当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > QueryPath > 使用案例 >



    I found some problems in QueryPath code:

    In the line 463 to 470 of the file QueryPath.php :
        If no match is found, we set an empty.
    but the setting is not the outer of foreach!
    In the line 484:
        $vals = explode(' ', $nl->item($i)->getAttribute('class'));
        $nl->item($i) is a DOMNode and there is no method getAttribute in class DOMNode.
    In line 2973:
        if ($lastDot !== FALSE && (strtolower(substr($filename, $lastDot)) == '.html'
        but many file's extension are ".htm" and not ".html". What i can do?
    In line 2788
        $test = substr($string, 0, 255);
        The variant $test is never used again from here.

