
值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义
1 消息结构错
2 命令字错误
3 消息序列号重复
4 消息长度错
5 资费代码错
6 超过最大信息长
7 业务代码错
8 流量控制错
9 本网关不负责此计费号码
10 Src_ID错
11 Msg_src错
12 计费地址错
13 目的地址错
14~49 扩展

51 尚未建立连接
52 尚未成功登录
53 发送消息失败
54 超时未接收到响应消息
55 等待状态报告超时

60 保留
61 有效时间已经过期
62 定时发送时间已经过期
63 不能识别的FeeType
64 发送服务源地址鉴权失败
65 发送服务目的地址鉴权失败
66 接收服务源地址鉴权失败
67 接收服务目的地址鉴权失败
68 用户鉴权失败
69 此用户为黑名单用户
70 网络断连或目的设备关闭接口
71 超过最大节点数
72 找不到路由
73 等待应答超时
74 送SCP失败
75 送SCP鉴权等待应答超时
76 信息安全鉴权失败
77 超过最大Submit提交数
78 SPID 为空
79 业务类型为空
80 CPCode错误
81 发送接收接口重复
82 循环路由
83 超过接收侧短消息MTU
84 送DSMP重发失败
85 DSMP系统忙重发
86 DSMP系统忙,且缓存满重发
87 DSMP流控重发
88 等DSMP应答超时重发
201~240 SCP错误码
202 非神州行预付费用户
203 数据库操作失败
206 移动用户帐户数据异常
208 用户余额不足
210 超过最高欠费额
215 重复发送消息序列号msgid相同的计费请求消息
218 SCP互联失败
222 未登记的SP
232 月消费超额
241~255 SMC错误码(其中250~255为康为短消息中心错误应答映射,根据smpp3.4协议)
241 未定义
250 消息队列满
300 暂还没有设置定义255号以上错误的,建议SP查一下是否存在
错误码 含义
AAAA 网关错误码
1XXXX 消息发往SCP出错时错误码
2BBBB SCP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中BBBB为SCP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值
3XXXX 消息发往下一级ISMG出错时错误码
4CCCC 下一级ISMG返回错误应答时的错误码,其中CCCC为下一级ISMG返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值
5XXXX 消息发往SP出错时错误码
6DDDD SP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中DDDD为SP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值
7XXXX 消息发往DSMP出错时错误码
8EEEE DSMP返回错误应答时的错误码,其中EEEE为DSMP返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值
9XXXX 消息发往SMC出错时错误码
10FFFF SMC返回错误应答时的错误码,其中FFFF为SMC返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值
11XXXX 消息发往SPACE出错时错误码
12GGGG SPACE返回错误应答时的错误码,其中FFFF为SPACE返回的错误应答消息中的错误码值
Message State Final Message States Description
DELIVERED DELIVRD Message is delivered to destination
EXPIRED EXPIRED Message validity period has
DELETED DELETED Message has been deleted.
UNDELIVERABLE UNDELIV Message is undeliverable
ACCEPTED ACCEPTD Message is in accepted state(i.e. has been manually read on behalf of the subscriber by customer service)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Message is in invalid state
REJECTED REJECTD Message is in a rejected state
MA:xxxx MA:xxxx SMSC不返回响应消息时的状态报告
MB:xxxx MB:xxxx SMSC返回错误响应消息时的状态报告
MC:xxxx MC:xxxx 没有从SMSC处接收到状态报告时的状态报告
CA:xxxx CA:xxxx SCP不返回响应消息时的状态报告
CB:xxxx CB:xxxx SCP返回错误响应消息时的状态报告
DA:xxxx DA:xxxx DSMP不返回响应消息时的状态报告
DB:xxxx DB:xxxx DSMP返回错误响应消息时的状态报告
SA:xxxx SA:xxxx SP不返回响应消息时的状态报告
SB:xxxx SB:xxxx SP返回错误响应消息时的状态报告
IA:xxxx IA:xxxx 下一级ISMG不返回响应消息时的状态报告
IB:xxxx IB:xxxx 下一级ISMG返回错误响应消息时的状态报告
IC:xxxx IC:xxxx 没有从下一级ISMG处接收到状态报告时的状态报告
ID:xxxx ID:xxxx 网关ISMG内部检测错误码
ID:0020 ID:0020 SPACE用户鉴权模块鉴权用户停机或欠费错误
ID:0021 ID:0021 SPACE用户鉴权模块:用户销户错误
MI::zzzz MI::zzzz SMSC返回状态报告的状态值为EXPIRED
MJ:zzzz MJ:zzzz SMSC返回状态报告的状态值为DELETED
MK:zzzz MK:zzzz SMSC返回状态报告的状态值为UNDELIV
ML:zzzz ML:zzzz SMSC返回状态报告的状态值为ACCEPTD
MM:zzzz MM:zzzz SMSC返回状态报告的状态值为UNKNOWN
MN:zzzz MN:zzzz SMSC返回状态报告的状态值为REJECTD
MH:zzzz MH:zzzz 其它值
4.1 infoX接口断连的原因概述
A、握手超时(Enquire Link)
4.2 业务模块发送的消息协议错误
错误码 原因分析 后续操作
97001 缺省解码失败 为防止以后消息错位,接口将断连
97002 消息头错误 为防止以后消息错位,接口将断连
97003 源缓冲区不够,不处理 继续接收消息
97004 目的缓冲区不够 为防止以后消息错位,接口将断连
97005 严重协议错误 为防止以后消息错位,接口将断连
97006 协议中某字段一般性错误 只删除此消息,不断开接口
97007 接收到NACK消息 为防止以后消息错位,接口将断连
97008 接收太多的握手 接口将断连
97009 地址错误,NPI、TON不支持 只删除此消息,不断开接口
97010 时间格式错误 只删除此消息,不断开接口
97011 DCS错误 只删除此消息,不断开接口
97012 协议不支持 只删除此消息,不断开接口
97013~97999 保留

