WebInspect has detected a potentially unsafe cache control policy for secure content. While content transmitted over an SSL/TLS channel is expected to guarantee confidentiality, administrators must ensure that caching of sensitive content is disabled unless absolutely needed. The misconception that secure content caching is disabled by default by user-agents could cause the application to fail the organization’s cache policy. An unsafe specification such as Cache-Control: public instructs the browser to persistently cache the content on the hard drive. Cache-Control with no-store in the value must be set to prevent browsers from persisting content. Browsers and intermediate proxies will still persists with the no-cache directive. However, they will revalidate the content with the server before serving content from cache. The private directive prevents intermediate proxies from caching content and can be used in addition to no-store. Missing Cache-Control policy header results in browsers caching content regardless of whether it is served over HTTP or HTTPS.
Cache-Control: no-store
add_header Cache-Control no-store;
add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
add_header Cache-Control private;
location /xx/xx{
add_header Cache-Control no-store;