struct linger {
int l_onoff; /* 0 = off, nozero = on */
int l_linger; /* linger time */
1、设置 l_onoff为0,则该选项关闭,l_linger的值被忽略,等于内核缺省情况,close调用会立即返回给调用者,如果可能将会传输任何未发送的数据;
2、设置 l_onoff为非0,l_linger为0,则套接口关闭时TCP夭折连接,TCP将丢弃保留在套接口发送缓冲区中的任何数据并发送一个RST给对方,这种情况非正常四次挥手,不会time_wait。
参考URL: https://blog.csdn.net/Cgengzhihui/article/details/109957780
每个套接口都有一个发送缓冲区和一个接收缓冲区,使用SO_SNDBUF & SO_RCVBUF可以改变缺省缓冲区大小。
注意:缓冲区的上限不能无限大,如果超过内核设置的上限值,则以内核设置值为准(sysctl -a
udp send buffer
“we show the socket send buffer as a dashed box because it doesn’t really exist.
A UDP socket has a send buffer size (which we can change with the SO_SNDBUF socket option, Section 7.5), but this is simply an upper limit on the maximum-sized UDP datagram that can be written to the socket.
If an application writes a datagram larger than the socket send buffer size, EMSGSIZE is returned.
Since UDP is unreliable, it does not need to keep a copy of the application’s data and does not need an actual send buffer.
(The application data is normally copied into a kernel buffer
of some form as it passes down the protocol stack, but this copy is discarded by the datalink layer after the data is transmitted.)”
(UNIX® Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition: The Sockets Networking API,Pub Date: November 21, 2003)
《UNIX 网络编程第一卷》(此版本是2003年出版的,但是未查询到其它有效的文献)中的描述,针对UDP而言,利用SO_SNDBUF设置的值,是可写到该socket的UDP报文的最大值;如果当前程序接收到的报文大于send buffer size,会返回EMSGSIZE。
// SetWriteBuffer sets the size of the operating system's
// transmit buffer associated with the connection.
func (c *conn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error {
if !c.ok() {
return syscall.EINVAL
if err := setWriteBuffer(c.fd, bytes); err != nil {
return &OpError{Op: "set", Net: c.fd.net, Source: nil, Addr: c.fd.laddr, Err: err}
return nil
func setWriteBuffer(fd *netFD, bytes int) error {
err := fd.pfd.SetsockoptInt(syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_SNDBUF, bytes)
return wrapSyscallError("setsockopt", err)
我们可以看到 SetWriteBuffer函数,最终配置的系统的 SO_SNDBUF 选项。
最新版本的 Go 提供了一些新接口,net.TCPConn实现了SyscallConn,它使得你可以获取RawConn对象从而设置参数。
var la net.Addr
localAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", localIP, localPortNum)
la, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr(“udp”, localAddr)
dialer.LocalAddr = la
dialer.Timeout = time.Second
conn, err = dialer.Dial(network, dialAddr)
dialer := &net.Dialer{
Control: func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error {
return c.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
myNetSetTTL(fd, ttl)
myNetSetTOS(fd, tos)
dialer.LocalAddr = la
dialer.Timeout = time.Second
conn, err = dialer.Dial(network, dialAddr)
if err != nil {
ui.printDbg("Dial Error: %v", err)
} else {
tcpconn, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn)
if ok {
udpconn, ok := conn.(*net.UDPConn)
if ok {
err = udpconn.SetWriteBuffer(4 * 1024 * 1024)
if err != nil {
ui.printDbg("Failed to set ReadBuffer on UDP socket: %v", err)
如上代码,dialer.Dial(network, dialAddr) 获取连接对象,通过golang类型断言(在Go语言的interface中可以是任何类型,所以Go给出了类型断言来判断某一时刻接口中所含有的类。例如:x,err:=interfaceText.(T)//T是某一种类型 )判断是TCP还是UDP连接。
Go语言中如何开启 TCP keepalive?(go语言官方教程)
参考URL: https://www.finclip.com/news/f/5004.html
参考URL: https://blog.csdn.net/Cgengzhihui/article/details/109957780