2001/05/28 15:31:03 2 ID为32的接口产生接口断连信息,对端地址: ErrCode:97001,ErrorType:0

4.3 握手或接收异常错误
错误码 原因分析 后续操作
19000 保留
19001 接收消息的Buff出了问题 接口将断连
19002 解码返回的值不对(只能是0/-1/>0) 接口将断连
19003 握手超时 接口将断连
19004 对端主动关闭Socket
19005 连接对方服务器的间隔时间,到时重连
19006 发送Login请求后,等待对方服务器的应答消息超时
19007 进行Socket底层的连接建立,等待connect函数的时间
19008 Dsmpfep read消息错误

4.4 TCP/IP的SOCKET关闭或产生异常
2001/05/28 15:32:14 2 ID为32的接口产生接口断连信息,对端地址: ErrCode:0,ErrorType:0
2001/05/30 15:49:32 2 ID为32的接口产生接口断连信息,对端地址: ErrCode:10054,ErrorType:0

错误码值 错误码标识 含义
10004 WSAEINTR Interrupted function call.
A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
10013 WSAEACCES Permission denied.
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. An example is using a broadcast address for sendto without broadcast permission being set using setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST).
10014 WSAEFAULT Bad address.
The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument of a call. This error occurs if an application passes an invalid pointer value, or if the length of the buffer is too small. For instance, if the length of an argument which is a struct sockaddr is smaller than sizeof(struct sockaddr).
10022 WSAEINVAL Invalid argument.
Some invalid argument was supplied (for example, specifying an invalid level to the setsockopt function). In some instances, it also refers to the current state of the socket - for instance, calling accept on a socket that is not listening.
10024 WSAEMFILE Too many open files.
Too many open sockets. Each implementation may have a maximum number of socket handles available, either globally, per process or per thread.
10035 WSAEWOULDBLOCK Resource temporarily unavailable.
This error is returned from operations on non-blocking sockets that cannot be completed immediately, for example recv when no data is queued to be read from the socket. It is a non-fatal error, and the operation should be retried later. It is normal for WSAEWOULDBLOCK to be reported as the result from calling connect on a non-blocking SOCK_STREAM socket, since some time must elapse for the connection to be established.
10036 WSAEINPROGRESS Operation now in progress.
A blocking operation is currently executing. Windows Sockets only allows a single blocking operation to be outstanding per task (or thread), and if any other function call is made (whether or not it references that or any other socket) the function fails with the WSAEINPROGRESS error.
10037 WSAEALREADY Operation already in progress.
An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress - i.e. calling connect a second time on a non-blocking socket that is already connecting, or canceling an asynchronous request (WSAAsyncGetXbyY) that has already been canceled or completed.
10038 WSAENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket.
An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. Either the socket handle parameter did not reference a valid socket, or for select, a member of an fd_set was not valid.
10039 WSAEDESTADDRREQ Destination address required.
A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket. For example, this error will be returned if sendto is called with the remote address of ADDR_ANY.
10040 WSAEMSGSIZE Message too long.
A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself.
10041 WSAEPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket.
A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested. For example, the ARPA Internet UDP protocol cannot be specified with a socket type of SOCK_STREAM.
10042 WSAENOPROTOOPT Bad protocol option.
An unknown, invalid or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call.
10043 WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported.
The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists. For example, a socket call requests a SOCK_DGRAM socket, but specifies a stream protocol.
10044 WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT Socket type not supported.
The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family. For example, the optional type SOCK_RAW might be selected in a socket call, and the implementation does not support SOCK_RAW sockets at all.
10045 WSAEOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported.
The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced. Usually this occurs when a socket descriptor to a socket that cannot support this operation, for example, trying to accept a connection on a datagram socket.
10046 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not supported.
The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists. Has a slightly different meaning to WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, but is interchangeable in most cases, and all Windows Sockets functions that return one of these specify WSAEAFNOSUPPORT.
10047 WSAEAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported by protocol family.
An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used. All sockets are created with an associated "address family" (i.e. AF_INET for Internet Protocols) and a generic protocol type (i.e. SOCK_STREAM). This error will be returned if an incorrect protocol is explicitly requested in the socket call, or if an address of the wrong family is used for a socket, e.g. in sendto.
10048 WSAEADDRINUSE Address already in use.
Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/IP address/port) is normally permitted. This error occurs if an application attempts to bind a socket to an IP address/port that has already been used for an existing socket, or a socket that wasn't closed properly, or one that is still in the process of closing. For server applications that need to bind multiple sockets to the same port number, consider using setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR). Client applications usually need not call bind at all - connect will choose an unused port automatically. When bind is called with a wild-card address (involving ADDR_ANY), a WSAEADDRINUSE error could be delayed until the specific address is "committed." This could happen with a call to other function later, including connect, listen, WSAConnect or WSAJoinLeaf.
10049 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL Cannot assign requested address.
The requested address is not valid in its context. Normally results from an attempt to bind to an address that is not valid for the local machine. This can also result from connect, sendto, WSAConnect, WSAJoinLeaf, or WSASendTo when the remote address or port is not valid for a remote machine (e.g. address or port 0).

10050 WSAENETDOWN Network is down.
A socket operation encountered a dead network. This could indicate a serious failure of the network system (i.e. the protocol stack that the WinSock DLL runs over), the network interface, or the local network itself.
10051 WSAENETUNREACH Network is unreachable.
A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network. This usually means the local software knows no route to reach the remote host.
10052 WSAENETRESET Network dropped connection on reset.
The connection has been broken due to "keep-alive" activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress. It can also be returned by setsockopt if an attempt is made to set SO_KEEPALIVE on a connection that has already failed.
10053 WSAECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort.
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine, possibly due to a data transmission timeout or protocol error.
10054 WSAECONNRESET Connection reset by peer.
A existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly stopped, the host is rebooted, or the remote host used a "hard close" (see setsockopt for more information on the SO_LINGER option on the remote socket.) This error may also result if a connection was broken due to "keep-alive" activity detecting a failure while one or more operations are in progress. Operations that were in progress fail with WSAENETRESET. Subsequent operations fail with WSAECONNRESET.
10055 WSAENOBUFS No buffer space available.
An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.

