attn_buf = attn.clone()
                    nonpad_idxs = src_tokens.ne(self.pad)
                attn[:, :, step + 1].copy_(avg_attn_scores)

            scores = scores.type_as(lprobs)
            scores_buf = scores_buf.type_as(lprobs)
            # 哪些cand是搜索到了eos
            eos_bbsz_idx = buffer('eos_bbsz_idx')
            # 对应的scores
            eos_scores = buffer('eos_scores', type_of=scores)
            if step < max_len:

                if self.no_repeat_ngram_size > 0:
                    def calculate_banned_tokens(bbsz_idx):
                        # before decoding the next token, prevent decoding of ngrams that have already appeared
                        ngram_index = tuple(tokens[bbsz_idx, step + 2 - self.no_repeat_ngram_size:step + 1].tolist())
                        return gen_ngrams[bbsz_idx].get(ngram_index, [])

                    if step + 2 - self.no_repeat_ngram_size >= 0:
                        # no banned tokens if we haven't generated no_repeat_ngram_size tokens yet
                        banned_tokens = [calculate_banned_tokens(bbsz_idx) for bbsz_idx in range(bsz * beam_size)]
                        banned_tokens = [[] for bbsz_idx in range(bsz * beam_size)]

                    for bbsz_idx in range(bsz * beam_size):
                        lprobs[bbsz_idx, banned_tokens[bbsz_idx]] = -math.inf

                if prefix_tokens is not None and step < prefix_tokens.size(1):
                    # 如果指定了prefix tokens, 就选取相应的cand_scores, cand_indices, cand_beams
                    probs_slice = lprobs.view(bsz, -1, lprobs.size(-1))[:, 0, :]
                    cand_scores = torch.gather(
                        probs_slice, dim=1,
                        index=prefix_tokens[:, step].view(-1, 1)
                    ).view(-1, 1).repeat(1, cand_size)
                    if step > 0:
                        # save cumulative scores for each hypothesis
                        cand_scores.add_(scores[:, step - 1].view(bsz, beam_size).repeat(1, 2))
                    cand_indices = prefix_tokens[:, step].view(-1, 1).repeat(1, cand_size)
                    cand_beams = torch.zeros_like(cand_indices)

                    # handle prefixes of different lengths
                    partial_prefix_mask = prefix_tokens[:, step].eq(self.pad)
                    if partial_prefix_mask.any():
                        partial_scores, partial_indices, partial_beams = self.search.step(
                            lprobs.view(bsz, -1, self.vocab_size),
                            scores.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, :step],
                        cand_scores[partial_prefix_mask] = partial_scores[partial_prefix_mask]
                        cand_indices[partial_prefix_mask] = partial_indices[partial_prefix_mask]
                        cand_beams[partial_prefix_mask] = partial_beams[partial_prefix_mask]
                    cand_scores, cand_indices, cand_beams = self.search.step(
                        lprobs.view(bsz, -1, self.vocab_size),
                        scores.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, :step],
                # make probs contain cumulative scores for each hypothesis
                lprobs.add_(scores[:, step - 1].unsqueeze(-1))

                # finalize all active hypotheses once we hit max_len
                # pick the hypothesis with the highest prob of EOS right now
                    lprobs[:, self.eos],
                    out=(eos_scores, eos_bbsz_idx),
                num_remaining_sent -= len(finalize_hypos(step, eos_bbsz_idx, eos_scores))
                assert num_remaining_sent == 0

            # cand_bbsz_idx contains beam indices for the top candidate
            # hypotheses, with a range of values: [0, bsz*beam_size),
            # and dimensions: [bsz, cand_size]
            # 将每个cand赋予一个batch*beam的index, 为了下面进行index选择和转换成一维使用
            cand_bbsz_idx = cand_beams.add(bbsz_offsets)  # bsz x cand_size

