Our hero Teemo is attacking an enemy Ashe with poison attacks! When Teemo attacks Ashe, Ashe gets poisoned for a exactly duration
seconds. More formally, an attack at second t
will mean Ashe is poisoned during the inclusive time interval [t, t + duration - 1]
. If Teemo attacks again before the poison effect ends, the timer for it is reset, and the poison effect will end duration
seconds after the new attack.
You are given a non-decreasing integer array timeSeries
, where timeSeries[i]
denotes that Teemo attacks Ashe at second timeSeries[i]
, and an integer duration
Return the total number of seconds that Ashe is poisoned.
Example 1:
Input: timeSeries = [1,4], duration = 2
Output: 4
Explanation: Teemo's attacks on Ashe go as follows:
- At second 1, Teemo attacks, and Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1 and 2.
- At second 4, Teemo attacks, and Ashe is poisoned for seconds 4 and 5.
Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1, 2, 4, and 5, which is 4 seconds in total.
Example 2:
Input: timeSeries = [1,2], duration = 2
Output: 3
Explanation: Teemo's attacks on Ashe go as follows:
- At second 1, Teemo attacks, and Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1 and 2.
- At second 2 however, Teemo attacks again and resets the poison timer. Ashe is poisoned for seconds 2 and 3.
Ashe is poisoned for seconds 1, 2, and 3, which is 3 seconds in total.
1 <= timeSeries.length <= 104
0 <= timeSeries[i], duration <= 107
is sorted in non-decreasing order.题意:在《英雄联盟》的世界中,有一个叫 “提莫” 的英雄。他的攻击可以让敌方英雄艾希(编者注:寒冰射手)进入中毒状态。
当提莫攻击艾希,艾希的中毒状态正好持续 duration
秒。正式地讲,提莫在 t
发起发起攻击意味着艾希在时间区间 [t, t + duration - 1]
(含 t
和 t + duration - 1
)处于中毒状态。如果提莫在中毒影响结束 前 再次攻击,中毒状态计时器将会 重置 ,在新的攻击之后,中毒影响将会在 duration
给你一个 非递减 的整数数组 timeSeries
,其中 timeSeries[i]
表示提莫在 timeSeries[i]
秒时对艾希发起攻击,以及一个表示中毒持续时间的整数 duration
返回艾希处于中毒状态的 总 秒数。
由于题目已经保证 timeSeries
使用 ans
记录上次攻击结束的时间点。对任意 timeSeries[i]
,假设其发起点为 s = timeSeries[i]
,结束点为 e = s + duration - 1
。我们针对 last
和 s
last < s
:两次攻击不重合,则有 ans += duration;
last >= s
:两次攻击重合,则有 ans += e - last;
随后更新 last
,令 last = e
要注意的一个细节是,作为上次攻击的结束点,在处理 timeSeries[i]
是一个「已被统计的时间点」。因此要将其初始化为 -1
,即使用一个比 0
小的数作为哨兵,以保证当 timeSeries[0] = 0
时,第 0
这一做法的时间复杂度为 O ( n ) O(n) O(n) ,空间复杂度为 O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1) 。
//C++ version
class Solution {
int findPoisonedDuration(vector<int>& timeSeries, int duration) {
int ans = 0, last = -1;
for (const int &s : timeSeries) {
int e = s + duration - 1;
ans += last < s ? duration : e - last;
last = e;
return ans;
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