10056 WSAEISCONN Socket is already connected.
A connect request was made on an already connected socket. Some implementations also return this error if sendto is called on a connected SOCK_DGRAM socket (For SOCK_STREAM sockets, the to parameter in sendto is ignored), although other implementations treat this as a legal occurrence.
10057 WSAENOTCONN Socket is not connected.
A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using sendto) no address was supplied. Any other type of operation might also return this error - for example, setsockopt setting SO_KEEPALIVE if the connection has been reset.
10058 WSAESHUTDOWN Cannot send after socket shutdown.
A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call. By calling shutdown a partial close of a socket is requested, which is a signal that sending or receiving or both has been discontinued.
10060 WSAETIMEDOUT Connection timed out.
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
10061 WSAECONNREFUSED Connection refused.
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host - i.e. one with no server application running.
10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN Host is down.
A socket operation failed because the destination host was down. A socket operation encountered a dead host. Networking activity on the local host has not been initiated. These conditions are more likely to be indicated by the error WSAETIMEDOUT.
10065 WSAEHOSTUNREACH No route to host.
A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. See WSAENETUNREACH
10067 WSAEPROCLIM Too many processes.
A Windows Sockets implementation may have a limit on the number of applications that may use it simultaneously. WSAStartup may fail with this error if the limit has been reached.
10091 WSASYSNOTREADY Network subsystem is unavailable.
This error is returned by WSAStartup if the Windows Sockets implementation cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable. Users should check:
that the appropriate Windows Sockets DLL file is in the current path,
that they are not trying to use more than one Windows Sockets implementation simultaneously. If there is more than one WINSOCK DLL on your system, be sure the first one in the path is appropriate for the network subsystem currently loaded.
the Windows Sockets implementation documentation to be sure all necessary components are currently installed and configured correctly.
10092 WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED WINSOCK.DLL version out of range.
The current Windows Sockets implementation does not support the Windows Sockets specification version requested by the application. Check that no old Windows Sockets DLL files are being accessed.
10093 WSANOTINITIALISED Successful WSAStartup not yet performed.
Either the application hasn't called WSAStartup or WSAStartup failed. The application may be accessing a socket which the current active task does not own (i.e. trying to share a socket between tasks), or WSACleanup has been called too many times.
10094 WSAEDISCON Graceful shutdown in progress.
Returned by WSARecv and WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence.
10109 WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND Class type not found.
The specified class was not found.
11001 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND Host not found.
No such host is known. The name is not an official hostname or alias, or it cannot be found in the database(s) being queried. This error may also be returned for protocol and service queries, and means the specified name could not be found in the relevant database.
11002 WSATRY_AGAIN Non-authoritative host not found.
This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. A retry at some time later may be successful.
11003 WSANO_RECOVERY This is a non-recoverable error.
This indicates some sort of non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. This may be because the database files (e.g. BSD-compatible HOSTS, SERVICES or PROTOCOLS files) could not be found, or a DNS request was returned by the server with a severe error.
11004 WSANO_DATA Valid name, no data record of requested type.
The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for. The usual example for this is a hostname -> address translation attempt (using gethostbyname or WSAAsyncGetHostByName) which uses the DNS (Domain Name Server), and an MX record is returned but no A record - indicating the host itself exists, but is not directly reachable.

4.6 UNIX平台SOCKET错误码说明
错误码值 错误码标识 含义
10001 EPERM Not super-user
10002 ENOENT No such file or directory
10003 ESRCH No such process
10004 EINTR interrupted system call
10005 EIO I/O error
10006 ENXIO No such device or address
10007 E2BIG Arg list too long
10008 ENOEXEC Exec format error
10009 EBADF Bad file number
10010 ECHILD No children
10011 EAGAIN No more processes
10012 ENOMEM Not enough core
10013 EACCES Permission denied
10014 EFAULT Bad address
10015 ENOTBLK Block device required
10016 EBUSY Mount device busy
10017 EEXIST File exists
10018 EXDEV Cross-device link
10019 ENODEV No such device
10020 ENOTDIR Not a directory
10021 EISDIR Is a directory
10022 EINVAL Invalid argument
10023 ENFILE File table overflow
10024 EMFILE Too many open files
10025 ENOTTY Not a typewriter
10026 ETXTBSY Text file busy
10027 EFBIG File too large
10028 ENOSPC No space left on device
10029 ESPIPE Illegal seek
10030 EROFS Read only file system
10031 EMLINK Too many links
10032 EPIPE Broken pipe
10035 ENOMSG No message of desired type
10036 EIDRM Identifier removed
10037 ECHRNG Channel number out of range
10038 EL2NSYNC Level 2 not synchronized
10039 EL3HLT Level 3 halted
10040 EL3RST Level 3 reset
10041 ELNRNG Link number out of range
10042 EUNATCH Protocol driver not attached
10043 ENOCSI No CSI structure available
10044 EL2HLT Level 2 halted
10045 EDEADLK A deadlock would occur
10046 ENOLCK System record lock table was full
10047 EILSEQ Illegal byte sequence
10050 ENONET Machine is not on the network
10051 ENODATA no data (for no delay io)
10052 ETIME timer expired
10053 ENOSR out of streams resources
10054 ENOSTR Device not a stream
10055 ENOPKG Package not installed
10057 ENOLINK the link has been severed
10058 EADV advertise error
10059 ESRMNT srmount error
10060 ECOMM Communication error on send
10061 EPROTO Protocol error
10064 EMULTIHOP multihop attempted
10066 EDOTDOT Cross mount point (not really error)
10067 EBADMSG trying to read unreadable message
10068 EUSERS For Sun compatibilty, will not occur.
10069 EDQUOT Disc quota exceeded
10070 ESTALE Stale NFS file handle
10071 EREMOTE Too many levels of remote in path
10072 EOVERFLOW Value too large to be stored in data type
10152 ENOLOAD Cannot load required kernel module
10153 ERELOC Object file error in loading kernel module
10154 ENOMATCH Symbol matching given spec not found
10155 ENOUNLD Cannot unload kernel module
10156 EBADVER Version number mismatch for loadable kernel module
10157 ECONFIG Configured kernle resource exhausted
10158 ENOREG Cannot register required kernel module
10159 ENOUNREG Cannot unregister kernel module
10215 ENOSYM symbol does not exist in executable
10216 ENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket
10217 EDESTADDRREQ Destination address required
10218 EMSGSIZE Message too long
10219 EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
10220 ENOPROTOOPT Protocol not available
10221 EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported
10222 ESOCKTNOSUPPORT Socket type not supported
10223 EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported
10224 EPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not supported
10225 EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported by protocol family
10226 EADDRINUSE Address already in use
10227 EADDRNOTAVAIL Can't assign requested address
10228 ENETDOWN Network is down
10229 ENETUNREACH Network is unreachable
10230 ENETRESET Network dropped connection on
10231 ECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort
10232 ECONNRESET Connection reset by peer
10233 ENOBUFS No buffer space available
10234 EISCONN Socket is already connected
10235 ENOTCONN Socket is not connected
10236 ESHUTDOWN Can't send after socket shutdown
10237 ETOOMANYREFS Too many references: can't splice
10238 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out
10239 ECONNREFUSED Connection refused
10240 EREMOTERELEASE Remote peer released connection
10241 EHOSTDOWN Host is down
10242 EHOSTUNREACH No route to host
10244 EALREADY Operation already in progress
10245 EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress
10246 EWOULDBLOCK Operation would block
10247 ENOTEMPTY Directory not empty
10248 ENAMETOOLONG File name too long
10249 ELOOP Too many levels of symbolic links
10251 ENOSYS Function not implemented
10252 ENOTSUP Function not implemented
10253 ECANCELED aio request was canceled before complete