            # finalize hypotheses that end in eos
            eos_mask = cand_indices.eq(self.eos)  # bsz x cand_size 

            finalized_sents = set()  # set没有用到, 后面使用的是list的形式, 表示当前batch哪些sent完成了搜索
            if step >= self.min_len:
                # only consider eos when it's among the top beam_size indices
                # 只考虑前beam大小的, 不然考虑整个cand_size的话, beam size就不对了.
                    cand_bbsz_idx[:, :beam_size],
                    mask=eos_mask[:, :beam_size],
                if eos_bbsz_idx.numel() > 0:
                        cand_scores[:, :beam_size],
                        mask=eos_mask[:, :beam_size],
                    finalized_sents = finalize_hypos(step, eos_bbsz_idx, eos_scores, cand_scores)
                    num_remaining_sent -= len(finalized_sents)

            assert num_remaining_sent >= 0
            if num_remaining_sent == 0:
            assert step < max_len

            if len(finalized_sents) > 0:
                new_bsz = bsz - len(finalized_sents)

                # construct batch_idxs which holds indices of batches to keep for the next pass
                batch_mask = cand_indices.new_ones(bsz)  # bxz,
                batch_mask[cand_indices.new(finalized_sents)] = 0
                batch_idxs = batch_mask.nonzero().squeeze(-1)  # new_bsz,

                eos_mask = eos_mask[batch_idxs]  # new_bsz x vocab_size 
                cand_beams = cand_beams[batch_idxs]  # new_bsz x cand_size
                bbsz_offsets.resize_(new_bsz, 1)  # 取前new_bsz个
                cand_bbsz_idx = cand_beams.add(bbsz_offsets)  # new_bsz x cand_size
                cand_scores = cand_scores[batch_idxs]  # new_bsz x cand_size x vocab_size
                cand_indices = cand_indices[batch_idxs]  # new_bsz x cand_size
                if prefix_tokens is not None:
                    prefix_tokens = prefix_tokens[batch_idxs]
                src_lengths = src_lengths[batch_idxs]

                scores = scores.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(new_bsz * beam_size, -1)
                scores_buf.resize_as_(scores)  # 已经和scores在batch idx对不上了, 但是后面没用到读取的数值, 不影响
                tokens = tokens.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(new_bsz * beam_size, -1)
                if attn is not None:
                    attn = attn.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(new_bsz * beam_size, attn.size(1), -1)
                bsz = new_bsz
                batch_idxs = None

            # set active_mask so that values > cand_size indicate eos hypos
            # and values < cand_size indicate candidate active hypos.
            # After, the min values per row are the top candidate active hypos
            # 将以eos结尾的排在后面, 取前beam_size个, 作为下次的hypo进行扩展
            active_mask = buffer('active_mask')  # new_bsz x cand_size
                eos_mask.type_as(cand_offsets) * cand_size,

            # get the top beam_size active hypotheses, which are just the hypos
            # with the smallest values in active_mask
            # active_hypos: new_bsz x beam_size
            active_hypos, _ignore = buffer('active_hypos'), buffer('_ignore')
                active_mask, k=beam_size, dim=1, largest=False,
                out=(_ignore, active_hypos)

            active_bbsz_idx = buffer('active_bbsz_idx')  # new_bsz x beam_size
                cand_bbsz_idx, dim=1, index=active_hypos,
            active_scores = torch.gather(
                cand_scores, dim=1, index=active_hypos,
                out=scores[:, step].view(bsz, beam_size),

            active_bbsz_idx = active_bbsz_idx.view(-1)
            active_scores = active_scores.view(-1)

            # copy tokens and scores for active hypotheses
                tokens[:, :step + 1], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx,
                out=tokens_buf[:, :step + 1],
                cand_indices, dim=1, index=active_hypos,
                out=tokens_buf.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, step + 1],
            if step > 0:
                    scores[:, :step], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx,
                    out=scores_buf[:, :step],
                cand_scores, dim=1, index=active_hypos,
                out=scores_buf.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, step],

            # copy attention for active hypotheses
            if attn is not None:
                    attn[:, :, :step + 2], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx,
                    out=attn_buf[:, :, :step + 2],

            # swap buffers
            tokens, tokens_buf = tokens_buf, tokens
            scores, scores_buf = scores_buf, scores
            if attn is not None:
                attn, attn_buf = attn_buf, attn

            # reorder incremental state in decoder
            reorder_state = active_bbsz_idx

        # sort by score descending
        for sent in range(len(finalized)):
            finalized[sent] = sorted(finalized[sent], key=lambda r: r['score'], reverse=True)

        return finalized