10001 EPERM Operation not permitted
10002 ENOENT No such file or directory
10003 ESRCH No such process
10004 EINTR interrupted system call
10005 EIO I/O error
10006 ENXIO No such device or address
10007 E2BIG Arg list too long
10008 ENOEXEC Exec format error
10009 EBADF Bad file descriptor
10010 ECHILD No child processes
10011 EAGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable
10012 ENOMEM Not enough space
10013 EACCES Permission denied
10014 EFAULT Bad address
10015 ENOTBLK Block device required
10016 EBUSY Resource busy
10017 EEXIST File exists
10018 EXDEV Improper link
10019 ENODEV No such device
10020 ENOTDIR Not a directory
10021 EISDIR Is a directory
10022 EINVAL Invalid argument
10023 ENFILE Too many open files in system
10024 EMFILE Too many open files
10025 ENOTTY Inappropriate I/O control operation
10026 ETXTBSY Text file busy
10027 EFBIG File too large
10028 ENOSPC No space left on device
10029 ESPIPE Invalid seek
10030 EROFS Read only file system
10031 EMLINK Too many links
10032 EPIPE Broken pipe
10033 EDOM Domain error within math function
10034 ERANGE Result too large
10035 ENOMSG No message of desired type
10036 EIDRM Identifier removed
10037 ECHRNG Channel number out of range
10038 EL2NSYNC Level 2 not synchronized
10039 EL3HLT Level 3 halted
10040 EL3RST Level 3 reset
10041 ELNRNG Link number out of range
10042 EUNATCH Protocol driver not attached
10043 ENOCSI No CSI structure available
10044 EL2HLT Level 2 halted
10045 EDEADLK Resource deadlock avoided
10046 ENOTREADY Device not ready
10047 EWRPROTECT Write-protected media
10048 EFORMAT Unformatted media
10049 ENOLCK No locks available
10050 ENOCONNECT no connection
10052 ESTALE no filesystem
10053 EDIST old, currently unused AIX errno
10055 EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress
10056 EALREADY Operation already in progress
10057 ENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket
10058 EDESTADDRREQ Destination address required
10059 EMSGSIZE Message too long
10060 EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
10061 ENOPROTOOPT Protocol not available
10062 EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported
10063 ESOCKTNOSUPPORT Socket type not supported
10064 EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported on socket
10065 EPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not supported
10066 EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported by protocol family
10067 EADDRINUSE Address already in use
10068 EADDRNOTAVAIL Can't assign requested address
10069 ENETDOWN Network is down
10070 ENETUNREACH Network is unreachable
10071 ENETRESET Network dropped connection on reset
10072 ECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort
10073 ECONNRESET Connection reset by peer
10074 ENOBUFS No buffer space available
10075 EISCONN Socket is already connected
10076 ENOTCONN Socket is not connected
10077 ESHUTDOWN Can't send after socket shutdown
10078 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out
10079 ECONNREFUSED Connection refused
10080 EHOSTDOWN Host is down
10081 EHOSTUNREACH No route to host
10082 ERESTART restart the system call
10083 EPROCLIM Too many processes
10084 EUSERS Too many users
10085 ELOOP Too many levels of symbolic links
10086 ENAMETOOLONG File name too long
10087 Directory not empty
10088 EDQUOT Disc quota exceeded
10089 ECORRUPT Invalid file system control data
10093 EREMOTE Item is not local to host
10109 ENOSYS Function not implemented POSIX
10110 EMEDIA media surface error
10111 ESOFT I/O completed, but needs relocation
10112 ENOATTR no attribute found
10113 ESAD security authentication denied
10114 ENOTRUST not a trusted program
10115 ETOOMANYREFS Too many references: can't splice
10116 EILSEQ Invalid wide character
10117 ECANCELED asynchronous i/o cancelled
10118 ENOSR temp out of streams resources
10119 ETIME I_STR ioctl timed out
10120 EBADMSG wrong message type at stream head
10121 EPROTO STREAMS protocol error
10122 ENODATA no message ready at stream head
10123 ENOSTR fd is not a stream
10124 ENOTSUP POSIX threads unsupported value
10125 EMULTIHOP multihop is not allowed
10126 ENOLINK the link has been severed
10127 EOVERFLOW value too large to be stored in data type


维测错误码 网管错误码 含义
99000 4000 保留
99001 4001 用户没有查询权限
99002 4002 用户没有修改权限
99003 4003 收到的维测协议错误(版本错误)
99004 4004 输入要操作的帐号名为空
99005 4005 帐号名错误
99006 4006 不能对高级管理帐号sa进行操作
99007 4007 输入相关帐号名不合法
99008 4008 输入帐号优先级的值不合法
99009 4009 由于系统原因添加帐号失败
99010 4010 由于系统原因添加接口失败
99011 4011 添加接口的对端地址信息输入格式错误
99012 4012 添加接口的接口类型无效(维测台版本错误)
99013 4013 用户不能删除sa下的维测接口
99014 4014 用户输入的接口ID无效
99015 4015 由于系统原因查询接口失败
99016 4016 由于系统原因,查询号段鉴权信息失败
99017 4017 号段鉴权信息所在帐号的鉴权类型无效
99018 4018 号段鉴权信息所在帐号的鉴权类型为用户鉴权
99019 4019 号段鉴权信息输入的服务类型无效
99020 4020 号段鉴权信息输入的地址类型无效
99021 4021 增加号段鉴权信息已经存在或输入号段无效
99022 4022 删除号段鉴权信息不存在
99023 4023 路由信息和帐号名不匹配
99024 4024 路由信息操作系统错误
99025 4025 删除路由的地址信息错误
99026 4026 添加路由的地址信息错误
99027 4027 添加PPS路由信息输入用户类型错误
99028 4028 接入码错误
99029 4029 SETPARAM输入服务类型为SERVICE_SMS时,没有接口
99030 4030 加载数据中心地址信息失败
99031 4031 加载错误提示信息失败
99032 4032 加载费率表失败
99033 4033 加载IP信息失败
99034 4034 加载存储转发信息失败
99035 4035 加载SP拦截信息失败
99036 4036 加载DSMP相关信息失败
99037 4037 SETPARAM输入特征字符串无效
99038 4038 GETPARAM输入服务类型为SERVICE_SMS时,没有接口
99040 4040 GETPARAM输入特征字符串无效
99041 4041 查询ServiceID时文件打开操作失败
99042 4042 查询ServiceID时文件文件长度错误
99043 4043 查询ServiceID时文件时申请内存错误
99044 4044 查询ServiceID时文件时取到的长度不是实际文件的长度
99045 4045 设置性能阀值的消息类型参数错误
99046 4046 系统非双机模式不能切换
99047 4047 动态加载不送scp的号段表失败
99048 4048 加载SP信息参数错
99049 4049 加载SP信息读取配置文件错误
99050 4050 增加跟踪失败
99051 4051 终止跟踪失败
99052 4052 增加统计任务失败
99053 4053 统计类型错误
99054 4054 统计记录错误
99055 4055 统计ID错误
99056 4056 设置网关属性错误
99057 4057 GNS路由消息空
99058 4058 获取GNS路由失败
99059 4059 错误码转换文件不存在
99060 4060 错误码转换文件格式错误
99061 4061 查询所有接口失败
99062 4062 GNS发送接口类型错误
99063 4063 非法的SPTypeID,SPTypeCfg.dat中不存在
99064 4064 非法的PROXYID
99065 4065 不能进行PROXYID的修改
99066 4066 PROXY进行数据同步失败
99067 4067 等待PROXY应答超时
99068 4068 帐号接口数据同步类型错误
99069 4069 帐号接口数据同步网关错误
99070 4070 帐号接口数据同步PROXY未激活
99071 4071 帐号接口数据同步,没有需要同步的数据
99072 4072 APP进行数据同步失败,主要指服务端接口数据和客户端接口状态同步错
99073 4073 添加内部连接接口,帐号的服务类型(或编码类型)不正确
99074~99999 保留
1.1.1 AAAA网关错误码
AAAA的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义
1 消息结构错
2 命令字错误
3 消息序列号重复
4 消息长度错
5 资费代码错
6 超过最大信息长
7 业务代码错
8 流量控制错
9 本网关不负责此计费号码
10 Src_ID错
11 Msg_src错
12 计费地址错
13 目的地址错
14~49 扩展

51 尚未建立连接
52 尚未成功登录
53 发送消息失败
54 超时未接收到响应消息
55 等待状态报告超时
56 用户鉴权时用户状态不正常

60 保留
61 有效时间已经过期
62 定时发送时间已经过期
63 不能识别的FeeType
64 发送服务源地址鉴权失败
65 发送服务目的地址鉴权失败
66 接收服务源地址鉴权失败
67 接收服务目的地址鉴权失败
68 用户鉴权失败
69 此用户为黑名单用户
70 网络断连或目的设备关闭接口
71 超过最大节点数
72 找不到路由
73 等待应答超时
74 送SCP失败
75 送SCP鉴权等待应答超时
76 信息安全鉴权失败
77 超过最大Submit提交数
78 SPID 为空
79 业务类型为空
80 CPCode错误
81 发送接收接口重复
82 循环路由
83 超过接收侧短消息MTU
84 送DSMP重发失败
85 DSMP系统忙重发
86 DSMP系统忙,且缓存满重发
87 DSMP流控重发
88 等DSMP应答超时重发
90 SGIP消息等待处理
91 SGIP协议状态报告请求标识错误
92 SGIP协议MT标识错
93 SGIP协议SP节点编号错
94 没有配置帐号

1.1.2 BBBB SCP返回的错误码
BBBB的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义 备注
0 成功
1 非神州行预付费用户 指的是计费号码在SCP中不存在,比如发送一个全球通号码到SCP
2 数据库操作失败 因数据库异常、被操作表不存在、被操作字段不存在等导致SQL语句执行失败的状态。
3 鉴权失败 保留未用
4 超过最大错误次数 保留未用
5 移动用户帐户数据异常 PPS状态异常(包括未头次使用、储值卡被封锁、储值卡进入保留期、储值卡挂失)
6 服务没有激活 指的是monet_service表的servicestate状态为未激活。
7 用户余额不足 用户余额不足扣减此次费用
8 超过包月费用上限 保留未用
9 超过最高欠费额 保留未用
10 用户已注册该项服务 保留未用
11 用户没有注册该项服务 保留未用
14 未登记的网关 只有注册的网关ID才允许登录鉴权,未注册的网关登录鉴权失败。
15 网关登录摘要错误 网关登录认证时候根据密码生成摘要与业务根据密码生成摘要不一致,大部分原因是网关的密码与SCP的配置不对
16 参数错误 保留未用
17 服务器端数据未传完 保留未用
18 重复发送消息序列号msgid相同的计费请求消息 认为重复单条扣费,则返回该状态码。SCP记录一定时间(大概48小时)的消息,如果此时间段中重复则拒绝
20 未知错误 保留未用
21 数据库错误 保留未用
22 SCP互联失败 消息发给非用户归属SCP,需要通过互联转发消息,由于信令网故障等缘故可能导致互联失败
23 数值越界 折扣>100,费率<0等
24 字段超长 保留未用
25 无相关数据 保留未用
26 数据重复 保留未用
40 未登记的SP 业务可设定对SP鉴权,未登记的SP则拒绝
41 SP帐户状态异常 SP未激活,SP状态为激活和未激活两种
42 SP无权限 保留未用
43 SP帐户已存在 保留未用
44 未登记的SP业务类型 业务可设定对SP的业务鉴权,未登记的SP的业务则拒绝
45 SP业务类型数据异常 SP的业务类型数据未激活,实际业务类型状态有激活和未激活两种。
46 SP业务类型已存在 保留未用
52 梦网用户已存在 保留未用
53 梦网用户不存在 计费号码不是梦网用户,没有进行梦网开户
54 梦网用户状态异常 梦网用户没有激活
55 签约信息已存在 保留未用
56 签约信息不存在 保留未用
57 签约数据异常 用户与SP的签约信息数据未激活等
61 月消费超额 业务可设定月消费限额,如果超额则拒绝新的扣费请求
62 单笔消费超额 业务可设定单笔消费限额,如果超额则拒绝
63 用户拒绝 保留未用
64 短消息编号已存在 网关生成的短消息编号msgid重复
65 对应扣费请求不存在 收到状态报告消息时,根据msgid查询monet_smrecord表没有找到对应的扣费记录
66 扣费请求已被确认 收到状态报告消息时,根据msgid查询monet_smrecord表的扣费记录,发现该扣费记录前面已收到过状态报告。
67 未定义的计费类型 计费消息参数type非法,不是协议定义的类型
68 未定义的编码方式 保留未用
69 包月控制计费请求失败
70 动感地带用户的月租方式不正确 用户模板表中的月租方式不是固定月结日

1.1.3 CCCC ISMG返回的错误码
CCCC的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义
1 消息结构错
2 命令字错
3 消息序号重复
4 消息长度错
5 资费代码错
6 超过最大信息长
7 业务代码错
8 流量控制错

1.1.4 DDDD SP返回的错误码
DDDD的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义

1.1.5 EEEE DSMP返回的错误码
EEEE的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义
1 未知错误
100 手机号码不存在
101 手机号码错误
102 用户停机
103 用户欠费
104 用户没有使用该业务的权限
105 业务代码错误
106 服务代码错误
107 业务不存在
108 该业务暂停服务
109 该服务种类不存在
110 该服务种类尚未开通
111 该业务尚未开通
112 SP代码错误
113 SP不存在
114 SP暂停服务
115 用户没有定购该业务
116 用户暂停定购该业务
117 该业务不能对该用户开放
118 用户已经订购了该业务
119 用户不能取消该业务
120 话单格式错误
121 没有该类业务
122 接收异常
123 业务价格为负
124 业务价格格式错误
125 业务价格超出范围
126 该用户不是神州行用户
127 该用户没有足够的余额
128 补款,冲正失败
129 用户已经是梦网用户
130 用户在BOSS中没有相关用户数据
131 BOSS系统数据同步出错
132 相关信息不存在
133 用户数据同步出错
134 SP数据同步出错
135 业务数据同步出错
136 用户密码错误
137 伪码信息错误
138 用户相关信息不存
9000 系统磁盘读写错误
9001 网络异常
9002 网络错误
9003 业务网关忙,业务网关缓存
9004 业务网关忙,并且业务网关缓冲区满,DSMP缓存,并暂时不要发送消息,等待一段时间重试
9005 DSMP忙,DSMP缓存
9006 DSMP忙,并且DSMP缓冲区满,业务网关缓存,并暂时不要发送消息,等待一段时间重试
9007 业务网关超过限制的流量
9008 DSMP异常,并不可用
9009 业务网关异常,并不可用
9010 该业务网关没有权限调用该接口消息
9011 DSMP没有权限发送该接口消息给业务网关
9012 版本不支持
9013 消息类型不对,系统不支持
9014 验证错误,无法解析SOAP和XML结构、缺少必须存在的字段,或者消息格式不正确
9015 拒绝消息,服务器无法完成请求的服务

1.1.6 FFFF SMC返回的错误码
FFFF的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义
0X00000001 – 0X0000000F 保留给SMSC厂商定义错误
0X00000010 消息长度错误
0X00000011 命令长度错误
0X00000012 消息ID无效
0X00000013 没有执行此命令的权限
0X00000014 – 0X0000001F 保留
0X00000020 无效的SYSTEMID
0X00000021 无效的密码
0X00000022 无效的SYSTEMTYPE
0X00000023 – 0X0000003F 保留
0X00000040 地址错误
0X00000041 超过最大提交数
0X00000042 超过最大下发数
0X00000043 无效的用户
0X00000044 无效的数据格式
0X00000045 创建消息失败
0X00000046 无效的短消息ID
0X00000047 数据库失败
0X00000048 取消消息失败
0X00000049 短消息状态错误
0X0000004A 替换消息失败
0X0000004B 替换消息源地址错误
0X0000004C – 0X0000005F 保留
0X00000060 无效的源地址TON
0X00000061 无效的源地址NPI
0X00000062 源地址错误
0X00000063 无效的目的地址TON
0X00000064 无效的目的地址NPI
0X00000065 目的地址错误
0X00000066 无效的定时时间
0X00000067 无效的超时时间
0X00000068 无效的ESM_CALSS
0X00000069 无效的UDLEN
0X0000006A 无效的PRI
0X0000006B 无效的Registered_delivery_flag
0X0000006C 无效的Replace_if_present_flag
0X0000006D – 0X0000007F 保留
0X00000080 指定用户已经存在
0X00000081 创建用户失败
0X00000082 用户ID错误
0X00000083 指定用户不存在
0X00000084 – 0X0000008F 保留
0X00000090 – 0X00000FFF 保留给SMSC厂商定义错误
其他 保留
1.1.7 GGGG SPACE返回的错误码
XXXX的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义
102 用户停机
103 用户欠费
2004 用户销户

1.1.8 XXXX消息发往SCP、SP、DSMP、SMC出错时错误码
XXXX的值(4位,不足4位前面补0) 含义
0051 尚未建立连接
0052 尚未成功登录
0053 发送消息失败
0054 超时未接收到响应消息
0100-0499 厂家自定义的错误码
0100 向SCP发送消息时失败
0012 发送SCP的过程中目的帐号被删除
0030 没有路由



SMPP协议 CMPP协议 错误码含义
status=0 result=0 登录成功
status=6 result=2 登录帐号名在系统不存在
status=11 result=3 登录效验密码错误
status=9 result=9 超过最大接口数(帐号限制或总数限制)
status=48 result=48 对端设备IP被限制



SMPP协议 CMPP协议 错误码含义 备注
status=0 result=0 成功
status=49 result=1 消息结构错 注:这些错误码一般不会在自己的网关出现,只可能此错误是其他网关前转过来。
status=51 result=2 命令字错
status=52 result=3 MsgID错误
status=53 result=4 消息长度错
status=54 result=5 资费代码错误
status=55 result=6 超过的最大信息长度
status=56 result=7 业务代码错误
status=57 result=8 流量控制错
status=59 result=9 前转判断错
status=58 result=10 超过了最大网关前传节点 注:网关常见错误码,这些错误码一般是消息在网关被拒绝掉而产生的。
status= 30 result=11 找不到路由
status=16 result=12 定时发送时间或有效时间错
status= 12 result=13 各种鉴权失败
status=27 result=14 应答超时
status= 19 result=15 接口无效
status=102 result=16 SCP应答超时
其它 result=17~255 短消息中心或SCP处出错
status=60 result=60 黑名单用户 D200版本才支持此特性
status=40 result=40 未登记的SP 注:SCP扣费鉴权常见错误码表,详细
status=44 result=44 未登记的SP业务类型
status=50 result=50 移动用户不存在
status=60 result=60 余额不足
status=19 result=19 无提交权限 注:短消息中心拒绝掉此消息常见错误。
status=64 result=64 地址错误
status=65 result=65 超过最大提交数
status=66 result=66 超过最大下发数


0 成功
10 无效的接口ID 注:网关常见错误码,这些错误码一般是消息在网关被拒绝掉而产生的。
12 鉴权失败
16 消息已过有效期
19 发送的接口无效
27 应答超时
30 路由错误,发送不到指定的帐号
40 未登记的SP 注:SCP扣费鉴权常见错误码表。
44 未登记的SP业务类型
50 移动用户不存在
60 余额不足
100 SCP发送错误
102 SCP应答超时
99 消息前转错误 注:其它网关对消息拒绝
19 无提交权限 注:短消息中心拒绝掉此消息常见错误。
64 地址错误
65 超过最大提交数
66 超过最大下发数
一个负数 重发消息错误 启动Msgstore有效

E_NORIGHT=12 没有权限
E_PARAMERR=16 = 0 参数错
E_NOTHISNUM=24 没有指定的号段
E_WATIACK=25 等待应答队列消息错误
E_DCS_ ERROR=26 解码时DCS有错误
E_SUBMIT_ERROR=28 向短消息中心提交消息错误
E_PARSER=29 用户输入消息解析错误
E_IF_STYLE=31 接口类型错误
E_ADDR_FOMRAT=32 地址格式错误
E_PARAM_NO=33 错误的参数类型
E_BIND_SERVICEERR=34 连接时服务类型错误
E_ADD_TRACEERR=36 增加跟踪失败
E_ADD_STATERR=38 增加统计任务失败
E_STAT_TYPEERR=39 统计类型错误
E_STAT_NUMERR=40 统计记录错误
E_USER_SEND_FAIL=42 user manager send error
E_USER_STATUS=43 用户管理状态转换错误
E_NO_PROMPT=45 无需要应答用户的消息
E_FAILED=46 一般的错误
E_IP_ERROR=48 连接设备的IP错误
E_SCP_SEND_FAIL = 100 向SCP发送消息时失败
E_SCP_SEND_TIME_OUT = 101 发送消息超时
E_GW_RESEND_ERROR = 160 从备份进程发
E_STORE_TIME_OUT= 0x80000150 在重发进程中超时
E_STORE_BACK_UP = 0x80000151 在重发进程中备份超时
E_STORE_ALREADY_EXIST = 0x80000152 备份时,ID已存在
E_STORE_NOIDLE_ENTITY = 0x80000153 查询时,ID非法
E_STORE_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT = 0x80000154 超过有效期
E_STORE_ENTITY_END = 0x80000155 短消息备份的消息处理结束
E_STORE_ALREADY_WORKING = 0x80000156 消息处在工作态,不能删除
E_STORE_CANCEL= 0x80000157 消息被Cancel
E_CMPP_NODE_NUM=10 超过了最大网关前传节点
E_CMPP_PARAMERR=12 定时发送时间或有效时间错
E_CMPP_NORIGHT=13 各种鉴权失败
E_CMPP_SUBMIT_ERR=17~255 其他错误

状态码 含义 备注
-1 状态码错误,未定义的状态码
0 成功
1 非神州行预付费用户
2 数据库操作失败
3 鉴权失败 暂不使用
4 超过最大错误次数 暂不使用
5 移动用户帐户数据异常 PPS状态异常
6 服务没有激活
7 用户余额不足
8 超过包月费用上限 暂不使用
9 超过最高欠费额 暂不使用
10 用户已注册该项服务 暂不使用
11 用户没有注册该项服务 暂不使用
12 移动用户已存在
13 网关向SMC提交短消息失败
14 未登记的网关
15 网关登录摘要错误 网关生成摘要与SCP摘要不一致。
16 参数错误
17 服务器端数据未传完 暂不使用
18 重复发送消息序列号msgid相同的单条计费请求消息 新增加(MNET2.1.D5)

20 未知错误
21 数据库错误
22 SCP互联失败
23 数值越界 折扣>100,费率<0等
24 字段超长 字符串字段长度超长
25 无相关数据 在数据库充查询不到数据
26 数据重复 表中已经存在相同关键字的数据

30 未登记的网关
31 网关登录摘要错误
32 网关已存在
33 网关帐户状态异常 网关未激活
34 不支持的摘要算法 目前仅支持MD5

40 未登记的SP
41 SP帐户状态异常 SP未激活
42 SP无权限
43 SP帐户已存在
44 未登记的SP业务类型
45 SP业务类型数据异常 SP的业务类型数据未激活
46 SP业务类型已存在

50 移动用户不存在 不存在此手机号码
51 移动用户状态异常 PPS状态异常
52 梦网用户已存在
53 梦网用户不存在
54 梦网用户状态异常
55 签约信息已存在
56 签约信息不存在
57 签约数据异常 用户与SP的签约信息数据未激活等。

60 余额不足
61 月消费超额
62 单笔消费超额
63 用户拒绝 用户拒绝付费,保留为扩展。
64 短消息编号已存在 网关生成的短消息编号重复
65 对应扣费请求不存在
66 扣费请求已被确认 收到网关重复的状态报告
67 未定义的计费类型
68 未定义的编码方式

200 未定义用户操作代码
201 未定义用户个性参数
1.1 错误码分类定义
错误类别 新增加的错误码取值 新增加的错误码含义详细解释
aaaa n1n1n1n1
… …
mbmbmbmb n1n1n1n1
… …
cccc 0151 等待状态报告超时
cbcbcbcb n1n1n1n1
… …
dbdbdbdb n1n1n1n1
… …
sbsbsbsb n1n1n1n1
… …
ibibibib n1n1n1n1
… …
idididid 0005 DSMP发送队列满(在尝试提交该消息多次后,均得到DSMP返回的DSMP忙类型应答)
0009 计费用户无权限(SP拦截功能。限制本地接入SP向省外转发消息;限制镜像接入SP向主接入SP省份转发消息。)
1240 SMMC校验失败(其他原因被SMWC过滤)
1241 SMMC校验失败(被用户屏蔽 因用户已经设置不接收来自该SP的短信而被过滤)
1242 SMMC校验失败(SMMC返回错误应答,消息内容非法)
1243 SMWC 校验失败(SMWC发现消息内容非法)
1244 SMWC 校验失败(此用户为申请停机状态)
1245 SMWC 校验失败(此用户已欠费停机状态)
1246 SMWC 校验失败(此用户已申请预销号)
1247 SMWC 校验失败(此用户已欠费预销号)
1248 SMWC 校验失败(号码禁用,禁止该用户)
1250 SMWC 校验失败(非在网用户,因用户不在白名单中而被过滤)
1251 SMWC 校验失败(缺乏订购关系,因没有该包月业务订购关系而被过滤)
给SP返回的错误代码值定义(CMPP_SUBMIT_RESP中的结果) 100 同步错误(包序号不连续)
101 尚未正确BIND(没有登录成功,就发送消息)
102 不合法的消息模式(Registered_Delivery填写非法,包月消息不允许群发)
103 不合法的数据编码(Msg_Fmt填写不符合协议规范)
104 不合法的计费类型(FeeType 填写不符合协议规范)
105 不合法的日期格式
106 目标地址数量过多
107 不合法的手机号码
108 不合法的参数
109 无路由
110 定时发送时间过大(超过系统的默认过期时间范围)
112 过期时间非法
128 不合法的计费用户类型
129 包序号越界
130 不合法的ISMG标识
131 不合法的目的网关
132 不合法的状态报告
133 未知 SMSC
134 未知 LOCAL
144 信息费填写非法
145 发送速度过快
146 目的用户重复
147 pk_number值大于pk_total
148 以CMPP3.0协议转发过来的MT消息的目的SP,在本网关配置以CMPP2.0协议接入,非法。
255 系统错误
给SMSC返回的错误代码值定义 无
给DSMP返回的错误代码值定义 100 手机号码不存在(DSMP推送过来的包月消息中的计费用户所处号段在本网关没有配置)
107 SP类型非法(DSMP推送过来的包月消息中的SP在本网关配置为以2.0协议接入)
113 SP不存在(DSMP推送的包月消息中的SP在本网关没有配置)
9003 业务网关忙(该消息等一段时间在发送给网关)
9004 业务网关缓存满
给省外ISMG返回的错误代码值定义(ibibibib) 100 同步错误(包序号不连续)
101 尚未正确BIND(没有登录成功,就发送消息)
102 不合法的消息模式(Registered_Delivery填写非法)
103 不合法的数据编码(Msg_Fmt填写问题)
104 不合法的计费类型(FeeType 填写问题)
105 不合法的日期格式
106 目标地址数量过
107 不合法的手机号码
108 不合法的参数
109 无路由
110 定时发送时间过大(超过系统的默认过期时间范围)
112 过期时间非法
128 不合法的计费用户类型
129 包序号越界
130 不合法的ISMG标识
131 不合法的目的网关
132 不合法的状态报告
133 未知 SMSC
134 未知 LOCAL
144 信息费非法
145 发送速度过快
146 目的用户重复
147 pk_number值大于pk_total
148 以CMPP3.0协议转发过来的MT消息的目的SP,在本网关配置以CMPP2.0协议接入,非法。
255 系统错误
给SCP返回的错误代码值定义 无